Chapter 6 – At the Koopa Castle

"Bwahahahahahaha! At last! King Mario has no way to get out of this one! Peasant Daisy will be mine!" exclaimed King Bowser.

"Yeah, good one, pops!" said Prince Bowser Jr.

"What did I tell you about calling me pops?" Bowser asked his son.

"Um…nothing. Oh oh wait I got it! That it makes you feel old!"

Bowser gave him a glare. Then at that moment Kamek, King Bowser's royal advisor, came in the room.

"Kamek! What are you doing in here? I never ordered advisement!" Bowser scolded.

"Forgive me, my lord, but I have received an important message from my crystal ball." Kamek quickly commented.

"Your crystal ball!? You interrupted my son's lecture for your crystal ball? What, can you tell the future or something?" Bowser yelled at him.

"But, my King! This message is important! It may affect the battle we are about to have with the Mushroom Kingdom!"

"Lemme see," said Bowser.

All three glanced into the crystal ball. They saw Master Mario's castle and all the peasants working in the throneroom.

"There's my peasant Daisy, looking as beautiful as ever!" said King Bowser.

"Yes, but look closely. There is a new girl that you might be quite fond of." replied Kamek.

"Who? You mean that filthy girl in pink rags? She's pathetic! Just look at her-she just tripped over the water bucket!"

"I think she's pretty!" said Bowser Jr.

"Jr.! When did I ever let you into this converstation?"

"Uh, I'm your son!"

"So? I have six other sons! And one daughter. And they're all older than you! Why soon Ludwig will become King! Unfortunetly."

"But King dad…"

"No buts! Or I'll have yours!"

Bowser Jr. made whimpery face and walked away.

"Kamek, if you ever bother to show me anymore of this crap, I'll have you banished!" said Bowser.

"As you wish, your highness." Then Kamek left the room.

Bowser Jr. made it up to his room, where all the other royal Koopalings were spending their time. Bowser Jr. was about to do something that made the other Koopalings wonder.

"Jr., what are you up to now?" asked Lemmy.

"I'm traveling to the Mushroom Kingdom to bring back our mama!" Bowser Jr. replied.

"Yeah! Mama Daisy!" everyone yelled.

"No! It's not Mama Daisy! It's another girl I saw through Kamek's crystal ball!"

"Do you even know her name?" asked Wendy.

"Um, well…no. But I'm gonna find out!"

"Oh no you aren't!" said Ludwig. "You're staying right here where King dad told you to be."

"You're not the boss of me!" Jr. shot back.

"Uh, yes I am. I'm the oldest."

"Stop bragging Ludwig! You're gonna be the first one to die anyway!" said Roy.

"What do you kids know anyway? I have talent!" said Ludwig.

"What? Playing the piano?" asked Larry.

"Well what accomplishments have you made? Playing video games?"

"Burping my ABC's!" said Morton.

"That doesn't count!" said Ludwig.

"Then what does?" asked Iggy.

"Hey-where's Jr.?" asked Larry.

"Jr.? Jr.?" everyone called.

Little did they know, he was already heading off to the Mushroom Kingdom.

"I'll show them I can do it! And King Pops!" pouted Bowser Jr. as he walked down the path to the Mushroom Village…