So this is a rather short chapter, but I thought I'd post it anyway to give you all a bit more to chew on while I hammer out the details of this story. A big thank you to everyone who reviewed my last chapter (Starsinger, Lesza and dignedamour.) Let me know what you think-speculations on who will Impress the new queen are welcome!
Arwen, out!
Vell picked herself up in embarrassment, cheeks burning. True, the girl behind her had been the one to trip, but she felt a blush heat her face all the same. One hand strayed up to her mouth and she was about to bite down on her thumbnail when she remembered Ursina's stern remonstration and stopped. Instead she shifted nervously from foot to foot, staring at the braid of the girl in front of her while the Weyrwoman waited for everyone to regain their balance and their composure. After a moment more, she led them forward again. Vell dutifully followed and as she stepped onto the sands, the heat of the Hatching Grounds enveloped her and embraced her like the arms of a mother. She smiled faintly even as she felt sweat spring onto her skin, sliding down the hollow of her back beneath her loose tunic. Somehow, the brutal heat radiating off the golden sands filled her with contentment.
"Are you going to stand there all day?" hissed Rija, her roommate, who prodded her in the side. With a start, Vell realized that the line had moved forward and she had been left a few paces behind as she contemplated the strange, home-like feel of the Hatching Grounds. She hurried forward, wincing as the heat tore through her boots and licked at the soles of her feet. Perhaps the Hatching Ground wasn't exactly as ambivalent as she'd thought.
Arryn took a deep breath as she led the candidates closer to Maventh and the twelve gleaming eggs. She saw in relief that Maventh had relinquished her close proximity to the queen egg—the green had placed the golden egg far enough away that the candidates would not be frightened witless; but Arryn knew that if one of the girls, Faranth forbid, did something that Maventh classified as 'stupid,' the dragon would be across the sand in less time than it would take her rider to blink. As the girls neared, their steps slowed and a few stopped altogether, eyes wide at the sight of the large, protective female dragon.
"Come on, she won't bite," the Weyrwoman teased gently, but some of the girls missed the joke and looked at her in utter terror. Arryn sighed and ushered a gaggle of four girls forward. "Let's go in groups, then. You four, follow me. When you're done, you can wait or you can go back to your rooms, whichever suits you."
Maventh rumbled deep in her chest as the four girls and Arryn approached the queen egg. Arryn spared no thought for the four girls who were following her; her gaze was pinned on her dragon, every nerve in her body straining to read the green's emotions and at the same time sending waves of reassurance through their connection.
Vell noticed that the Weyrwoman was not paying attention to them. They reached the egg, then stopped. They hung back, unsure. The Weyrwoman still paid them no mind; her green eyes were fixed on her dragon, narrowed in concentration, and her lithe frame was tense. Vell took a deep breath and looked at Rija. Sweat stood out in a dark sheen across Rija's oak-colored skin; and while she hadn't hesitated in speaking her mind back when Vell had tripped, she stopped now and looked panicked at the sight of the great golden egg.
Fine, thought Vell with determination. A rush of fear and dread ran through her when she realized what she was about to do; but a thread of excitement and anticipation wove its way down her back as well. Ignoring her burning feet and praying to every ancestor she could think of, she took a step forward, exhaled, and, very gently, placed her palm upon the glistening golden shell of the queen egg.
Maventh let loose a little rumble and she lowered her wedge-shaped head a bit, almost warningly, her eyes whirling; Arryn snapped her head around and saw that a girl had laid her hand on the queen egg and had locked eyes with the green dragon. She held her breath. The girl trembled visibly, looking as though her knees were about to give way; but then Maventh harrumphed and settled back, and Arryn let her breath out, feeling as though she, too, were about to fall over.
Emboldened now, the other three girls stepped forward, all at once, jostling for position.
"Steady now," warned Arryn, regaining her voice. "Don't get too excited."
The girls heeded her stern instructions and reverently touched fingertips and palms to the warm, hard surface of the egg. The first girl, Arryn noticed, was still standing there, transfixed, gazing at the egg with such wonder that it was surprising she wasn't crying tears of joy. Arryn took note of the girl's appearance and a part of her hoped that this was the one, but a part of her protested: the younger woman was almost too perfect, her features delicate and well-formed (small nose, high cheekbones, full lips, she noted in despair); her dark hair was sleek and well-behaved even in the unbelievable heat and humidity of the Hatching Grounds. Arryn ran a hand distractedly over her own wild auburn curls. The girl standing next to the first one, the dark-skinned one, was more to her liking: solid-looking, sturdy, dependable. Benden Weyr didn't need another beauty for its goldrider, she thought. Her mouth twisted as she recalled the unfortunate circumstances that had ended the life of the last queen-rider.
The remaining candidates were beginning to fidget. Arryn quickly said, "All right, next group," and ushered the first four girls off the sands. The dark-haired one moved as if in a dream, tripping a little as she lost her balance dangerously near one of the other eggs. Arryn looked at Maventh in alarm, but the green dragon merely snorted and looked at her as if to say, I remember another girl who was that clumsy, and she turned out all right.
After another tense half hour, all the girls had had their turn at stroking the smooth shell of the golden egg, and Arryn breathed a real sigh of relief when the last of them hurried off the hot sands. Glad that's over with, she said to Maventh, who wriggled.
You didn't trust me, the green dragon said almost accusingly, affixing her rider with one whirling eye as she nudged at the queen egg, bringing it once again to nestle beneath her wing.
Oh, it wasn't that I didn't trust you, love, it was that I didn't trust themexplained Arryn hurredly, walking over and stroking Maventh's nose fondly. I knew you wouldn't do anything unless they did.
So you say, Maventh muttered. Where's Ereth? I'm still hungry.
I can get Grath or Baerth or Pertanth to bring you something, suggested Arryn, leaning against Maventh's neck.
Ereth should be the one bringing me something, replied Maventh sulkily. She sounded for all the world like a love-spurned teenager.
Oh, goodness, Mav, they've just gone to Ista for the morning! Arryn stifled a giggle, settling instead for a smile. Maventh thumped her tail on the sands in irritation. Arryn yawned. How long, do you think, love? she asked lazily.
Two, maybe three days. Maventh fanned one of the eggs with her wing. Arryn stepped into the breeze and made a sound of contentment as it blew her hair away from her face.
Will you be glad, when they've hatched? Arryn watched the green dragon keenly. She knew Maventh missed flying Thread, and loathed being stuck in the Hatching Grounds, though she was fiercely protective of her unhatched brood.
I will be glad when I can fly Thread again, like a proper fighting dragon, said Maventh decisively.
Well, you can't exactly be classified as a 'proper fighting dragon' anymore, now, can you? pointed out Arryn. Maventh shifted uncomfortably.
I do not like how everyone thinks of me differently now, the green dragon admitted. Just because I am capable of something others are not, it is no reason to think me strange.
Arryn shrugged. People like to understand things, Mav. They can't really understand you. They can't give reasons for what you're capable of, and that frightens them because they like to be in control.
Maventh stopped and looked at her rider. Do I frighten you?
The green seemed to grow smaller and younger and more unsure of herself as she asked her plaintive question.
Oh, no, love, you could never frighten me, exclaimed Arryn. She rubbed Maventh's eye-ridges. I remember when you could fit on my lap and you chased the older dragons' tails and couldn't even walk without tripping over your own wings, she said fondly. I could never be frightened of you. I love you too much.
Good. I am glad, said Maventh. She returned to fanning another egg. Just as quickly as her anxiety had manifested, it disappeared. Arryn shook her head and smiled.
"I'll be glad when we can fight again too, Mav," she murmured, moving among the eggs and grazing her knuckles over their curves. She paused and contemplated the glimmer of gold visible under Maventh's shielding wing. She would be glad when this small queen hatched, and she would be glad when the responsibility of Weyrwoman would be handed over to a proper queen-rider.
Arryn frowned, surprising herself with this last thought. But then she realized that it would be for the best; over the past months, she had learned that no matter how excellent a leader she had shown herself to be, others still regarded her as a temporary fix, a solution to a problem that would soon be solved. Some people regarded her with suspicion, a few with outright hostility; she was used to stares and whispers and rude comments when she visited other weyrs for conferences. E'tar, Weyrleader of Telgar, had outright refused to speak to her.
Then she thought that it would be rather pleasant to have some time to herself, to fly in proper drills again and flame Thread like the glorious days before Linnara's death. As she stood on the hot sands of the Hatching Grounds, Arryn realized that she had had her fill of being Weyrwoman, and she was ready to pass the role onto her successor. She thought back to the timid group of girls that had been cowed by the sight of Maventh that morning.
"Shards, I hope one of them is ready," she said to herself. She put one hand on Maventh's neck. "Because I know we are." With a sigh, she said, "I'm going to go find Ereth for you, Mav."
The green dragon rubbed her cheek against Arryn's arm and then turned back to her eggs. Arryn smiled and set off toward the Weyrbowl, determined to find T'ran if it took her the rest of the day.