Title: The Gift
Summary: Hinata decides to give her cousin what she thinks will be the 'perfect' gift. (Pairings: Naruto U & Hinata H; Neji & TenTen).
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Mishimoto does. If I owned Naruto, Sasori would've come to his senses after fighting with Chiyo-Baa-Sama & Sakura, and gone back to Suna to live happily ever after. Obviously…I don't own the series.
A/N: Thank you all for the reviews (hands out slices of cake), especially the anonymous ones and also thanks to those who read but didn't drop a line. By the way, Naruto's group is 25 years old and naturally Neji & Co are one year ahead. Anyway…on with the long, difficult to write chapter of this story:
Chapter 2: The Research (Part I)
Hinata was frustrated. It had been three and a half days since Naruto left for Suna and she was closer to finding out how to fly than discovering how to break the cursed seal. All her 'youthful energy' (as Lee would say) had been completely drained and she now sat miserably at a table in the Konoha library, going through yet another book on chakra.
'Ninjas have a circulatory system to transport chakra. Instead of having veins and arteries, chakra is transported from certain pipes and passage ways…'
"Ugh…" Hinata grunted, "I'd be an idiot if I didn't know this by now. She turned to the other book, which more concerned her, the one simply entitled 'SEALS'.
'All sealing Jutsus use symbols; there are many symbols in each seal, and many sealing Jutsus consist of many different seals, so the number of symbols increases. All those symbols accumulate into major ones, and thus once the Jutsu is performed, only a few symbols are visible. Depending on the number of the visible symbols, a seal is considered either odd or even numbered. Blah Blah Blah.'
Hinata slammed the book shut. This is getting me nowhere, she thought fiercely. Then shook her head at how easily she was getting upset, it seemed like Naruto's impatience was starting to rub off on her.
She looked up to see who the voice belonged to, and found herself staring into the eyes of her former teammate.
"Kiba-kun!" she said happily, glad to see a face rather than words on an old book. Then it occurred to her exactly who she was talking to. "What are you doing in the library?"
Inuzuka Kiba smirked at her, "Am I too stupid to be in the library Hinata?"
"N…N…No no," she stuttered out, "that's not what I meant." Her head lowered a bit. "It's just that…umm…"
"It's okay Hinata," Kiba replied, still smirking, "I'm getting a book for Shikamaru, otherwise I wouldn't be in here. What're you doing? Is that a chakra book?"
"Umm…I'm doing medical research."
"Instead of reading a book you should talk to Sakura."
"She's always so busy," Hinata responded to his suggestion, "I considered it and went by to look for her but she wasn't home and that happened twice."
"Did you check the hospital?" Kiba asked thoughtfully.
"No…because if she's there it means she's working."
"Yeah…I know." Hinata sighed deeply and Kiba looked even more thoughtful. A loud bark and noisy protests from the front distracted the pair.
"Aww man," Kiba muttered, "I told Akamaru to wait outside. Hinata good luck with your search, I've got to grab that book and go before Akamaru or worse, Shikamaru gets upset."
Before Hinata could bid a proper good-bye he was gone. She sighed and turned to another book 'Medical Ninjutsu'. Boredom will kill me before I remove that mark, she thought unhappily.
I wonder how Hinata is doing with her research, Naruto thought to himself. He was in the middle of a meeting with Gaara and the Suna council but was finding it hard to concentrate. He couldn't help feeling disappointed in himself for not fulfilling the promise he made to Neji thirteen years ago.
"I don't know about this Hyuuga destiny of hatred or whatever…but if it's too much for you, then you don't have to do anything anymore. When I become Hokage…I'll change the Hyuuga."
Yeah right, I haven't changed a thing, he thought grimlyIn fact, he had been extremely busy with all matters concerning the village, plus unfinished paperwork left by Tsunade-Baa Chan.
How was he supposed to find the time to change the Hyuuga? He felt like he didn't have enough time to even see Hinata…
…much less change the Hyuuga clan. He didn't even know where to start!
As his chief-advisor would say, this was a most troublesome affair, and Naruto was starting to dislike troublesome almost as much as he disliked having Shikamaru lazily stating obvious things to him.
A slap of sand to his head suddenly had Naruto blinking away his thoughts and looking into the unreadable face of Gaara. A glance around the table showed frustrated glares, except for a smirk from Kankuro.
"Hokage-sama," Gaara said, and being Gaara that's all he said.
"Kazekage-sama," Naruto said diplomatically, while trying to diffuse the redness of his face, "council members…gomen-nasi. Please continue." I'd better pay attention to this meeting, he thought while shoving thoughts of home aside.
Hyuuga Neji was content. He had no mission to carry out and his training that morning had been fruitful (as usual). For the present he was lying on his back in bed, eyes closed and one hand rubbing his wife's swollen abdomen. One month, he thought to himself, one month and I will have an heir. The thought brought a small smile to his lips, one that did not go unnoticed by his wife.
"Neji, you are thinking of your heir again."
"He will be a strong capable shinobi."
"She will be a kunoichi who will master weapons like her mother."
"He will excel in taijutsu," Neji continued, completely ignoring his wife's comment about the baby's gender, "and will master the Juuken (Gentle Fist) and Hakkeshou Kaiten (Divine Whirl) at an early age, even earlier than his father. His Byakugan will make him a formidable opponent."
"She may have my eyes."
"Ten-Ten," Neji stated. "I love your eyes. They are beautiful and reflect your great strength as a weapons mistress."
"She'll get my Byakugan." He stated simply.
"HA!" Ten-Ten barked out triumphantly, "You said she."
"I said 'he.'"
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"No Neji, you clearly said 'she.'"
"You're impossible." She said sulkily. He just smiled and continued to rub her abdomen.
"Neji?" she said after a moment
Ten-Ten hesitated and sensing her sudden discomfort with whatever she was thinking, Neji sat up and looked down at her. He was surprised to see her eyes glistening with tears.
"What is the matter Ten-Ten?" He asked pointedly. His surprise grew as the tears escaped and started to flow down her cheeks. He said nothing though, knowing that she would not leave him in ignorance for long. He gave her a moment to compose herself while he gently brushed away her tears.
"I love Hinata," she said, "she's become a sister of my heart."
Neji waited. His heart constricted because he had a feeling what she would say next. He watched her hands as they reached up and pulled his shirt down roughly until their faces were only inches apart. He could almost hear her teeth grating and saw the fire that lit her eyes. He stared back at her and awaited her words.
"I swear Neji," she said while gripping his shirt even tighter, "if she puts that damn cursed seal mark on my baby's face, I will kill her with the sharpest kunai I have in my weapons stock, and I don't care if you're her protector…not even you can stop me, and not Rokudaime either!" She released her grip, but Neji stayed right where he was. He knew Ten-Ten, and had anticipated this conversation.
"It is his fate as the son of a branch member to wear the seal…"
"Nejiii…" He placed his two fingers over her lips while ignoring the sudden killing intent that flooded the room.
"But I cannot bring myself to accept that as his destiny." Removing his fingers he stared into her eyes, "and I believe Naruto to be a man who keeps his word."
"Naruto?" She blinked questioningly.
"He told me thirteen years ago, that he would change the Hyuuga way after he became Hokage."
"But the Hokage can't say what should be done within a clan."
"Uzumaki Naruto will find a way." Neji smirked a bit at her before adding, "and I really don't want you to kill Hinata."
He gave her a chaste kiss, and then settled himself back into bed. He had a strong feeling that Hinata and Naruto would do the impossible and prevent his son from becoming a bird in a cage.
"Our son will also master the Juuken Hou, Hakke Rokujuu Yonshou (Gentle Fist Style, divine sixty-four strikes) by the time he is 8 years old."
"That's impossible Neji."
"Hakke Hyaku Nijuu Hachi (divine 128 strikes) at 8 and a half years"
"You're becoming an idiot."
"His Byakugan…"
"Maybe…one of her eyes will be brown and the other whitish-lilac."
Hinata was sleeping. In the library! She dreamt that she was a bird trapped in a cage. There was no way out and the bars were closing in on her. Her head suddenly felt heavy as the top of the cage was being lowered. She awoke with a start, the feeling of heaviness still lingered. Reaching up slowly, her hand made contact with a slimy mucous laden object on top of her head. In true Hinata-fashion, she fainted.
"Hinata." Her eyelids were heavy. Damn I hate fainting, she thought warily. Finally opening her eyes she stared into the eyes of a frog. Damn that Naruto!
"Uh…hello Gamikichi," she stuttered out. "Did Naruto send you?"
"Hai." He took a small scroll off his back and handed it to her. "That baka needs to stop treating me like a postboy."
"Thank you," she told him kindly, and watched as he waved good-bye before disappearing to whatever dimension he was from. She tentatively opened the scroll.
Hey Hinata, it started out and she could almost hear his voice, I have been thinking of you a lot. So much in fact that I got sand-whipped by Gaara for not paying attention in a meeting. I need divine help to get through the other meetings later today. Anyway, I think you should visit Tsunade Baa-Chan and ask her help about what you should do. STOP thinking that she's too busy to talk to you. The only thing she's busy with is sake.
Also talk to ero-sennin, he is a master when it comes to seals, and the only thing you'd be distracting him from is peeping into bath houses. However I think what you really should do is to sneak into that old guy's room and steal the scroll. You know the old guy I'm talking bout. If you're afraid to sneak in ask Ino to send a mind bird or whatever the hell it's called in there for you.
Anyway I think I see Gaara's sand seeping into my room to drag me to the next meeting. I swear…Hinata he is scarier now than when he brought out Shukaku during the Chunin exams, promise me I'll never be THAT diplomatic. Anyway, I love you Wife-chan and I'll see you in a few days.
Hinata grinned to herself. It was great hearing from Naruto and his letter had brightened her day. It had also brought something to light that she had thought of doing but never had the guts to carry it out. She had to go to him. After all, he was the chief advisor to the Hyuuga clan and was also the one responsible for passing down the Hyuuga Bunke Juinjutsu (Hyuuga Branch House Curse Seal Technique). Personally she detested him, and he detested her even more because she obviously showed distaste for the Bunke Juinjutsu. As current leader of the clan, she was yet to learn how to use the technique since she had no plans to carry it out on anyone. She wasn't going to sneak into his room though…she had a better idea, one that was much more direct. She was going to go straight to him and ask him how to remove it, but…it had to be done in a way that he wouldn't notice. She leaned back in her chair and thought out her idea.
"Hyuuga-sama?" Who was calling her? Hinata opened her eyes to see the librarian staring at her. "Hyuuga-sama, the library is closing soon." Hinata jumped up and looked around. She had fallen asleep while thinking.
"What time is it?" she asked.
"It is 9 pm Hyuuga-sama." The librarian could only look surprised as the Hyuuga heir disappeared in a cloud of smoke. All she heard before the teleportation was 'kuso'.
Hyuuga Neji met her at the gate of the compound. He slightly bowed his head.
"Hinata-sama." He said
"Neji nii-san," and before he could say anything else she rushed on, "I'm sorry if I worried you, I was in the library and lost track of time."
"I was only mildly curious," he stated, "you are no longer 12 years old."
She smiled at him, "Thank you nii-san. By the way if Hikurashi-san is still awake could you tell him that I wish to speak with him tomorrow."
Neji was surprised, if he had been anyone other than Neji his eyes might have expressed his shock.
"I will see to it," was all he said "good night Hinata-sama."
Hinata lightly kissed his cheek, "Good night Onii-san."
The kiss however could not ease the tightening of Neji's heart. Does Hinata-sama wish to learn about the Bunke Juinjutsu? Why does she want to see him? No…she wouldn't do it. There has to be another reason. But reason as he could, Neji could not stop the feeling of anxiety and dread even as he went to inquire if Hyuuga Hikurashi had retired for the night.
YOSH…I can't believe this chapter was so difficult to write. I enjoyed writing it though, and I hope everyone who reads will enjoy it too. Please review and I don't mind constructive criticisms…however my tender Hinata-like heart can't handle flames. I'll see you again in about a week with chapter 3, although I have school and two jobs…I'll manage (I hope).
Oh yes…all reviewers will get DNA modifications so they can perform ninjutsu (hehe).