Dark: Hey, Daisuke?
Daisuke: Yeah Dark?
Dark: I'm bored. Go get Satoshi and try to kill each other by shoving down your tongue down each other's throats.
Daisuke: You want us to do what?!
Dark: -smirks- you hears me. Do it.
Daisuke: I'm not gonna do it just because you want pleaseurable entertainment and because your bored.
Dark: Fine...then go make me some gosh darn it waffles!
Dark: But I'm too lazy at the moment.
Daisuke: ARGH! Fine! I'll make you the darn retarded waffles!
Dark: You know what? I don't want waffles anymore.
Daisuke: Then what DO you want?
Dark: French toast.
Daisuke: What next, you want me to go and get Riku-chan and ask her if she would want to go on a date with you?
Dark: You can DO THAT?! Why haven't you told me of this?
Daisuke: Sarcasum Dark!
Dark: oh, but can you?
Daisuke: The day that she says yes, is the day that Krad will dye the same hair color as yours.
Dark: Really? Then he'll actually have a sense of style. Instead of that blondie hair.
Krad: Whadda say Dark?
Dark: Daisuke said that's gonna go and make us waffles!
Daisuke: When did I agree to that?
Dark: Just now. Go get the waffles already!
Daisuke: -anime angry mark- Do you WANT the waffles, or NOT?!
Dark: Can I have some strawberries on top?
Daisuke: Sure! And I'll go get you a maid and then we can get Satoshi-kun and we can all play the hoky-poky!
Krad: How the halo 2 did I end up coming here?
Daisuke: Dark started it!
Dark: yeah well, Daisuke didn't want to make me waffles in the first place.
Satoshi: Who wanted waffles?
Krad: Dark did, Satoshi-sama.
Dark: And make them the way that I want them Daisuke.
Daisuke: What the # is wrong with you Dark?! I'm not gonna make you the flippin' waffles, if you keep on saying that you don't want them!
Dark: Geez Daisuke! You could've told me that in the first place!
Krad: Where have you been during the last five minutes?
Satoshi: And why waffles?
Dark: I've been here thank you very much Krad. And waffles are de'lick'ious, Creepy Boy.
Satoshi: I'm not Creepy Boy!
Krad: Your an imbacile Dark.
Dark: And there you go saying words that I have as to no clue as to what they mean!
Satoshi: How the halo 2 did we end up here?
Dark: I dUNno!
Daisuke: Here are your bloody darn waffles!
Krad: Don't do that Dark. -looks at Dark-
Dark: -shoving waffles in his mouth- What? There waffelicios!
Satoshi: -bonks Dark-
Daisuke: -pretends that he didn't bonk Dark, but he did- LALalLALALa!
Krad: -eats the waffles that Dark didn't finish eating- Hey Satoshi-sama. These are waffelicious!
Satoshi: I want some!
Daisuke: There's more inside your house, Satoshi-kun.
-everybody stops as to what they were doing, and go running to Satoshi's house-
Dark: -picks himself up- ugh, what happended? -slips on a banana peel and falls on the floor unconcious- (once again )
A/N: Another one finished! R&R!