The return of Prince of the Dark Kingdom...

It's been a long hiatus, but I'm finally making my triumphant debut back into this world. I´m also excited to announce several upcoming projects for PotDK.

I'm currently working on re-mastering the original fanfic and adapting the story into an original work. I´m also working on a PotDK Blog where I will post updates on the fanfic, the original adaptation, and exclusive sneak-peeks into a secret project I've been working on.

Over the years, many of you reached out to me with great hopes for PotDK and now is the time to make your hopes a reality.

The original story adaptation for this universe is going to be epic!

I´ve got big plans for the PotDK universe...

If you´re a writer, beta reader, artist, web designer, or have any other skills you'd like to contribute and are a fan of this series, there's loads of work to do.

If you'd like to know more, or you want to submit an application to become a member of the creative team, send me a PM or email me at my Gmail account: POTDKproject.

I look forward to hearing from you and reconnecting to new and old readers alike.

Keep the Magic Coming!