Chapter 1 the time turner
Harry was sitting on his four poster bed, when he saw something glint in the fading sunlight.
He reached over and picked it up. It was an odd necklace with an hourglass in the middle.
He spun the hourglass a few times, and then he realized what the odd necklace was. He
felt himself being dragged backwards and then he landed in a surprised James's bed.
At the same time, James and Harry cried, "What the ruddy hell!?"
After studying Harry for a moment, James remarked, "You look like me."
"Ummmmmmm…" Harry said, trying to cover up.
"No I don't? heh heh heh heh heh." "Hermionie I am going to kill you!" he muttered under his breath..
James "Who are you, and what are you doing in my bed at 3 o. clock in the morning?"
Harry "I'm Harry Pot…I mean… Smith! Yeah. Harry Smith."
The curtains covering James's bed were suddenly pulled back, to reveal Sirius Black, standing there in confusion, still half-asleep. "James what are you doing and… who is that?"
"He's Harry Smith."
"Moony get in here now!"
Remus "Hey-who are you and why do you look so much like—wait! Which one of you is James?"
Remus "Peter! Get in here, now!"
Peter, tired and confused "Whuuu… wait a sec…who is that kid and why is he in Prongs's bed?"
James "Maybe, since he looks so like me, he's mistaken himself for me! And who doesn't want to be me?"
Sirius, Remus, and Peter raised their hands.
James "Hey! I'm offended!"
Chapter 2 –Harry at Hogwarts, 1969
The following morning James and Sirius gave Harry the tour.
After telling