When I said last day earlier, I actually should have said "...last day until vacation." Just clearing up any confusion. All of you who reviewed, thanks! I hope you continue reviewing and reading. Yours truly, Majora.
Round 5 (I'm pretty sure, please excuse any mistakes, I'm writing a lot here, well at least to me I am.) (Oh yeah, this probably is going to be the last chapter, then I'll make the sequel.)
Harry, Remus, James, Serius, and Peter were planning their next move, or more accurately,
preforming their next move. They were sneaking down the hall to a trap they had set for Lily's
team. The trap was that Lily's team would go in, be ensnared and helpless, then shot with lots,
and lots of multicolored paint balls. They would then be left for the rest of the summer, trapped
in a very awkward position, covered in paint. What James didn't know, however, was that Harry
had gotten together the other Marauders, and they planned to betray James, trapping him with
Lily's team, because he had done the best prank last year on prank day, and Lupin told him how
embarrassing it was. But, unbeknownst to the others, James had planned to do the same thing to
them. They all fell into an anticipating silence, as Lily's team came rushing down, chasing the
holographic Harry that they had made. They fell right into the trap. The automated wands sprang
up and Lily's team was hoisted into the air by their feet. Then they all started to paint the girls.
Once Lily's team was thoroughly painted, the Marauders walked out from their hiding place,
turned on each other at the same time, and flicked their wands upward. The only one of them
who wasn't ensnared was James, who released Harry from the spell and they then said to the
other Marauders,"See ya next year!" and bounded off to catch the Hogwarts express. "That
traitor!" said Serius indignantly, and then released himself from the spell. "Don't worry!" he said
to Lupine and Peter "I was just joking, bye!" and with that, he ran off with James and Harry,
pausing only to release Lily from the spell, and then left with her on home. "Well, this sucks."
said Lupin gloomily. Then, happiness struck his face as he laid his eyes upon his laptop, and
a bunch of his favorite very, very, very long novels. They spent the summer as such, with Peter
bored out of his mind, and Lupin doing what he would have done anyway. Harry, Serius, James,
and Lily all had a mind boggelingly fun summer, which resulted in James and Lily officially
going out.
Well, that's the end of this story. Oh, but don't worry about the ending. There is a sequel.
Thanks for reading, Majora.