Dear Readers,
It has been more than 10 years since I have last written this story. I hope you haven't forgotten about the Love Legend. Back then, I remembered waking up everyday and looking forward to writing because I enjoy receiving reviews and hearing from all of my faithful readers. Thinking back, I wrote this story because I wanted to find true love, and I wonder how have all of you been after 10 years? Whether you are still searching for love or you have already found it, I hope your love story will be a happily ever after. I remembered receiving many reviews and emails asking me to get the story published, and after 10 years, I have finally decided to publish it on Amazon ebook. Title: Eternity, a Love Legend that Never Dies
The new edition of the Love Legend has gone through proofreading. Characters names have been changed with some new scenes and dialogues. There will be two volumes; I only have volume 1 published at the moment.
If you still remember this Love Legend, I hope to get your support and join me to revisit the journey of Eternity.
Purchase link is from Amazon. Com
(https) a . co / d / hKggGvF
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Please input Amazon. Com after (https)
(https) / dp / B07H2F6F6Q?keywords=Eternityqid=1535993596sr=1-15ref=mp_s_a_1_15
Please feel free to drop me a PM or review if you can't access the website.
Thank you very much