The King of the Labyrinth Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the Labyrinth. . A king rules a large magical place. Where things are not as they seem. This king has reined for a long time. He is all alone except for his goblins. . Then a one-day a young girl called the goblins To take her baby brother away She ran the labyrinth, and won her baby brother back. The King of the Goblins had fallen in love with the girl. He sent her and her brother back home again. . It was years later when the girl realized what she had lost. She called the goblin King to come to her. The Goblin King decided to come see her. He hoped that she felt the same way That he had felt for her for several years. She told him she was sorry for the way she acted. Then she also told him how she felt for him. . He told her of his love for her Also he knew that this love would last forever. That they would be together forever She went with him to the Labyrinth Never to be seen again aboveground.
The King of the Labyrinth by notwritten
Movies » Labyrinth Rated: K, English, Poetry & Romance, [Jareth, Sarah], Words: 195, Favs: 6, Follows: 2, Published: 10/3/2007