OK! so this is chapternumber 2! TELL ME WAT U THINK!

desclaimer: we went over this all ready! SO AIN'T PUTTIN NOTHIN!

The Cherry Hill Temple

(Normal POV)

They were all sitting in the living room of the temple around the coffee table. The scouts still hadn't returned to their alter-ego. Rini was sitting next to Serena's left and Darien to Serena's right with his arm around her waist. "Well what do you guys want to know about the future? Ask away." Rini said.

"Ok! First question." Seiya started. "Who in the world are you!?" the starlights asked in unison.

Rini grinned sheepishly. "Oh yeah I forgot I didn't actually fully introduce myself." Rini got up and bowed. "My name Serenity, Rini for short. I come from1,000 years in the future. I am Neo-Princess Serenity, but called Small Lady, daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-King Endymion" she paused for a moment pointing at Serena and Darien "the future rulers of Crystal Tokyo and this planet." Rini finished. By the time she was done the starlights were…to say the least…shocked. "Okay! Hurry up and get over it so more questions could come our way!" Rei exclaimed losing her patience.

Sammy's family's POV

Our jaws dropped in surprise. We were related to future royalty! Not only that but Rini's my neice and she's gonna be the princess while Serena and that guy are gonna be king and queen! Woah! This is cool but weird. "How do they end up becoming royalty? I mean people don't become rulers just like that." I whispered to myself but loud enough for my parents to hear.

"Sammy's right. Our baby can't just become royalty just like that. There must some more stuff going on." Ken said. "Shush! They're starting to talk again. We might get our answers" Ilene said making her husband and child be quiet.

Normal POV

"Wow" Taiki whispered. "Ok! How in the world did you guys become royalty, I mean you guys are normal except for the whole sailor scouts thing, but still?" Yaten asked. Serena and Darien sighed. "Looks like we have to tell the story one more time." Darien said. Everyone nodded. "Well you see-" Lita started but was cut off by someone. "We'll explain everything to them." a female voice said. "Yea after all you guys need a break after today" said another voice except male.

The girls turned their heads to the source of the voices. There they saw three cats. A black female cat known as Luna, a white male cat known as Artemis and a gray female kitty known as Diana. "Luna, Artemis, and Diana! What are you guys doing here!?" Serena exclaimed. Luna was going to Serena, Diana was going to Rini, and Artemis was going to Mina. "Well we were looking for you to find out if you guys had truly won and I was right" Luna said. "Yes and I was worried about you your majesties." Diana added. "Umnn…..hello! You guys still haven't answered our question." Taiki said losing his patience. "Sorry" Artemis said.

They then started to tell them about the silver millennium. About the princesses from the other planets having to protect the moon princess, Princess Serenity. They told them about everything. And how Beryl tried to destroy both planets. Queen Serenity using the Imperium Crystal to send the princess, prince and there protectors to the future. They told them about the battle between the sailor scout and Beryl in the present. But they all left out the amount of times all of them had died so far.

Serena's family's POV

They were all astonished by this information. " I can't believe those cat's could talk. No wonder Serena was always complaining about Luna. She really wasn't kidding about Luna yelling at her and the whole Luna lecturing her when she comes home late." Ilene said fascinated. "Who knew she was royalty from the past" Ken said. "Wow! This is so cool! I'm related to a Princess! And all her friend are princesses from other planets!" Sammy exclaimed. I'm surprised that they have never died or anything like that Sammy thought.

Normal POV

"Wow! Though I am amazed that you guys never died or anything like that!" Taiki said. The sailor scouts, Darien, and gardiens just looked at each other. They looked really suspicious. "You guys…haven't ever died…..Have you?" Yaten asked suspicious about the looks they were giving to each other. "Well…I guess you could say that, " murmured Mina thinking they wouldn't here that…but they did. "What do you mean?" Seiya questioned. Everyone glared at Mina for saying that cuz' now hey had to tell them. "Well you see, we did die before…a lot." Lita said. The starlights gazed at her questioningly.

" Well you see…we didn't die a lot…Serena did. The scouts, Darien, and I died and got reborn 3 times including today when we fought Galaxia. Serena on the other hand died 6 times saving the world and us." Ami explained. The starlights were astonished from that information. Darien was comforting Serena since those bad memories came back to her about how she died and how and why the others died. The scouts were also comforting their princess. Rei glared at the starlights. "Are you done with your questioning? If not too bad. We'll continue this tomorrow" Rei said.

Tsukino Family POV

By the time Rei said they were gonna meet tomorrow Serena's family had already gone home. When they entered the household they were all…..silent. They were all still in total shock from the information they have just encountered. Ken decided to break the silence.

"My daughter has died before. Why didn't she ever tell us about this stuff?" Ken questioned.

"She wanted to protect us. And besides if she were to tell us about this we, well you anyways, would forbid it. Especially since you would be finding out that when she's late coming home not only is she protecting us with the scouts….but also with her boyfriend." Ilene answered.

"Your damn right! I will not allow my daughter to prance around, in space or in this planet, in a little skirt fighting evil and doing who knows what with her fucking bastardly boyfriend!" Ken yelled at his wife.

"Oh yes you will! You need to trust our daughter! She's been doing this since the past year! I know this because all the weird stuff has been happening since Luna had showed up! And have some faith in our daughter! She would never do anything with Darien!" Ilene yelled back.

Meanwhile, Sammy was just watching his parent's stupid fight over Serena being Sailor Moon. He just couldn't believe this! He wanted so bad to yell out something at them but decide to stay quiet.

"WHAT! You expect me to trust my 15 year old daughter with a man who's 21 years old! No way! Let that girl come home! I'm gonna forbid her to be sailor moon and to never see that bastard ever again!" Ken yelled with a lot of fury.

"No you will not!" Ilene yelled back with twice as much fury! Sammy couldn't take anymore….

"STOP IT!' Sammy burst out. His parents stared at him.

"This is ridiculous! You guys are fighting over something so stupid. Dad give it up! Serena will stay as Sailor Moon. Weren't you at all paying attention to what they were saying? She will stay Sailor Moon. And how could say such things about her! Why don't you FUCKING TRUST HER! She would never to something so unspeakable like what your thinking with Darien! Not until they're married. Have some faith like mom does." Sammy was now in tears from the fact that his parents didn't trust his sister. He ran upstairs to his room.

Ilene glared at Ken. "You are sleeping on the couch tonight" Ilene said angrily and then she went to her room.

Ken went up got a pillow and blanket went back downstairs and fell asleep.

Serena's POV

After the starlights left the temple we just sat there and talked about what they may ask tomorrow.

"Well what do you think they're gonna ask tomorrow Luna?" Lita asked curiously. "Well I have the feeling that they might ask how in the world Serena and Darien became rulers of this planet in a thousand years after all no human has ever lived that long." Luna explained.

I wanna go home right now. My parents must be very worried. I wish I didn't have to keep this a secret I thought. I sighed. They heard me sigh and looked at me questioningly. "What's the matter Sere?" Darien worriedly questioned. I gave a small smile at the love in his voice. "It's nothing really." I said trying to sound convincing. But Darien didn't buy it. He knows me a little too well.

"Tell the truth Sere. We know something's bothering you!" Lita said. "Yea we're all worried about you." Diana added.

"Luna…" I paused. Luna looked at me. "…why can't I tell my parents? Please let me tell them everything. I'm getting tired of hiding these things from them!" by the time I was finished I started crying. My sweet Darien and my wonderful daughter, Rini, were comforting me. Darien pulled me into his embrace. I got out of his embrace after 2 minutes and wiped my eyes. Seeing me sad and cry like that everyone decided to gang up on Luna. 'Good ol' pals

"Yea Luna! Can't we tell our relatives once and for all!?" Mina questioned/yelled.

"Yes Luna. On this matter I must agree with the girls on this. After all my mother has been worried about me for whenever I returned home late. She's starting to get worried about my studies. So please Luna allow us to tell them once and for all!" Ami begged.

"Oh alright!" Luna finally answered. Everyone started to cheer. "Luna you can't be serious!" Artemis exclaimed.

"I am Artemis I'm afraid. But girls.." all of us looked at her. " you must explain to them that you will not stop this. For the world needs your protection. But if you know that they will object do not tell them. But if you must….you must. And besides Mina has Artemis to explain everything" Luna said in a very teasing voice. Artemis sweat dropped.

"Yup! And I have you Luna!" I said with twice as mush teasing in my voice. She sweat dropped this time. We all started to laugh. "Well anyways I better go. My parents must be worried all the way!" I exclaimed. I got up from my seat and Darien followed. "I'll walk you home" he said while coming next to me. "Come on Luna and Rini!" I said. "No we'll come later" Rini said. "Are you sure?" I asked worriedly. Darien smiled because I was worried. "Oh Serena don't you trust me! I'll get her home safely!" Luna exclaimed. I nodded then me and Darien left.

We were now walking in the park. With the moon shining like it was new with all it's love. It was shining down on us. Giving our love it's blessings. We stopped for a moment admiring the moon. I felt two arms around my waist and turned my head to see my beloved staring at me with those great midnight blue eyes that I always drown in. I turned my head and looked back at the moon. "Doesn't the moon look especially beautiful tonight!" I exclaimed.

"Yea…but not as beautiful as you." Darien replied while looking at me. I totally blushed.

Darien turned me around. I looked at him in surprise. I looked into his eyes and all I could see was happiness and a lot of love. Our faces slowly got closer and closer. And soon the gaps between our lips closed into a fiery passionate kiss. We continued to kiss like that for 5 minutes. I didn't want it to stop but we had to breath stupid lung capicity. We broke apart panting. He put one of his arms around my waist and I rested my head on his chest. We walked the rest of the way to my house like that in silence….thinking about how in the future we could be like that even more since we'll be married.

When we got to the front of my house we shared another fiery kiss. "I love you Serena!" Darien yelled while heading back to walk home. "I love you too Darien!" I yelled as I waved goodbye to him.

I walked into the house and saw what I thought I wouldn't ever see…

CLIFFY! i guess...i think...probabaly. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND PUSH THT BUTTON!