A/N Hello again! I was shopping it boots when I stumbled upon it's most bounteous hair care section and the idea for this fic was planted. It's not quite as silly as my other fics, but then again that is one particularly crack filled series! Hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: Not mine, does anything else really need to be said?
Kyrano wasn't sure how it had began, whether Scott had specially requested it or he had picked it up by his own will. All he knew was that Scott had needed shampoo and he had provided. That was when the problem had started.
The next day Virgil had taken him to one side and gently brought it to his attention. It seemed whilst it was a perfectly good option for his father and Scott it just wouldn't work for Virgil.
" See Kyrano, it's an artist thing, but trust me Scott's and my hair are completely different ends of the spectrum. Sure we both have brown hair but do you have any idea just how many different shades of brown there are? Light and dark just don't even begin to cover it."
And so he had been off the next day to get the right bottle for Virgil. And so all was right on Tracy Island. Until about a week later when he was confronted by his daughter.
"The thing is Father, after you went twice to the mainland to get shampoo Alan just didn't think it would be fair to ask you, but now I'm afraid it's getting a bit out of hand. Alan and I cannot survive on just one bottle of Herbal essence alone and to use either browns would mean to 'muck up' his own hair colour, so…"
…He had found himself yet again on a journey to bring yet another Tracy a shampoo which would not poison his own personal shade. It hadn't even been a day the next time before Scott approached him, however this time he was prepared.
"What is the matter master Scott? I have heard from Master Virgil that your hair rinse is to your approval."
Scott, at first startled by the servant's correct guess about what this was about, quickly waved his doubts away.
"Mine's fine thanks Kyrano, I just came to talk to you about John. You know he's coming back down tomorrow and, well, you know John, his hair's so peroxide it's practically white! I mean, if that's not 'light blond' I don't know what is."
So he found himself yet again preparing to depart, shaking his head at how Jeff had managed to spawn sons with such varying hair colour. It was some time later when he had finally got round to starting dinner that Gordon walked in, still wet from his swim;
"Hey Kyrano, I've just been searching for some shampoo and I couldn't help but notice…"
A/N Poor, poor Kyrano, he should have just stuck with the herbal essence shakeshead ah well, REVIEW PLEASE!