Home is where the heart is
Home is where the heart is. Just a line in lyrics of some Dutch band, but they are so true. I live that line every year, because ever since I first entered Hogwarts, I felt like home. And this year, after a year of absence I feel even more home than ever.
"'Mione don't just stand there, we got a dinner to get to!"
Typically Ginny, the only things she ever thinks about are Food and Quidditch.
"Sorry Ginny, it just... feels so good to come home."
"Well I'm hungry and I'm sure we get like an hour during speech or something to celebrate the end of the war, so the sooner you get in the sooner I get my plate full with food!"
It's sad I can see the black horses pulling the carriages; I saw a lot of people die, some of witch I killed myself. I'm not proud of killing those people, but what could I do, if I hadn't done it, I was killed myself. Kill or be Killed. God I hate wars.
"Welcome to Hogwarts to all our new students, and welcome back to the others. We've got some special announcements, but those can wait till after the feast."
"Finally... Food!"
I smiled at the sight of Ginny piling up as much food as possible before attacking it with her fork.
"You should really try those Indian chicken wings, and the fried like potatoes, there delicious."
That's why she is my favourite Weasley, the one I adore because she has table manners, well she got manners at all. Ron and his brothers always talk with their mouths full, and they never hold the door open or let you in first. Well that and the fact she is a girl.
I took some of the things Ginny suggested and some of my personal favourites like the ever delicious spare ribs, but of course I was waiting for the deserts, chocolate ice cream, caramel puddings, and the lovely Ben and Jerry weird specials of the house elves.
While I was stuffing away my last plate of chocolate/caramel ice cream, Dumbledore started his speech.
"Some of you may have noticed, but we are lacking 7th years, so therefore we haven't announced a Head Girl and Boy yet. We decided to pick two head Girls" A flood of whispers went through the room as Dumbledore bellowed.
"One of the Head Girls is a Slytherin, her name is Pansy Parkinson, the other is a Griffindor."
He got interrupted by Ginny shouting "Hermione!"
"That's right Ms Weasley, Ms Granger is our second Head Girl. They will have a special shared room connected with both the Griffindor as the Slythering common room. And now, everyone of to your warm beds."
"Fuck" There goed my plan of sleeping in the same room as Ginny, now I'm sleeping with Pansy. Not that I still hate her, she did a good job in the war, but this is not going as planned.
"Goodnight Mione"
"Goodnight Ginny"
I sighed as she started to moving towards the doors, she always walked in a certain way, I don't know how to describe it. Gosh I must've been lost in thought for some time because Pansy was waving her hand in front of my face. I turned my attention to her.
"Hermione,, you coming?"
"Sure Pansy, if you know where to go."
"Weird as it seems I do, because my cousin used to be a Head Girl, so I've been there a lot, It is at the four founders picture."
Pansy Parkinson, my former enemy for life turned in a friend for life. She was a blonde, but she dyed her hair black because she didn't want to look so much like her mother. I get that. I like her hair black, It's long, and has curls just enough. Yeah she's your Bloody Hot with a capitol H girl.
We just chatted our way to the four-founders picture. Not that the four founders are on that picture there is always one missing. Witch isn't weird, because when Godric is in the piscture Zalazar can't be their and so on. Stupid fight.
It was Godric who spoke first."Password?"
"Come in ladies."
Well we walked in the room and you could say I was quite flabbergasted.
The keywords seem to be Mahogany, red and silver. There was a lounge with two large sofa's and some lounge chairs, behind that you could see the door leading to our massive bedroom with two queen sized beds. There were two bathrooms, one silver/green for Pansy and one red/gold for me.
There also were two doors, leading to the Slytherin and the Griffindor common room. Pansy still stood in the doorpost dumbstruck, while I was checking out our personal library. Fuck I had a personal library, this was so cool!
"Pansy get that dumb look of your face girl, because this is soo gonna be the best year ever!"
Hope you liked it, let me know, kritik tips and admiration always welcome