Sorry that it took so long for updating, but it was just really busy at school and stuff, but I'm back. I hope it statisfied your expectations or at least part of them, enjoy

Confessions on a Dancefloor

"Bloody Headache"

I almost fell out of bed, because my bloody sheets won't cooperate when I've got a hangover and stuff, but that's not important. The Important Thing is, that I need to find my wand, and fast, cause this freakin' headache is killing me. Problem is the headache is causing my brain to stop thinking.

"Pansy? Do you know where I left my wand?"

Somewhere under a pile of blankets and pillows a groggy voice angrily answers:

"Maybe in your grave, where you left your voice?"

Yeah I know Pansy loves early mornings with hangovers. Oke I know my voice sounds terrible husky, and sexy, so if I find my wand, Than I'll be able to get rid of the bloody headache, and I can take advantage of my sexy hangover voice. I really hope I'll be able too perform wandless magic when alcohol is rushing trough my veins, well dragging itself up against my bloodstream but whatever.

"Accio Wand"

And a complete nothingness, Shit, well the only option left is to lie in my bed until the headache is gone, hoping I'll contain my sexy hangover voice and be able to take advantage of it.

"For pieds sake Hermione get your ass over to the bathroom, drink a lot of water, take a hot bath, or just shut The Hell Up!"

I said she liked early mornings, but uhm I must've thought out loud, that's bad.

"Bathroom sounds nice Pansy, care to join me?"

"Ooh shut up"

I dragged myself to the bathroom before Pansy would start throwing things. Guess what I found my wand, it laid on the sink. So Problem one solved, Headache gone. But no matter what the bath sounded good, so I filled the tub with really hot water and Caramel soap, stripped of my knickers and tank top and stepped into heaven, where I started thinking of better times. Like the after party mere hours ago.

With half a dozen baco's in her blood Hermione was grooving on the dancefoor. This time, not Zaidy but Lavender was dancing mere inches away from our Brunette. Hermione decided it was time she did some investigation about Lav's sexual orientation. The mere inches dissolved in half a centimetre space and the occasional bumping of shoulders, hips and arms.

Lavender slowly drew her arms around Hermione's neck.

'Bicurious? Confirmed!'

Hermione turned around feeling Lavenders breast against her back. Lavender replaced her hands to Hermione's hips, her fingers a tad too close to her crotch for a straight girls.

'Bi and into me? Confirmed'

They danced a while, Hermione's urge to kiss Lavender growing every second they danced. Hermione tried to turn around to get some acces to Lav's Lips, but Lavender Brushed away some of Hermione's hair. She brushes her lips against Hermione's neck, places a small kiss, and walks away.

I don't like the bittersweet ending of it though. Lavender left just before we had to evacuate the room because McGonnogal was on her way to give us years worth of detention.

But he, she's on the teasing path so will I be. And I'm a really good tease you know. But before I can start teasing I need to get myself to find Lav, and in order to do that, I need to get my sorry ass out of the tub.

"Hey Sexy."

"Good afternoon Good-looking"

The Great Hall was almost empty, most of the people had already eaten, or wouldn't come out their beds till late in the afternoon. Some nameless 2nd and 3rd years sat at the Gryffindor Table. I seated myself next to the only sixth year at the table, Lavender.

I didn't really fancy lunch, I just knew I could find Lavender at the Great Hall, it's her place like the library is mine.

"You like how our party worked out yesterday?"

Lavender seemed to snap out of her thoughts.

"yeah, especially the end was really entertaining"

I leaned in till I was this close to her ear, and I asked:

"Which part of the end did you liked the most?"

She shivered, and turned her head so her bright blue eyes were gazing into mine.

"The part I walked off, because I know you can't bear being teased."

I almost kissed her, but just before my lips touched hers I regained control of my body, and I walked of, like she did.

"I know you can't either"