Some people have it, other people don't

Everyone in Hogwarts has its own place, a place were they feel that bit saner, more at home than they do in the rest of the castle. For some, it's their dorm, for others it was that special place by the lake. For Lavender, it was the Great Hall where she could track down all the gossip, and talk and socialize with all the students in Hogwarts. For Harry and Ron it as the Gryffindor common room, were they sat and played a game of wizard chess, or laughed at some of Fred and George's newest pranks.

For me, it was the Library, for one because knowledge was gathered there, and I liked to be in places where knowledge was gathered, so I could gather some more knowledge. But there is more, before Ron and Harry, it was the only place where it was impossible to be picked on, due to the strict no talking rule, nobody could call me names. Still every time I walk in the Library I feel safe.

Sitting her, in one of the more comfortable chairs at what is almost my private table, I felt safe enough to think about Lavender. I allowed my mind to wander, pretending to read the newest copy of Hogwarts; A History.

I like teasing Lavender, I like seeing her, she nice, not as good looking as Pansy tough, but Lavender got what some people called the X factor. She got something that just kept you looking, even if you disliked her. She isn't your vibrant hyper active Ginny who could run a laptop with the electricity that seemed to come of her. She isn't a Pansy who always has that cute "I'm better than you" smirk on her, which made the special occasions when she did smile seem extra special. But with her light brown curly hair, not bushy like min used to be, her long athletic body, used to a life full of dancing, and her flirtatious smile too top things off, she was a looker.

I got a look at my tattoo, I hadn't paid it much attention since I was in Hogwarts, but know, It showed me whom I loved, I had to check. Well Ginny took a less prominent place in the line, and of course, Lavender was on it as well, but to my disbelief, Pansy's name was also at the list. Really faded tough but her name was there.

It was almost time for dinner, so I went back to the Great Hall, where I seated myself next to Lavender.

"Been in the Great Hall all afternoon, I suppose?"

"Yeah, I've been trying to write a letter to Parvati, but It's hard, she has such a different life, being with Ron and working and al."

"I get it, I barely have contact with Ron and Harry, they are to busy writing letters, and I don't know what to write to them, I'll talk to them during Christmas."

Looking around the Great Hall to see who else made it to dinner, I saw Ginny and Luna at the Ravenclaw table, all lovey-dovey feeding each other. I turned my gaze to the Slytherin table, where among some 5th years Pansy was moving her food around her plate, still half asleep and looking rather grouchy. She caught my eye tough and she waved, sending me a faded smile. But she didn't waved me to come over, like she used to do, and she isn't coming my way either, so I stay here, next to Lavender.

Next to my teasing object, there was Seamus, he had just arrived, and started flirting with Lavender. She seemed to go with it, totally ignoring me. Well not for long.

She gasped a little as my fingers touched her skin just above her knee. I could see she tried not to let it have affected her, but she couldn't hide it, at least not to me, Seamus didn't seem to notice her change in behavior. With one hand I tried to get all my food neatly in my mouth, and not all around the place. In the meanwhile I looked at Lavender who tried to not show what my touch did to her. With the help of Zeus, I managed to finish my plate neatly, without having to stop my teasing. Finally she caught my eye; I shot her a knowing look, and left the Great Hall. Hoping she would follow me, I slowly walked in the direction of the Library, the way to it felt so safe, as it always did. I love the hallways that lead to the Library, I just automatically walk that way. But today after turning two corners, I was pinned to the wall.

"I knew you couldn't resist me."

She shut me up by brushing her lips against mine, teasingly, before making real contact. I knew the girl could kiss, but that good, holy heaven.

Our tongues just wrestled a while, neither of us wanting to give up our chance at dominance, until oxygen became an issue. Lavender pulled away.

"See yeah Mione." She put one last kiss on my cheek and she walked away. It took me a moment to get out of my blissfull state, but not soon after her lips parted my cheek, I became frustrated.

"Fuck it Lavender, stop the fucking teasing and just fuck me!"

At that Lavender turned swirled around in her step.

"You said."

"You heard me I said stop the fucking teasing!"


I gained control of my feet, and I walked over to her.

"I said" I let my lips brush against her earlobe, and whispered in her ear, "Start the fucking me." She shivered.

"Your dorm or mine?"

"Yours, you have a private one, I share mine with Pansy remember?"

"You don't want Pansy to join in?"

"Fuck you Lavender."

"You wish."

"I will." After the last statement she took me hand and dragged me up to her room.

Waking up while someone is trailing butterfly kisses up your sides is great, when they reach your neck, it's even greater, and when you move your head so that her lips meat yours, and you share a passion filled wake up kiss, that is the greatest feeling in the world. Can you imagine how great my wake up was?

"What's the smirk about?"

"I was just thinking, last night was great."

Why had the Freefest had to be on a Saturday night, because if it had been held on a Friday night, as usual, than today would be a Sunday and I could have stayed in bed all day. But it's a bloody Monday, with me having to bloody hours of potions, in which I have to try to focus on my potions and make sure Lavender stays away from my thigh until after I finished my potion.

"What time is it?"

"About 7 o'clock."

She kisses me and grins,

"I'm going to take a shower, you join me?"

As reply I kiss her, and she drags me to her private bathroom. She turns on the shower.

"You like your water hot, don't you?" she asks.

"I like everything hot" I say cheekily. She looks me at me, and smiles. I take her outreached hand, and in one swift dancelike move, I'm under the shower with Lav, my back against her chest, in a tight embrace. I lay my head back on my shoulder, still holding her hands, and she kisses me, ever so lightly.

And another chapter up, hope you like where this is going for now.