Eragon and Saphira were flying to the Crags of Tellnair when a thought struck Eragon. What if he could go to the future and see if Galbatorix was dead?

He didn't tell Saphira because she would block him from the magic so he muttered under his breath a combination of ancient words and released the magic...

Harry was sitting under the beach tree out by the lake with Ron and Hermione when an explosion

shattered the calm air. "Death eaters!" someone shouted as Harry drew his wand...

"ERAGON WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" yelled Saphira with her mind as they landed in the middle of a lake.

Someone shouted "Death eaters!"

Eragon had no idea what a death eater was. "Has Glader taught you about anything called a death eater?" "It sounds like some sort of mythical being of evil like the Ra'zac."asked Eragon.

"No but I think they are feared."

"I just hope these people can't use magic."

"They can all of them but it's a different kind then ours for theirs requires no strength."

Eragon prepared to use magic, as bolts of multicolored lights were fired everywhere around him. When a yellow one struck him in the chest, he was blasted off Saphria's back, and into a lake.

As the figure was blasted off the dragon, Harry shot a stunning spell at him. It missed by a finger's breadth. The figure immediately swam back to the dragon and grabbed its foot. He climbed up the dragon's back with inhuman speed. Harry cast a blocking jinx in his direction, but it was deflected as the figure lifted his hand and muttered an inaudible word.

Eragon drew Zar'oc and shouted, "Brisingr!" The sword caught aflame and looked altogether impressive. He cried "Behold! I am a rider of dragons! I am a wielder of magic, and master of the blade and bow!"

Ron muttered under his breath, "Merlin, what's wrong with this bloke? Is he high or something?"

"Dunno" Harry replied.

Eragon was completely dumbfounded by their lack of response.

"Wh-why-blh-they're supposed to be terrified! I'm a dragon rider, for Pete's sake!" He commented to Saphira.

Harry shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Who uses a sword or a bow these days. And everyone uses magic here. Are you mental?"

Eragon was completely dumbfounded by this child's lack of manners. After spending nearly a year with Oromis, he was used to the politeness of elves. But this child, he couldn't even describe his rudeness.

"Oi! You, with the lightning bolt on your face! What's wrong with you? Don't you have any respect?"

Harry blushed at the insult and the careless remark about his scar. "My parents are dead and this scar is proof of it! In fact, I'm probably the most famous person here!"

"Well then that makes us one and the same then, because my parents are dead, and I happen to be the most famous person where I come from! What do you say to that, lightning-bolt-face?" Eragon jeered. It felt good to insult someone after sooooooooooooo long with the elves.

"Lightning bolt face? LIGHTNING BOLT FACE?! Where the bloody hell do you come from? What the bloody hell are you doing here? Who the bloody hell are you? Why the bloody hell are you here?