Eragon, when we get back to our world you are in soooooooooooooo much trouble said Saphira

as Eragon screamed his insult competition at said Lightning Bolt face. "At least I am not a flea

bitten raged farm boy!" screamed Lightning Bolt Face, (from now on referred to as Harry,

Lightning Bolt Face takes too long to write.) "Are you some crazy stalker or something? How

did you know that I was a farm boy?" asked Eragon, incredulous. "I guessed, idiot. Why would

someone stalk you?" screamed Harry. "Well . . . " Eragon started when Ron shouted "Death

Eaters!" Harry's attention was immediately distracted from Eragon and Eragon asked "What's a

Death Eater, some poisonous bug?" "Wrong. Heh heh heh." A smooth evil and Raz'ac sounding

voice said from behind him. Eragon, out of reflex, stabbed directly behind him and was rewarded

with a scream of pain.

Harry watched with amusement as Lucius Malfoy bent over, died, and fell off his broom, a hole

through his chest.

Then, he sent a stunning spell at Avery, and watched, also with amusement, as he fell into the

clutches of the giant squid, never to be seen again.

Eragon was then hemmed in by 10 Death Eaters, who didn't know what "Brisinger" meant.

"Take that, WHAT NOW?" screamed Eragon at the top of his lungs. CALM DOWN

Eragon, jeeze, you are going to wake the people in our world if you keep screaming like that.

Said Saphira. Sorry, said Eragon.


"I wonder where Eragon went." Said Roran. "Ah well, whatever." "Hi Roran" said Katrina.

"How did you escape the Raz'ac?" Roran asked incredulously. "Not much really, stabbed one

while it slept, sword-fought the other one." She said simply. "Wow, that was cool." Roran said.

Sorry for not updating, tell me what you think PLEASE? Well, until next time, I shall eat pie. AND, thanks to my wonderful beta, zchocolatebunniesrulezworld, for, well, her wonderful betaing. Because she is wonderful and awesome in every way. So there.