Author's Note: This story has grown and progressed in a way that I never expected, and I wanted to thank all of you for reading it. I have truly enjoyed writing it, and from my many wonderful reviews I feel like you all took pleasure from it as well. I hope everyone enjoys the ending.
Annie left Marian and John to look after Djaq as she made her way to her nephews. When she arrived she was shocked by the number of people that showed up for the wedding. She hugged Will tightly, "I have never been more proud of you, and I know that your mum and dad would feel the same." She glanced around again at all of the guests, "these people. They are the ones you help?"
Will nodded, "yes, they are."
She wiped a tear from her cheek, "I understand now. Before, your father and I couldn't understand why you stayed, why you wouldn't come to be with us. I know now. It was for all of them, and they love you for it."
Her words meant so much to him. The last time he saw his father they fought. Dan Scarlett wanted his family together and safe. He couldn't understand why it was so important for Will to stick around. The people here suffer so much, and as long as Will can help a single person, give a family one more meal, he would remain.
Annie turned to Robin, "Marian said they were on their way."
"Thank you," he smiled, "my gang, to their spots." Robin stood in the center with Will to his left followed by Alan and Much. Each man, per Marian strict orders, had bathed thoroughly, shaved, and changed into the clothes that she had laid out for them.
Marian, Djaq, and John were hidden behind tall shrubs, "are you ready," Marian asked Djaq.
Djaq smiled brightly and hugged Marian again, "thanks to you. I could not have done this without you Marian. Thank you."
"That's what friends are for," she brushed a strand of hair from her face and began walking down their make shift isle. Her eyes immediately locked on Robin's. It seemed like years since the last time she saw his smooth, shaven face. Once she got to her spot she glanced at the other men, satisfied to see they followed her orders.
When Djaq and John stepped out all eyes turned to them. She immediately felt like some specimen being studied. John noticed her tense up and become nervous. He smiled at her and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "take a deep breath and focus on Will. You are the only two here."
Djaq did as she was told. She closed her eyes breathing deeply. When they opened again they locked with Will's intense gaze. He made her feel sheltered from everyone's scrutiny. After what seemed like the longest minute of her life she finally reached her groom.
Will thought that his heart had stopped beating when he saw her. She looked so beautiful in her long dress and delicate veil. The whole world seemed to slip away as he stared at her.
John leaned down and kissed Djaq's cheek, "him I like. Take care of him, Little One," he took Will's hand and placed it on top of Djaq's before he stepped back and joined the other men.
The ceremony seemed like a dream. They barely even registered what Robin was saying to them. They were shaken from their daze as Robin cleared his throat, "Will I said, you may kiss your bride."
Will smiled at their leader and turned to his new wife. He took the thin material of her veil in between his fingers and slowly pulled it over her face. As he placed his hands on her cheeks he heard Alan groan, "I'm not being funny, but you're taking forever." Alan still felt a pang of jealousy seeing the two together, but he also knew that he didn't have a chance with Djaq. Her and Will were meant for each other.
Will rolled his eyes at Alan and turned back to his bride, "I love you Saffiyah," he whispered before he pressed his lips softly to hers. Everyone cheered and yelled causing the young couple to break apart laughing.
Marian was standing off to the side looking at her handy work. Everyone was happy, laughing, and dancing. Much was manning the buffet table stuffing his mouth almost as much as he was filling other people's plates. Alan was drinking entirely too much and flirting with anything in a skirt. Robin walked up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her, "you did a good thing today. I haven't seen so many smiles in far too long."
She smiled and leaned into her husband, "I think everyone needs to remember that good things still happen."
He kissed the top of her head, "are you starting to believe that again?" Everyone else thought Marian was back to normal. Robin knew better. She was struggling. She kept busy, but she wasn't as happy and carefree as she used to be.
She sighed, "I think so. I'm sorry things have been so strained lately my love." She turned in his embrace to face him, "maybe tonight we can sneak off somewhere?"
Robin rose an eyebrow and gave her a cheeky grin, "Marian, are you trying to seduce me?"
"Why yes Robin Hood I think I am," she smiled.
Djaq giggled as Will lifted her in his arms and carried her into the old camp. He kissed her tenderly as he put her back on her own feet. She looked around the camp her eyes falling nervously on Will's old cot as a lump formed in her throat. Will noticed her apprehension and honestly felt a bit nervous himself, "you know we don't have to. I mean it has been a long day. We could just go to sleep."
A smile tugged at her lips. How did she ever get so lucky? Will would do anything to make her happy. She took a deep breath as her shaking hands removed her veil and wreath of flowers. Will swallowed hard as he watch Djaq slowly push her dress off her shoulders. He felt his heart begin to race as the dress pooled around her ankles. His eyes roamed over every inch of her bare skin as she stood before him in the soft fire light. "Beautiful," he whispered as he walked up to her and kissed her passionately. She tasted like the sweet ale that they had been drinking earlier. His fingers tangled in her hair as he began trailing kisses down her neck and shoulders. She shivered as his free hand stroked her back making her arch into his touch.
He laughed nervously as Djaq tried to pull his shirt over his head. He took a step back and smiled at her sheepishly before he pulled his shirt over his head and begun untying his trousers until he was standing in front of her completely exposed. He watched her anxiously as her eyes roamed over his body. She walked around Will pausing when she was behind him to roam her hands over the plains of his back and shoulders. He groaned softly as she placed little kisses on his shoulder blades. He turned around to face her pressing his body against hers as he kissed her fiercely savoring the feel of skin touching skin. He lifted her small body and carried her to their bed as his calloused fingers roamed her body.
He took his time and kissed every inch of her body, "you are so beautiful."
She squirmed as his lips brushed against her hip, "no one else has ever made me feel beautiful Will Scarlett."
"Well then," he smiled, "I'll just have to tell you more often."
It was a very sweet and leisurely night as they explored each others body, fingers and lips caressing skin. Will was very slow and gentle with Djaq making sure that she felt as little discomfort as possible. Once she got over the initial pain and her body adjusted to accommodate his he began to move slowly, tenderly. Their two bodies rocked together in the firelight, passion building between them, until they both collapsed exhausted and content. Again she found herself marveling at her luck; he was everything she could have asked for. Will held his wife as she slept running his fingers through her hair. He had no idea why he had been so nervous. Everything had gone perfectly last night, and though he would never admit it to Alan or Robin, he took their advice and she did love it.
Djaq woke up groggily, stretching her swore body, "good morning my love."
"Morning," he whispered into her hair. "I think Marian left some food. Would you like breakfast?"
Djaq blushed, "maybe later," she said as she trailed kisses over his chest.
Marian woke curled up in Robin's arms and blankets. "We should head back to camp before Much starts looking for us," Robin said as he reached for their discarded clothing.
"Can we wait here," she pleaded, "just a little longer? I love the gang, but we never have time alone."
He laughed and gave her a cheeky grin, "can't get enough of me?" He kissed her softly on the forehead and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She was right. Intimate moments like this were rare. Not only did they live in a one room camp with five others, their marriage also had several other hardships to endure. He found solace in the knowledge that they were both fighters. No matter how difficult things became he knew that they would prevail as long as they were together.
Marian sat up in shock, "quick Robin, give me your hand," she took his wrist and guided his calloused fingertips across her abdomen.
He gave her a funny look, worried that his wife might have finally lost her mind when he felt the tiniest tremor. "What was that," he asked his eyes wide with curiosity and amazement.
Tears fell down her cheek as she whispered, "that was the baby," she looked up into his eyes, "that was our baby!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her husband kissing him joyously. They held each other tightly and cried. For too long now they had feared that their unborn child had not survived. They had both felt the heavy burden of guilt and grief over their loss.
As Robin held his wife he realized this war at home was far from over. Many more people would suffer, go hungry, and die before the King would return and right the world. And yet with that soft flutter of movement under Marian's skin, that gentle kick from his child, he knew that everything would be alright.
The End