Phantomgate: An O'Neill side story
Continuity fairly soon after Phantomgate: adjusting in the 7th season of Stargate SG-1
A piece of stone gargoyle dropped to the ground with a thud barely missing innocent pedestrians. O'Neill was getting mad he was angry. Skulker pulled back and launched a barrage of missiles at O'Neill. O'Neill dodged them barely they went past him and blew up an empty office. I hope no one was in there O'Neill thought as he lividly fired an ectoblast at Skulker.
"So whelp ready to be mounted on my wall?" Skulker mockingly asked.
"No!" O'Neill yelled irately as he charged at Skulker glowing energy in his hand. Before O'Neill could launch his attack skulker attacked him with a barrage of missiles O'Neill barely dodged the first few but was hit by the last couple. As he fall to the ground he saw the after math of the missiles that had missed him they had hit Bob's pizza emporium was no more all that was left was ruble, he could no tell weather any one had been there when it was hit. He was furious, O"Neill immediately flew into the air and hit skulker repeatedly over and over without relenting his emotions escalation to being outraged He finished with a final energy attack destroying skulkers suit leaving him defenseless O'Neill wrathfully sucked him into the Fenton thermos ending the dreadful battle. O'Neill went invisible and fumingly floated to the the nearest alleyway and transformed back into himself. He turned around to see the damage he had helped cause in fighting the ghost. It saddened him to see the destruction he had caused as it always had when he was a soldier. He walked away to put skulker back were he belonged.
The end
PS. I know its short hopefully they will get longer, let me
know waht you think.