Hey guys...so so so sorry I've not updated in ages. I was in a car accident, and just lifes been pretty rough lately. But I've been working none stop on some new chapters for both this story and Surrender and things should be coming along soon. I hope no ones too mad at me.

Again...so sorry.

Disclaimer: Chyeah riiiiiight, me own Harry Potter? Hah!

You Know What They Say

The next morning Draco opened his eyes to the sound of his damned alarm clock shrieking out it's unbearable sound. His hand shot out from beneath the covers to silence the annoyingly loud contraption before he threw the covers off and unhappily began his day. He wandered to the cupboard to gather up his uniform, shivering at the cool air that seemed to be settling in his room. His arms loaded up he started toward the bathroom noticing that it was again empty. He figured that Granger had either showered earlier for he knew that she woke before him, or that she'd wait until the evening.

Quickly he washed himself and his hair before stepping out and preparing his uniform. He was tying his tie when he heard Hermione in her room muttering loudly to herself. He walked to her door and opened it to see her standing within carrying a large stack of books. She hadn't noticed him standing there as she crossed the room to her desk dropping the books, all on the subjects of either dance or past Hogwarts students he'd noticed, on the desk with a thud. Swiftly he closed the door and went back to the mirror where he was tying his tie all the while thinking about the girl he'd just seen and what it was that she was researching.

Finishing up he turned and left the bathroom, wandering through his room to grab the books that he would need for that day. He could still hear her above as he hurriedly descended the stairs, moving about in her room frantically. He wondered if she wasn't running late that morning, since it was obvious she'd spent most of her time in the library before even some of the teachers were awake.

Shaking thoughts of Granger and her study habits out of his mind, he proceeded out of the portrait hole and toward the Great Hall where he was sure his friends were all waiting for him. As he walked however he was reminded that today was the deadline for his prank. He would have to come up with something before six that evening, or he would have to pay everyone ten galleons. It was a well-known fact that Draco hadn't paid them all ten galleons since their first year, and had vowed never to do it again since then. He wasn't about to break that vow because of a Weasley.

Draco arrived in the Great Hall a moment later his brain working overtime to come up with a scenario that would fit in the mode of a prank to pull. He wasn't about to try getting her in trouble for being out of bed after hours that was too juvenile for his taste. He needed something that would humiliate the girl, something that would wound her ego.

He collapsed on the bench not really hearing the greetings that he'd received but instead still caught up in the thoughts of the prank that he would pull. As he sat there however, he looked over at the table and saw the Weasley girl sitting at the table, smiling at the girls that she was chatting with. Then he saw Potter enter, and something began to form in his devilish mind.

As the different parts of the prank unfolded in his mind he realized that it was brilliant and would work for sure. He smirked inwardly as all of the aspects fell into place and he quickly pulled out a spare quill and scrap piece of parchment to jot it all down. His hand moved quick as lightning as he wrote down his plans and all the things he'd need to complete it.

"Hey mate what are you doing?"

"Figured out my prank Blaise, and it's a good one. This should destroy Weasley's happy little life for a little while at least." Draco said smirking.

"Remember tonight at six." Blaise said promptly dropping the subject.

Breakfast ended with Draco stuffing the paper into his bag and hurrying to his first class of the day. He barely paid any attention to anything the teacher droned on about for he was to busy putting the finishing touches on his plan and trying his hardest to keep his mind off of Granger.

He instead filled his head with thoughts of Potter and Weasley and how this prank would break up their happy little relationship. There would be a slim chance that the Weaselette would either figure it out, or the prank would somehow not work, but slim was the key word. The prank was pure genius and he was already assuring himself that it would work.

"Mr. Malfoy." Called Professor McGonagall.

"Yes Professor?" he asked as he rose with his friends to leave the class.

"I need someone to take these papers down to Madam Pomfrey. I've volunteered you." She said curtly holding out a small stack of papers.

Draco slung his bag over his shoulder and walked forward. Blaise stood in the doorway waiting for him as he approached the professor who was also writing out a small pass for him to be excused for his lateness. Draco took the papers and the pass without a word and joined his friend in the hall outside.

"Why do I get stuck doing stupid things like this? There are hundreds of house elves in this school." Draco complained looking down at the papers. It seemed to be a load of work, for students he supposed were in the infirmary for the day.

"Probably because you were spaced out all during class. What's gotten into you? Thinking about Granger again?"

"Blaise that's not even remotely funny." Draco mumbled.

"You think I'm dense don't you. I can see how you're looking at her all the time. The way you predicted what she would do with her lip yesterday only proves my point. You want her mate."

"Merlin you're revolting!" Draco cried as they descended the stairs.

"It's completely obvious. I'm surprised she hasn't said anything." Blaise said smirking at his friend's obvious embarrassment and discomfort.

"She wouldn't notice. She's constantly thinking about someone else, the person she's in love with."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Blaise asked stopping in his tracks.

"Supposedly, according to the Weasley girl, Mudblood Granger's in love with someone. Don't know anything about him, didn't overhear that part, but I know something's up with her because she's constantly staring off into space, and she was talking to herself about him yesterday after we practiced in our dorm."

"You overheard that she's in love with someone?" Blaise asked smirking.

"Yesterday when I went over to the Gryffindor table. She hasn't denied it, but she hasn't confirmed it either. It's funny, but I kind of know how she feels, cause she's constantly got this guy on her mind, and I constantly have her on my mind."

"Mate, you're losing it." Blaise said starting down the hall again.

"I know Blaise. I know." He sighed before chuckling at his comment.

They continued on in silence, Blaise heading down another flight of stairs while Draco wandered further down the hall and taking a short cut behind a tapestry. He came out in an empty corridor not far away from the infirmary. It was only just around the corner.

As he rounded however he collided with someone else and fell roughly to the floor his papers flying about. They fluttered gently to the ground around him as he regained his composure and glanced at the student lying flat on their back before him. The enormous books they'd been carrying had flown just like the papers; only they didn't gently fall to the ground. Instead they dropped viciously slamming into whatever sat in their path, which in this case was the Head Girl.

Two had landed on her stomach the others strewn about her head. Her head was lying, turned to the right to face the wall, blood trickling slowly from her nose where one of the books must have hit her. It was evident that she'd been hit many times by the thick leather bound volumes for she was not conscious. Draco stared for but a moment before calling out for the mediwitch.

"Madam Pomfrey, help!"

In a moment a woman appeared through the double doors of the infirmary looking disgruntled. She was using her apron to wipe off her hands when she saw the mess on the floor near the corner. She immediately rushed over and looked down at Hermione with wide eyes.

"What happened?" she asked her voice commanding yet gentle.

"I was coming from that way and she was coming from this way. We collided around the corner. Her books flew up and landed on her." Draco said gathering up the papers.

"Help me with them." She said indicating the enormous volumes that lay scattered about.

Draco pulled out his wand and used it to neatly stack the books by Hermione's feet, getting a better view of the damage. Her nose was indeed bleeding, as was the tiny cut just above her left eyebrow. A bruise was forming slowly, the black and bluish tint already beginning to show, on her cheek. Her curls were spread on the floor around her as Madam Pomfrey took her pulse and sighed. She then pulled out her wand and waved it making Hermione's body rise off the floor and float beside her into the infirmary.

Draco used his wand to make the stack of books float along behind him as he followed the Head Girl and the mediwitch into the infirmary. The other students that lay around in the beds with the white cotton sheets stared on confused and surprised at the sight. Hermione was dripping blood on the floor as she hovered over to a bed boxed off on it's own with curtains. Draco stacked the books on the floor at the end of the bed and watched as Madam Pomfrey bustled about.

She used a damp white towel to clean around the cut on Hermione's forehead before cleaning it and healing it. She then turned her attention upon the nosebleed before she noticed the Head Boy standing at the end of the bed watching her work.

"You may leave now Mr. Malfoy." She said briskly.

"I was sent to give you these papers." He said holding them out.

"Put them on my desk then hurry along. You'll be late for class."

Draco wandered through the lines of beds towards the woman's office. He poked his head within and tossed the stack of papers on her desk, which was neatly kept and clean. He then turned to leave, passing the bed where his dancing partner laid unconscious. He held the pass tightly in his hand as he opened the door and left, not even glancing back.

He appeared in class a few minutes later, only ten minutes late. The teacher asked him why it had taken so long to deliver papers, but Draco merely shook his head and said that there had been an incident in the infirmary. Professor Flitwick seemed to accept this for he didn't ask any more questions before waving Draco to his seat and continuing with his lecture.

As Draco seated himself beside Blaise, spreading his books out and looking as if he were preparing to do work, the boy beside him leaned in and asked him what had happened. Draco sent the boy a smirk, which only alerted him that the information would be good, and quite entertaining.

"All right class," Flitwick called after another ten minutes of lecturing. "Pair off and practice."

"What happened mate?" Blaise demanded as they began to practice the colour-changing spell that they'd learned about.

"I was on my way to the infirmary. I turned the corner and was feet from the door, but when I rounded the bloody corner I hit someone. Papers were everywhere. When I sat up I saw it was Granger and she looked horrid."

"You mean worse than usual?" Pansy said for she'd been listening in.

"Shut up Pansy." Draco said using his wand to push her stool far away from their table. She stared back at him with narrowed eyes before crossing her arms over her flat chest and sticking her nose in the air in a snobby manner.

"What happened to her?" Blaise asked completely caught up in the story.

"She'd been carrying all these books, you know the ones she carries. The enormous ones. Anyway they'd flown into the air as she fell, and while she was on the floor they fell on her head. Her nose was bleeding pretty bad and she didn't get up."

"You think she'll be able to dance?" Blaise asked picturing Granger with a bloody nose on the stone floor.

"Probably, Pomfrey can cure a little nose bleed and mend a few cuts. She was still unconscious when I left there though." Draco said flicking his wand and changing his cushion from brown to blue.

"Well done Mr. Malfoy." Blaise cried in a squeaky voice, the imitation of Professor Flitwick's.

Malfoy chuckled at his friend before turning the cushion another colour. They continued to talk about the possible after effects of the accident that afternoon as they practice their spells; the only one truly doing it correctly was Malfoy. He'd successfully changed the cushion four of the six shades listed on their sheets.

After that class ended Draco headed down to the Great Hall to have lunch. They'd agreed the night before when Hermione had arrived in the common room that they would practice again after lunch, but when he entered and didn't see her sitting over at the Gryffindor table where the other seventh years were. He saw Potter and Weasley talking quietly to themselves, seemingly anxious. They looked worried as he caught Potter's eye looking over at him. He merely smirked before starting towards his table.

"I guess she was hurt worse than I thought. Maybe we will get out of lessons tonight." Draco mumbled to his friend as they sat down.

As Draco began to gather his lunch together on his plate, Hermione was sleeping in her bed still. Madam Pomfrey had brought her back after the crash but Hermione had complained of such a splitting headache that the nurse told her to sleep some more. Now the mediwitch and Professor McGonagall stood nearby the curtained cubicle talking in low whispers.

"What do you know happened Poppy?" McGonagall asked.

"Well, Malfoy was screaming for me in the hall. When I came out he said that they'd collided. He was fine, but she was under this pile of books. They'd landed on her head mostly. Didn't stop to ask him if it were an accident or otherwise though, just hurried getting her in here and patched up."

"I think I might go have a talk with our Head Boy then. Will she be all right?"

"Oh dear yes. Nothing was broken. The cut on her head's already healed. Her nose was bleeding but I stopped that earlier, just waiting now to see if her headaches gone away." Poppy said looking out toward the cubicle. "Go on, I'll send word when she wakes."

McGonagall turned and started out of the infirmary. She traveled quickly down to the Great Hall, her thoughts jumbled. Was it nothing more than a harmless accident or had one of the two started an argument and Hermione's current state was the result. She wondered if she wasn't over analyzing but it was a well-known fact that the two hated one another, another reason she thought it was a terrible idea to give them the heads positions. But it was a rule that the top male and top female students of sixth year received the positions.

When she entered the Great Hall McGonagall paused to search out the Head Boy. Her eyes scanned the Slytherin table until they found him, sitting somewhat in the center beside Blaise Zabini. They were talking to one another softly, almost ignoring the other students around them. She approached quickly only wanting to disturb him for a moment.

"McGonagall's coming this way Draco." Blaise said seeing the teacher approach out of the corner of his eye.

And as Draco turned he caught her eye and knew right then what it was that she was headed there to discuss. Her eyes were set and her stride quick as she rounded the edge of the table and closed the gap between them. Draco glanced over at the Gryffindor table quickly and saw Potter and Weasley watching him with curiosity, no doubt they attributed Hermione's midday disappearance and McGonagall's visit all to him and whatever he'd done.

"Mr. Malfoy may I have a word." She said it more like a statement of fact that they would speak rather than a question of whether or not they could.

"Of course Professor."

Most of the students now had turned their heads to watch where McGonagall was headed and were watching as she and the Head Boy headed back out into the entrance hall. She looked stern and unhappy so everyone was no doubt wondering just what had happened.

Draco followed the woman out into the entrance hall and into a deserted corner where she rounded on him looking at him unhappily. He had the feeling that he was about to be blamed for their collision that morning, but for once Draco was not guilty. It had been an accident entirely, however he had enjoyed the fact that it had happened.

"I'm sure you know why I'm asking to speak with you Mr. Malfoy. So I'll just let you explain what happened."

"I was taking the papers to the infirmary like you told me to. I turned the corner and she and I collided. I didn't see what happened to her because I fell backwards myself, but when I recovered I saw she wasn't conscious and there was blood coming from her nose. I didn't bother to do anything with her but called Madam Pomfrey right away."

"There was no foul play Mr. Malfoy. I must ask because of your past with Miss Granger."

"No Professor. It was an accident, and I'm sure that she'd tell you the same thing."

"Well when she wakes up I will ask her."

"She's still out?" Draco asked trying to sound indifferent.

"Yes. She was complaining of a headache when Madam Pomfrey revived her. She was told to rest and has been since."

"We were supposed to practice after lunch, we have a new set of steps to learn before tonight's lesson. Will she be able to practice or even dance at all today?"

"I'm not sure Mr. Malfoy. I will alert you when I find that out myself." Professor McGonagall said before leaving him in the hall.

He turned back to the Great Hall and entered smirking outwardly. Blaise saw the look and returned it with a look of curiosity. Draco sat himself down once more before Blaise dived into his questions. Draco merely shook his head and murmured, "Might have tonight off if she's hurting bad enough."

"Was it really that bad?" Blaise asked.

"She's upstairs sleeping still. Pomfrey woke her up and she complained about her head hurting. I hope the damn thing hurts still, I don't want to practice."

"So McGonagall accused you of something then?"

"Of course. She said she had to ask because of our 'past'." He said scoffing. "I wish I could say it was my fault, bloody brilliant it would be."

Draco finished his lunch and went up to their common room to wait for a short time to see if the Head Girl showed up at all. If she did he would be frustrated and a bit disappointed, but luckily she didn't. Draco didn't hear her come back to the common room until shortly before dinner. She looked groggy when he poked his head out the door to see her slowly moving up the stairs her wand levitating a trail of books up the stairs behind her. It was like a train, each book being a car and Hermione herself was the steam engine, running out of steam.

"How's the nose Granger?" Draco asked with a smirk on his face.

"Sod off Malfoy." Hermione said fighting off a yawn. It seemed that Madam Pomfrey had fed her some sort of medicine for her head that caused drowsiness, for the girl before him was practically sleepwalking to her bed.

He watched as she stumbled up the last step, the books that trailed her beginning to fall with thuds. He walked to the banister to stare over at the books dropping one by one. That was when he noticed her stumble and hit the wall. Her eyes were half closed as she slid down the wall into a heap on the floor. Her body looked like it was made of rubber, with no bones or structure to it at all.

"Granger?" he asked wondering if she weren't out again.

"Hmm." She said her head swiveling in the direction of where he'd been standing when she'd started up the stairs, now he was standing at least four steps to the left.

"What the bloody hell did that nurse give you?" he asked approaching her cautiously.

"I'm not sure. She said it would make me sleepy. She said I had to hurry to my bed, but I had to stop off at the library, there was a book I forgot." She said trying to open her eyes.

She yawned widely trying to lift her arm but it was dead weight. The medicine had long ago begun to kick in and he was sure that she would be sleeping in minutes. And he couldn't leave her in the hall, what if she rolled down the stairs. As much as he would have loved that, McGonagall wouldn't and the idea of making that woman mad was not a sane one.

"You have to get to your room." He said sternly.

"I know Malfoy." She said slowly. "I've been trying to get up but I'm just so tired."

"Try harder Granger." He growled unhappily. He really didn't feel like having to help her. Helping Granger wasn't ever something he wanted to do.

"Oh leave me alone. What do you care anyway?" she said softly.

"You'll fall down the steps and I don't feel like getting stripped of my title because I let you." He said grabbing her hand and pulling. It was like trying to pull Crabbe or Goyle away from an all you can eat food table, impossible.

"Will you stop, you're hurting me."

"Then work with me Granger. I don't feel like carrying you." He said taking her other hand in his. "Lock your knees I'll stand you up."

She did as he said and with one quick pull she was standing. She however stumbled backwards and slammed into the wall, her head bouncing off bringing sharp pains to her head and stinging tears to her eyes. Her head had been pounding until the medicine kicked in but that bang only brought back the pain. She wrenched one of her hands free to rub the back of her head. Draco had heard the sound and inwardly winced, knowing what pain she had to be in.

"Come on, walk." He said sternly once more. She however took one step and nearly collapsed again.

"I can't. My body's so tired Malfoy. I have no strength."

"All right, I'll help you." He said pulling her off the wall with the other hand he still possessed. She stumbled forward into him and he caught her with ease. It was a lot like walking a drunk Pansy to her bedroom, only Granger wasn't trying to shove her tongue down his throat while her hands groped at inappropriate places.

Throwing a hand loosely about her waist and using it to steady her a bit, Draco started forward towards her room slowly. Her feet he could tell were working correctly, but her movements were jerky, like a half asleep toddler. He steadied her with his hands, steering her towards the door. Once they made it he opened the door and crossed the threshold Hermione eager for her bed. When they reached it he helped her seat herself on the edge and stepped away. He watched as she kicked off her shoes and pulled off her robes throwing them to the floor. She was left only in a disheveled white button up shirt and the grey pleated skirt that was rumpled a bit as well. Her knee-highs were falling down and her curls were thrown about her neck and face. She looked like a wild girl, her half lidded eyes staring back at him.

"Thank you." She said softly. "I probably would have fallen down the stairs."

He chuckled before merely nodding and turning away. It was as he closed to door to his room that he heard the portrait hole below close and saw Professor McGonagall staring up at him astonished. Then he realized what it looked like and rolled his eyes before starting toward the stairs. There were books scattered in a trail up the stairs to the landing and Draco used his wand to collect them and sit them outside her door.

"What were you doing Mr. Malfoy?"

"She didn't do as Madam Pomfrey said. She went to library after she left the infirmary instead of coming here, so when she came in she was half asleep. She collapsed just behind me after getting up the stairs. I think the climb took most of her energy."

Draco descended the stairs and approached the couch.

"I was merely helping her into her room, because I was sure you wouldn't appreciate me leaving her in the hallway so close to the stairs asleep. She's fine if you want to go check on her." He added.

"No that will be quite all right. I've come to inform you that you're lesson is cancelled because she's in no condition to dance. Therefore tomorrow you will have two lessons to make up for it. One after lunch at one thirty until four thirty. Then the usual lesson you receive from seven to ten. You must practice your steps from tonight, tomorrow before the lesson."

"Two lessons?" Draco said astonished.

"Yes. Good evening Mr. Malfoy." She said before turning and leaving him sitting there on the couch.

Draco watched as the portrait hole closed behind the Headmistress and glared. It was hard enough finding the time to practice their new steps with only one lesson in the evenings, but tomorrow with so many lessons there would be no time. Draco shut his eyes in frustration before opening them again and staring towards the window. The sky was still bright and sunny unlike the day before when it was so rainy and disgusting. The curtains were opened half way, and he could see that the weather was amazing.

Nothing however could make this bad mood go away. Tomorrow would be a rough day. It was bad enough that it was Monday and he already had two very long essays due by Wednesday, but now he had to worry about the next day and all the steps that they would have to learn. He glared at the window; at the sky outside shinning it's wonderful blue, at the treetops that were just visible above the sill. He wouldn't get to enjoy this weather, instead he'd be stuck in his room that evening working on his homework, so that he wouldn't have to the next day.

The rest of the afternoon faded away into evening and soon it was time for him to leave to go to their meeting place. It was time to reveal his ingenious plan. The prank that would top any others that he'd ever done before. Draco had the paper in his pocket for safekeeping, for no one would find it in there and there were things that could possibly get him into loads of trouble.

He left his room stuffing his wand into his pocket and glancing at Granger's door. He'd heard nothing coming from her room since he'd left her on her bed and wondered if she was still even alive. But glancing at his watch, Draco decided not to check on her but to instead wander down the stairs and out the portrait hole. He hurried to the floor and entered the classroom swiftly. He was the last to arrive.

"What took you Draco?" Pansy asked in her sickeningly sweet voice.

"I was doing homework." He answered swiftly before taking his seat on the desk he'd had before.

"All right, we'll go around the circle. Millicent you'll start and I'll close. If you're pranks deemed suitable you can begin. If not then you pay up ten galleons." Blaise said looking about at his companions. "What shall we make the time restraints?"

"How about the ball?" Pansy said.

"Any objections?" Blaise looked about the group once more and saw no hands rise. "Fine. Pranks must be completed by Saturday night. Understood?"

Everyone nodded. Blaise then signaled for Millicent to begin telling them all her prank. Slowly they made it around the group everyone reading off the prank from a paper, or in Crabbe's case a napkin. Finally it was Draco's turn, and he pulled the scrap of parchment from his pocket and stared at it, smirking devilishly.

"My pranks rather simple really. I'll need to send out for the potion," then Draco continued, relaying all the information to them. They all seemed to think his plan was suitable, before they moved on to Pansy.

"Well like I told you before, I'm going to need something from Draco. Other than that I should have no trouble. You see my plan is to humiliate the Mudblood so badly she'll want nothing more than to commit suicide." Then she revealed the devilish plan, smiling pleasantly all the while.

When she'd finished Draco turned to her feeling that her prank was good, but wondered what she would need from him. After Blaise explained to the group what he was going to do to his poor victim, Draco turned to Pansy. She was making to leave, for the others were already at the door but he stopped her.

"What do you need from me?" he asked bluntly, not bothering to keep his voice down. The others at the door had turned back to listen.

"I need you to cast the first half of the spell. When the time comes I'll finish the rest of the incantation."

"Pansy, if it's discovered that it's you and you so much as breathe a word that I was involved, I will not be pleased. I won't tell you what I'll do to you, I'll let you imagine that on your own." He said before turning away and joining the others by the door.

After they'd all left in their small groups Draco wandered down the hall, staring off. He didn't even realize that he wasn't alone until he heard Blaise ask him the same question four times.


"I said, so how is Granger? You are really spacing out. Thinking about the little vixen bookworm?"

"You know that didn't even make sense." Draco said glancing at his friend.

"Well that's not the point is it? I'm not the one falling for her am I?" Blaise said chuckling softly.

"What in the bloody hell! I already told you Blaise, that's revolting. I don't have feelings for the Mudblood all right. In fact, if anything I'm quite pissed at her. We have to have double dance lessons tomorrow."


"That's what I said. We have to practice just after classes before lunch because the first lesson is after lunch, then we have to practice after the lesson because there's the regular lesson that we have after dinner. It's a nightmare."

"I really do feel pity for you mate."

"And now on top of thinking I had something to do with the entire thing, McGonagall seems to be under the impression that I'm sleeping with Granger or something."

Blaise stopped in his tracks. Draco stopped as well and turned to look at his friend who was staring at him as if he'd just grown a second head. His mouth was open, and his eyes were wide. Draco rolled his eyes before turning away to continue walking but Blaise had already grabbed his arm and turned him back.

"What do you mean?"

"She saw me walking out of Grangers room earlier."

"What were you doing in there?"

"She couldn't walk. Pomfrey gave her medicine for her head and sent her back to the dorm, because it would put her to sleep. Well Granger, like the bookworm you said she is, went to the library instead of the dorm. By the time she got there she was half asleep. She reached the top of the stairs and couldn't go further. I couldn't leave her there."

"And she caught you in her room?" Blaise asked.

"No, coming out of it."

"But nothing happened?"

"You really don't believe me do you?"

"If you were with the girl, would you tell me?" Blaise asked seriously.

"Blaise, if I were I would tell you, but I'm not and never will be. I don't like Granger, in any way at all. I despise her." Draco said aggravated that his friend continued to think that he had some sort of feelings for Granger. "Honestly Blaise."

"I believe what you say, but your actions say different. And you know what they say," Blaise trailed.

"No, what do they say?"

Blaise smirked. He started his walk again, heading toward the staircase that would lead down towards the Great Hall where they were going to eat their long awaited dinner. Draco was following behind slowly, his steps echoing off the stone walls. Blaise began the descent but paused after his foot touched the first stair to look back at Draco.

"You know, about actions speaking louder than words mate."

That night, after dinner had passed and Draco had headed up to his room, he laid in his enormous bed thinking about his encounter with Granger that day. He'd merely helped her. However helping a Mudblood was not something Malfoy's did, it was not suitable behavior. But surely it didn't appear that Draco had any other intentions. That was not how he'd wanted it to appear.

But his friend's words continued to resound in his head, repeating over again. He looked back on the past few days, analyzing every action, every look every glance. Angrily he grabbed one of the extra pillows on his bed and threw it. However that didn't relieve his frustration.

"No, I don't have feelings for Granger. I've told him enough times, it's his stupidity not believing what I say." Draco growled, his anger beginning to subside. But Blaise's voice echoed hauntingly once more.

'You know, about actions speaking louder than words mate.'

Hope you enjoyed that. I know I love writing this story. Now review and I'll love you too! (More than I already do of course lol)