Time stands still
He kept his head down, ignoring the stares
He closed his eyes, not that anyone cared
They constantly tormented him, making his life hell
They called him a psycho, till he finally heard the bell
He was on the stage, smiling with victory
But then paint poured, his smile was slipping
Laughter all around him, they called him a freak
He stares numbly ahead, but nobody sees
He won them a prize; he wanted to prove them wrong
But maybe he was a freak; he couldn't bear to go on
He stood by the closet, he pulled down the case
He took out the gun; tears were streaming down his face
He stood in the bathroom, in front of the mirror
He washed off his face, his fate was much clearer
Was it a mistake? Could he forgive and forget?
Should he let it go? Let them treat him like a pet?
He suddenly hears voices, he hides in the stall
They say his 'friend' did it, he leans on the wall
He returns to his locker, he picks up his sack
He walks up to Jim, there was no turning back
He pulls out the gun, his life was almost done
"You made me do this", he whispered and pulls out the gun
He pulled back the trigger, and closes his eyes
He hears a bang, screams, they run for their lives
He opens his eyes, glances gown the hall
The man was on his knees, he had yet to fall
This was the man that made fun of him, back then
But now for his actions, he would never walk again
"I came back here; to show them I'd changed."
But now he was dying, his life began to fade
He walked down the hall, more people froze in fright
He cocked back the trigger; there was fear from the sight
He pointed it at her, the one person he could trust
But she ruined the moment; she turned his heart to dust
He began to pull the trigger, but some one stepped up
He tried to stop him, but time was almost up
He closed his eyes and felt blinding pain at his side
Two boys fell to the floor, while the others all cried
The light began to flicker, his vision began to fade
But no one could help him, his dues were finally paid
He closed his eyes, a single tear slid down his cheek
When time stands still, he will finally come to peace
(AN: Thanks for reading! Please review!)