
There are a lot of long paragraphs I suggest minimizing your window to where there is less horizontal aggitation and highlighting with your mouse a couple lines at a time this really does help. Thank you so much for reading FiW and sticking with the story. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long.

much much much love


Severus was a very quiet person

Severus was a very quiet person. Quiet in the sense of keeping your cards close to your chest. He is the very essence of secretive. It amused Evan to remember a time where he wasn't as secretive, he wasn't any where near as threatening. Amazing to realize it had only been 2 years ago when he was weak and pathetic, so easily manipulated, so easily defeated. It only took 2 years for him to turn from a social outcast to Slytherin's powerful black sheep and all it took was to separate him and the 'Gryffindor flower' more like should-have-been-put-in-Slytherin vine. If he had known that all that was needed to get Severus to this state of power was to get rid of Lily, Evan would have done it years earlier. It has become common knowledge that lily had been using Severus to enflame Potter's anger in order for him to do the whole knight in shining armor bit. Unfortunately for Severus it had worked out all too well. So the Gryffindor princess is sitting all too pretty with her Gryffindor prince shining and sparkling all so brightly especially in front of Severus. Evan suspected like many girls who had gotten used to having a following she feels less attractive if her little following of puppy dogs find love for themselves, because of this she will try to earn their affections again even though she isn't attracted to them. This was the reason Evan suspected that lily was always primping herself before classes even though James was in a separate class, coincidently she always choose a seat near Severus. If Severus still longed for Lily Evan had no clue but he knew that he couldn't let Severus dissolve into a state of puppy dog affection because he would lose the power and respect he had gained causing Evan to lose power and respect. And in Slytherin power was EVERYTHING. It didn't matter if you where liked just as long as you where feared. Being the biggest bully on the play ground was the goal. Well maybe for the guys but being a girl in Slytherin, whoa that was a whole different playground. The position Severus had earned over the years was the perfect balance of fear, respect and underestimation. Like all the other houses there was gossip and popularity contests but the politics that ruled Slytherin where much more complex and dangerous than any of the other houses. The obvious competition for grades and power was only the surface. There were the constant tensions of war and family position. Where your family worked, which side of the war was your family on, where you a muggleborn, where you a half-blood, a pure blood, where you a blood traitor? Considering that the Dark Lord recruited Death Eaters as young as 13 the pressures on the males of Slytherin to join the Death Eaters was tremendous often older Slytherins recruiting the younger ones by manipulating them promises of power, fame, revenge and respect. Victims where often turned to the Dark Lord so easily turned seeking acceptance and admiration. Evan became a Death Eater around the same time Severus did, Wilkes and Rabastian becoming Death Eaters a little earlier and Severus was the one who drew Regulas to the Dark Lord not that it took all that much. For that Sirius hated him all the more. For whatever problems where between the brothers before, Regulas joining the Dark Lord had crushed Sirius and had made him homicidal towards Severus. Regulas had always been seen as second best to Sirius even though Sirius had betrayed the family. Sirius had been loved by his family even though they had always been at war with him. Regulas had always looked up to him but after his brother snubbed him for getting into Slytherin Regulas only wanted to outdo his brother in every fashion. So by the time Sirius's big brother instincts kicked in it was too late; Regulas already resented him to an impossible degree. But now the two brothers where firmly on opposite sides of the war and both destined for destruction. After Regulas joined the Dark Lord Sirius blamed his parents and never saw them again (he was also overwhelmed with guilt, while his brotherly affections and longings for closeness became stronger and stronger, Regulas was being further pulled into the Dark Lord's grasp and farther from his brother) Regulas was also under a large amount of pressure from the Dark Lord because of his brother's familial betrayal, always having to prove his and his family's loyalty. Severus and I had always been partial to Regulas because of his clever, quick mind and dark satirical humor which seemed all the more amusing coming from someone as innocent looking as Regulas. So the affection that Regulas had always longed for from Sirius he got from me and Severus. So I can't get any information from Regulas that he won't share with Severus so I can't get him to hunt for information for me (he is popular with the females in all of the houses because of his looks, also being a Qudditch star he is close to locker room gossip and is worshiped a bit) Wilkes and Rebastian are a bit thick and the fact that I am snooping around would get back to Severus. So it is up to me to get information about this girl because Severus won't tell me any thing he knows unless I have some information of my own to bargain with. So the only way to get answers about this girl was to get on the ground and find out for myself. And I have the perfect plan.

Waking up to a canopy bed draped with Slytherin colors was a bit of a surprise for Hermione but Hermione was getting used to surprises. As she dressed and packed her books into her already overstuffed bag, the other girls covertly watched her. Every one was silent, no small talk and no excited whispers punctured the silence. After the other girls had left, Hermione found herself staring into the mirror, watching the strange girl watching her. It felt so alien to be at Hogwarts for her last and final year with no one she knew all the while wearing a snake on her chest.

Hermione then made her way upstairs into the common where it was completely disserted. She was about to panic ( how did she get to the Great Hall from here again?!)

"Miss….Grey is it?" spoke a cool soft voice behind Hermione

She turned and was rewarded with the sight of a tall, slender, blonde boy(more like man…) leaning with an arrogant air against the fireplace. He was calm and relaxed acting as if it was his house she had stumbled into and not the common room. Part of Hermione was completely uncomfortable around this boy, he put her on edge. The fact that she was attracted to him slightly made her even more weary, memories flooding her mind of past Slytherin princes that had a silver spoon stuffed in their mouth and were equally handsome as the person standing before her. He seemed to examine her, a moment as if expecting a response along the lines of "oh and you're blank popular perfect blank, me? Me I'm nobody, I've heard so much about you blank! What an honor it is to be in your presence!" When Hermione didn't utter a greeting in return or some small little pleasantry one usually expects in these situations a slow easy small came over the boy's face making it hard for Hermione to concentrate on anything other than how good his sleet colored eyes looked when they sparkled that way. Oh boy! Get ahold of yourself girl! Just a pretty face…..

He stood up from his slouching position against the fireplace and made his way over to Hermione, towering over her the way only one of the male sex could achieve. Although he was long limbed and tall he could in no way be classified as gangly. In fact he moved in a way that was unfair to the female sex, no man should ever be that graceful.

Quite casually, when he reached her and gauged the height difference between them, he gently took her right hand from her side, bowed and brushed his lips against it, making her whole body tingle and her belly grow hot and hollow. He was barely touching her, holding her hand so gently that she wouldn't know he was unless she was watching him. Sirius had mimicked this same ritual but it had been a parody and had not made her a bit weak in the knees (how cliché! But there was no denying it, this was why the phrase was made, Hermione wondered why males didn't act this way whenever they wanted a girl? It would be impossible to say no to them.)

"Pleasure meeting you " he breathed onto the top of her hand, his breath tickling her sensitive skin. His hair fell in front of his eyes obstruction the view of his eyelashes but that was probably a good thing for Hermione He stood up, released her hand. And spoke in the same clear soft voice

"My name, Belle fille, is Evan. Evan Rosier."

Evan Rosier Death Eater? Evan Rosier tool to bringing about Voldemort's rise to power? Evan Rosier, clever, back stabbing, sneaky, intelligent Evan Rosier? Evan Rosier short, ugly, and evil?! How wrong could the history books have gotten it! Was he as great of a military mastermind as he was begrudgingly labeled? Or was he just a powerful, manipulating pretty boy? Who everyone underestimated….

"May I enquire after you're given name, Miss. Grey?"

And mom and dad said reading all those Jane Austens was useless, oh mum and dad….

In response to his innocent if overly chivalric question Hermione began looking at a spot a little over his left shoulder, her eyes glassy and her bottom lip in the process of being thoroughly bloodied and mauled by her teeth. Evan was confused why would asking a girl (in such a heart poundingly romantic way) her first name would cause this reaction. After a few award moments of Evan being utterly confused Hermione seemed to come back to her present surroundings and murmur a soft "Sorry".

"My name… is Hermione, Hermione Agatha Grey, I, um, got a bit lost in thought for a second I'm sorry for drifting away like that…" he voice fading slightly as she look earnestly into his stormy grey eyes.

"May I enquire who your parents are? I only want to know if our families are mortal enemies or something, my family does have a few. You know, mortal enemies. In fact we have a whole book with listed and described vendettas, what families we are allowed to become rivals with…..the ones we aren't allowed to, which families insulted my families honor by coughing at a dinner party you know….just so I know if I'm allowed to mention you to my family."

"Interesting the little quirks that families have, vendetta books, luncheons, my family has some torture chambers….I'm kidding" commented Hermione

"I was also. So your parents…?"

Hermione suspecting something was happening that she didn't quite understand yet. How to avoid answering the question? How much of the truth should she use?

"I don't want to talk about my parents."

"Why? I don't care if you're a half-blood-" it was like bright red flare, sweet speaking, beautiful devil, of course it mattered how much of an idiot did he consider her?! Now to be vain, or to be a Slytherin?

"Like I would care what your views of me were. It has nothing to do with blood, nothing to do with politics and everything to do with a little folly of mankind named war. Leave my past and pain alone."

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"How would you? I apologize for speaking so foolishly, I'm still a little raw." Hermione said ever so sweetly with such earnestness that Evan was so caught off guard for a few seconds that he didn't realize that she was leaving until she reached the hallway. Miss. Grey was certainly very...interesting. She was definatly more than expected.

Who ever thought Hermione couldn't act? She could be as cunning and manipulative as the best of them.

Welcome Hermione to the House of Slytherin

Severus was familiarizing himself with the new books in the library (namely in the potions and restricted sections) when Evan burst (well his version of bursting he was so disturbingly quiet to begin with). He glided over to where Severus was and stared at him until Severus grew tired of ignoring him (Evan learned through many years of trial and error this was the only way to gain Severus' full attention)

"That girl is...just…I can't"

"What girl?"

"The girl we were talking to you last night about"

"Which one? You do have a very complicated love life.."

"The girl no one knows? The one you might know?!"

This comment was met with silence from Severus.

"Oh stop it! I don't want to wait another 15 fucking minutes! You're a selfish bastard and you know it! Get your arse down to the Great Hall with me and tell me if this girl, if you know anything about her because the suspense is killing me and she is a walking mystery, you know how much I hate surprises? I hate mysteries even worse."

"And if I know her? What does it matter? Losing your composure over a little girl? A girl that has been described as bookish? What is the world coming to, I thought you liked playing games, especially with girls' minds and emotions. You are amused by their 'heartbreak' that you cause them."

"Oh cut it Severus! I'm all riled up and I don't know what I'll do, however unreasonable, to get my ends! Just, help me, please I'll owe you besides I found out some things that you might be interested in"

"About what?"

"About the girl!"

"Who says I'm interested in the girl! Evan, don't you remember that it's you that cares so much about this 'mysterious' little chit?!"

"God Damn it! Are you human? Don't you want to know? Do you have no curiosity in you?"

"I find females over-rated. And the fact that I am just getting over an obsession that was of a girl that is shockingly similar to the female you've described, I would really prefer not to risk my mental health."

"She is a kind that does test your sanity…"

"Sooo you will leave me be?"

"No, you and I will risk our sanity together."

"Rosier, you're the selfish bastard."

"Never a truer statement has left you mouth my friend, I will never leave you be until you do. You will see her eventually, she is in our year you know, why not see her and have me owe you?"

"You are a sly, slimy, bastard Rosier"

"Yes but I'm gorgeous and that makes up for it."

"Only in your eyes…"

Evan helped Severus clear up his books sliding them into his bag carelessly trying to hurry Severus up as much as possible. Evan was about to drag him by his arm but Snape shot him a glare that would melt an ordinary person's eyes.

By the time they made their way down to the Great Hall Severus was so agitated and Evan was brimming with so much anticipation that whole hall turned to view their entrance. No matter where they looked the girl was no where to be seen. Rosier was disappointed. Severus was relieved. He got over his queasiness from before and ate his breakfast in peace (Evan was off toying with one of his many girlfriends). 10 minutes early Severus started making his way to charms, alone.

Hermione had hurried down to the Great Hall right after speaking with Rosier, scarfing down a bagel and two strips of bacon before she made her way towards myrtle's bathroom. As she was making her way up she heard 2 familiar voices deep in conversation. Snape and Rosier were deep in conversation not even noticing Hermione shrink under the staircase. Snape was thoroughly annoyed and Rosier thoroughly excited.

"-is amazing and-"

"What makes this one so bloody amazing any way?"

"You will see-"

"Well what if I do? And then I will fall madly in love with her and we will duel to the death and I will win and then I will realize that we were both utter fools and that this girl is-"

"Just because Lily snubbed you so-"

"You know what? I'm not going to help you-"

"I'm sorry I won't mention-"

They faded out of view and earshot as soon as they reached the Great hall doors.

Hermione made her way up Myrtle's Bathroom and after a couple chapters of "Advanced Charm Work for a Charmed Life" Hermione stated making her way to charms 10 minutes early.-

sorry for the wait i got a bit depressed last time because of lack of reviews and it has taken me a while to recover (HINTHINTHINT)! cough cough

my love to all