I swear I have a life! I bought it on eBay for 8 dollar! I just….-sigh-….I just don't use it. It was second handed and it is rotting under my bed…
I am surprised about having so many reviews and alerts! Thank you so much! (I looked in my hotmail and saw that I had 40 e-mails…Oo that's like a lot…)
Kishimoto Masashi-sama owns everything! And he is making money out of it! The bastard…
Team 7 walked out of the mansion. The father had passed away and his daughter had forgiven him. so they lived happily ever after!
I took team 7 almost three hours to break Aya free from Naruto and the man didn't die. He was cured from his "illness" by a so called miracle doctor. Aya had slapped him across the face and had Naruto asked to marry her…
Naruto had refused in, as Sasuke named it, the most romantic and sick making way possible and Aya bought it. That's what Sasuke surprised him the most. Aya's new love gave her a blow in the neck, kidnapped her and brought her to her "dying" father, and expected her to forgive him. and you know what?
"No matter how much I love you, our worlds can't be the same, we need to be separated from each other to carry on with living."
Aya had nodded, let a tear flow, which Naruto wiped away with as much grace as possible, and waved them goodbye.
Sasuke was stunned and stared at Naruto in the hope to look some information out of him. it wasn't really working..but his pride wasn't in his butthole, like Naruto had said, and it was stopping him from asking what the hell was going on.
Team 7 stopped by a hotel. It was currently 2 in the morning and none of them were in the mood to travel for a day without sleep when it wasn't needed…
Kakashi was talking to a lady while Naruto ask for the rooms. Sakura and Sasuke stood beside him.
"I am sorry, but I only have two rooms left with a single bed. The best I can give you is two rooms with a single bed and a room with a double bed. Or you could take two rooms with double beds. It's a holiday and I am fully booked… I am truly sorry." While saying all of those lines she kept on staring at Naruto who smiled.
Sakura snorted. Sasuke sighed. "so two of us have to sleep together…"
Naruto shrugged. "I don't care with who I am. But Kakashi is going to take a single bed."
Kakashi walked up to his team with a sad face. Sakura shook her head and rolled her eyes. "you have a boyfriend you know…"
"I could try…So who is going to take the double bed?"
Naruto looked up to Kakashi. "How? Ugh, never mind… I think it will be the best if Sasuke and I sleep together."
Kakashi's eyes widened, Sakura grabbed her nose with a handkerchief in her other hand and Sasuke turned red. Naruto looked puzzled first before he smirked.
"I will try to make sure that Sasuke doesn't makes to many noises." He said, winking at Sasuke. Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Like hell you are seme tonight."
There fell a silence as Sasuke realized what he just said. He covered his mouth with his hand. Naruto laughed.
"But Sasuke, we both know how much you like it by being topped?" Naruto walked over to the receptionist and booked the rooms. Although it took a while, cause typing with one hand and holding your nose isn't exactly handy.
Sasuke lay down in bed. He lay at the most end from the bed and tried not to fall off.
"I won't bite you know."
"so you aren't going to ask questions?"
Naruto stepped in bed and Sasuke looked at the ground without breaking his stare. He tried to ignore the voices in his head. 'ask, go and ask. Ask! ASK! What the hell is going on?!'
Sasuke grunted. Naruto stared at the ceiling before looking to Sasuke. He only saw his back. He sighed.
Naruto let himself relax and snuggled himself in.
Sasuke on the other hand, was only tensing up. He could feel the warmth Naruto radiated off and he didn't dare to move as he was afraid to end up in Naruto's arms. He knew he was just being crazy, but he couldn't take the risk now, could he?
He was awake and it was four in the morning. Sasuke had a bad day. And it was not helping that Naruto was leaning against his back. And it was not helping that Sasuke didn't mind having Naruto there. Sasuke always felt cold in different beds than his own. And Naruto was comfy and warm…
'No! don't think that! Naruto is not comfy! He is not warm! He is not soft. He is not cute in his sleep. He isn't cute at all. He is handsome, that I must admit…
Stupid brain. You are not helping…'
Naruto yawned. "Sasuke? Are you still awake? Why are you talking to yourself?"
'I said it out loud?! What am I?! I am a ninja! I shouldn't be talking to myself just because Naruto is acting as my warmth!'
"…excuse me?"
Sasuke groaned. This was not happening. It was NOT. Okay? Look the other way or something.
"Sasuke? Should I sleep on the ground?"
"No!" Sasuke turned around to look directly in the azure eyes. Naruto looked shocked before he smirked. Sasuke could die from embarrassment , his face was no resembling a tomato.
"you could have just said it, not the whole hotel needs to know you are a hug person…"
Sasuke looked away. "yo..re…arm…" he murmured with his cheeks still decorated in pink.
"what?" Naruto inched closer. Sasuke backed away, …which made him fall of the bed. Naruto looked over the edge of the bed, to see Sasuke wrapped in the sheets and his hair ruffled. Sasuke just lay there, blinked a couple of times before he started blushing again. Naruto leaned on his elbows and looked at Sasuke.
"so, what were you saying?"
Sasuke was proud of himself. He almost wanted to hide in the blanket, make a cave and come out when Naruto was gone. Just like a kid…But this was Sasuke and he was not a kid anymore!
So he looked straight up to Naruto and said it out loud. With all his pride.
"You are warm."
Naruto raised his eyebrows before sighing.
"okay…are you coming up again? It think the floor is pretty cold…"
Sasuke picked himself up and looked at Naruto who still lay on his place. Then he snorted and walked around the bed with the blanket in his hands. He place the blanket back and lay down.
"nothing happened, okay?' he said with a glare. Naruto rolled his eyes. "of course SasUKE."
Sasuke threw a punch, which, to his surprise didn't connect with Naruto's chin like it was supposed to.
Naruto looked with a boring face to Sasuke. "I dropped my mask, remember. I am not the weakling you thought I was."
Naruto looked serious, before laying down, not facing Sasuke. He didn't even say goodnight.
Sasuke blinked a couple of times before he put his hand down. Then he also laid down, still confused. He looked at Naruto, who hadn't moved. Naruto breathed deeply and slow. But his shoulders were tight and his body looked stiff. Sasuke looked worried before turning around so that there backs were turned at each other.
'Tomorrow, he is going to explain. He didn't even whined about ramen before sleeping and he didn't make a ruckus about me and him sharing one room. Normally he would have yelled at me and asked Sakura if they could share the same room…
It is weird. Why didn't he acted more mature in the first place? Why didn't he try to be himself in front of us. Are we that frightening? And why does Kakashi know and we don't?'
Sasuke grunted. It was too tiring to think about all that. He would just wait until the morning and then he would know what was going on. Sasuke yawned one more time and fell in sleep. He didn't dream, nor did awake anymore. Although he was a bit cold…
Next update is probably going to be up on Saturday or Friday. So 20 or 21 December. Thanks in advance for reviewing or anything like that!
I think this story, is going to be a little longer, than I expected (.-.-.);; I got a lot of ideas and I want to use those ideas. I have no Idea though how long it exactly is going to be, but we will see, ne?