When Curiosity Got the Better of Rabi

Authors' Note: Hi everybody! Sorry I erased the fanfiction before this one. I only erased it because I just got this brand new idea! This happened to be the one, Yep! I guess I should choose my ideas' more wisely next time, huh!? Please review and note what you thought of the first chapter! This fanfiction is dedicated to Mangaka111 (Best Friend) and Yuu- sama (One of Favorite Author) for reviewing my first fanfiction! Also dedicated to Tsuna-nii luvs ya'll, a brand- new member! Although it is a bit cheesy! LOL

The birds' seem to always' know where to go, everything all planned out for whatever direction they want to go, they are the wisest of animals', who always' know the way to live and learn from the best way of life. They drink from the fountain of love and care. Some say they are one of the dumbest and misunderstood animals', but they are no fools' like us humans. Their scars are covered by feathers' of self- pity and love by which only a mother could give to her precious.

-Chapter 1-

Yu- chan's Present

Although, every single day, the same things happen; exorcists go to battle, Komui sleeps during work hours letting the great generals cut his pay while Lenalee and Reever constantly try's to wake him up, and those who don't go to battle do their daily activities, but something special was going to happen today, something so special that it might only happen this once, and nonetheless to our most amusing exorcists.

But mostly, such as Day Break, no matter how much you don't want the day after to come, it will always come, but it never repeats' itself in the same way. Just like summer. It was true that summer came every year, but the same summer never repeats' itself. But just as a certain dark- haired exorcist wakes up, somehow, she thought of how the birds were free first thing today, because, it was today, that day, the day she was cursed.

So free, actually, that they don't have to worry about other species of the same kind of animal as they are getting hurt, such as Crows with pigeons, and pigeons' with crows.

She wasn't thinking of the future that awaited her, not about the nightmares', not about her precious lotus, and not about anything she hated or desired. For once, she had thought of something that people like her had always' longed to believe in that was true, eventually resulting to hoping that statement would to be touched by logic:

The birds' seem to always' know where to go, everything all planned out for whatever direction they want to go, they are the wisest of animals', who always' know the way to live and learn from the best way of life. They drink from the fountain of love and care. Some say they are one of the dumbest animals', but they are no fools' like us humans. Their scars are covered by feathers' of self- pity and love by which only a mother could give to her precious.

It was true that she, Yu Kanda was heartless at times', but she too, was a human being who had feelings' of her own, all sorts actually, such as hatred, dissatisfaction, disappointment, and all other kinds', or even sorts of feelings', but she had always' longed for love and the true satisfaction of a companion, a friendly feeling, none that included the dissatisfaction of loneliness.

Like usual, she stretched when she woke, rubbed her dark and gloomy eye's when her eye's met the horizons' day break. Her room, even though overwhelmed with the day breaks light, seem to be forever in darkness, none that could ever be replaced. Especially by that lotus of hers', she was for one, forever to be followed by her curse and lotus, like her shadow, which she can never break free from. Impossible, that's what everybody that knew about the curse thought. Impossible to find that one person out of the billions' that lived so far.

And it was true. When that person died, so will she, and so will the lotus, that's why she must be the person who will kill that person with mugen in order to break away from the curse.

Life at the Order was depressing and everyone there knew it, it was their way of living, in order to be out of the grasp of dangerous akumas' that are obviously almost everywhere. Every time when a special occasion comes', they just don't waste time, they will take every chance they have as an accuse per. time in order to lift their spirits', every chance for an excuse is a chance for a little happiness.

Suddenly, Kandas' eyes' dropped, and what caught her eyes' was not the dirty and bloody floor that looked that way only because of her most recent mission, but a present. The present was wrapped in a nice wrapping paper, the usual and classical polka dots' of course. The size of the box seems to be at least a 3"x3"x3", a small one actually.

Her curiosity got the better of her, so instead of ignoring the box like her consicience wanted her to, she got out of bed in her usual clothes', some bandages wrapped around her chest in order to get away from suspicions by crushing her chest and a black slack to go with her bandages', so you can probably call it as her 'pajamas'. Her bare feet smelled of the stench of metallic blood, both with the mixture of human and devils'.

She went toward the direction of the other side of her bed in order to get to the carefully wrapped box, picked it up with care and caution, and stared at it for a whole while. Could this be a trick? Or could it be a surprise? Whoever sneaked inside Yu Kandas' room will be nowhere happy when she finds' who put the box inside her room. Well for one thing, it would be very low, even for them if it was some sick trick they wanted to play on a female exorcist, even though they don't even have a single clue about Kandas' true gender, anyway, it was bad enough hat she had to go into battle, gambling her very chance to live in order to find that very person. It's pretty much like gambling her very lives' with other exorcists who lived to fight in order to protect people that were to be the very future of this horrendous world as well.

She frowned when she found that there were no card, or cards that commented who the 'present' is from. So, to satisfy her curiosity, she found it best not to avoid opening it.

The box's lid was very heavy; it felt awkward to lift up such a small lid with much work and effort. She was still half- conscious and was still very tired.

To her very surprise, her eyes' twitched when she saw a suit. The kind of suit you wear when going to some fancy ball or party. But she had no need for it, it would not even last a day if she wore it, for she was an exorcist, and therefore, her clothes' were always' getting shredded of destroyed in either way.

If she had wore it through the whole entire day, she was sure some fan girl would ask to dance or something stupid like that, or something like go to a party or something with "him", as in the gender which everyone assumed she is. Anyway, that would be just wrong and lesbian in her view. But there was a whole other chance that she was never going to be found wearing some suit with a girl clinging to her arm. Because of her smooth skin and 'pretty' face, girls' who assumed her to be a he had always' been following her around, anyway, in other words', she, Yu Kanda is not gay, does' not wear a suit, is not that kind of person, and is very serious, of which, meaning, she does not more trouble and further complications'.

Her 'present' seems to be a bit let down either way.

She walked to her closet and got her exorcist coat on, looking back to see where she had left the suit, she smirked at 'her' suit which lay on her bed, thinking up of a very evil way to misuse the suit.

In other words', she was going to take advantage of her present and do something bad, such as a prank with it on a certain red- head.

Kanda, walking her way to the cafeteria kept her head high, not even expecting of what step Rabi took this time in order to suit his boredom and curiosity.