Pirates of the Caribbean
The Search for the Great Fountain of YouthDisclaimer: I do not own the Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney does
I hope you enjoy my story, R&R!
Chapter 1#: Drink up me hearty's Yo Ho!
The cool salty sea breeze skimmed Jacks face as he drank what was left of his rum.
'Damn! Why is the rum always gone!' he slurred to himself
He hurled the bottle into the sea.
'You know, we could always stop at Tortuga…''Who said that?' Jack said as he sat up abruptly
'You twit! It's me! Look to the left!'Jack looked to his left and saw what looked like a miniature version of him.
'We can re-load at Tortuga.' Said the miniature him
'Which means rum!' Jack slurred as he licked his lips
'And salty wenches!''Was that you?' Jack asked the small him.
The scale version of Jack shook his head and pointed to Jack's right shoulder; another small Jack was hanging from one of the large Jack's dreadlocks and was speaking into his ear.
'Tortuga means wenches and where ever you find wenches there is bound to be…''RUM!' Jack gasped and jumped to his feet.
The two small Jacks jumped to safety and watched the drunken Jack fall into the water.
(Five minutes later)
Jack pulled off his boot and emptied all it's contents into the sea. He fixed his tilted hat and pulled out his compass.
'We have our heading Mr. Sparrows.'
'TORTUGA!' Jack gasped as he finished tying up his dinghy
He stumbled out of his ship and trampled on the nose of some town drunk. He heard a crack but he kept walking all the same. As he entered Tortuga's best pub, he ran into an un-expected friend.
'Jack Sparrow!' shouted a familiar voice
'Oh! Serena!' Jack replied as he turned around to face the lady with a smile.
'No you ass! It's Solence! Serena is my sister!' Said the lady.
A slap followed this.
'I didn't deserve that!' Jack bellowed
'Oh really?' said Solence with her hands on her hips, 'You stole my ship!' She shouted
'Correction,' Jack said as he reached for a bottle of rum, 'I borrowed your ship, but then a bunch of stupid royal guards sunk it to the ground with cannons, savvy?'
He tilted the bottle of rum into his mouth and gulped down the whole thing. Solence looked slightly sour but as Jack drank, she saw something she couldn't take her eyes off.
'What's that sticking out of you hat, Jack?' She inquired innocently.
Jack pulled the bottle out of his mouth and singled the barman for another.
'That love is the map to the one and only fountain of immortality.' Jack said thickly as he reached for the other bottle.
'The fountain of youth!' Solence said, 'Jack, you're pulling my leg.'
'Pirates honour.' Jack slurred
'Well, a pirates honour isn't worth much!' Solence said
'Well if you want proof.'
Jack took off his hat and pulled out what looked like a circle folded into fourths. He un-folded it and pasted it to Solence. Solence examined the charts and ordered Jack another drink. Jack grunted with approval and slopped most of the drink onto his shirt. Solence rolled her eyes and pulled out her pocketknife. She cut the chart in half and stowed away half of it into her blouse. She smirked and snatched an empty rum bottle from a knocked out man.
'Nighty, night Jackie.' She whispered into his ear and with that, she slammed Jack's head with the bottle.
Jack fell off his bar stool and laid on the floor with his hat in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other.
'Jack, JACK!' shouted a voice that seemed miles and miles away
'What…' Jack gasped as he sat up from the cold bar floor.
He looked up from the ground and saw the yellow smile of Hector Barbossa
'What did ya do with me'chart Jack?' Barbossa asked
'Well, what did you do with my ship?' Jack shot back as he slowly got to his feet
'First the chart Jack!' Barbossa said as he sat on a rickety bar stool.
He ordered a drink and motioned Jack to join him. Jack stumbled into a bar chair and drank his glass of rum instantly. Barbossa smiled a slightly toothless smile and grabbed Jacks hat.
'If I remembered correctly, this is where ya always hide your bounty,' Barbossa said
He pulled out a half circle and his smile turned to a grimace.
'What did ya do with the rest of me'chart Jack?'
Jack ceased his noisy gulping and turned his head to Barbossa's startled face. He snatched the half-chart and lifted his head.
'You ask where the chart is,' Jack said, 'well, we have half the other half has been taken hostage by a filthy wenche by the name of Solence, savvy?'
Barbossa jumped to his feet and pulled out his gun.
'You'll tell me what ya did with me'chart Jack or I swear your next great trip will be to the locker.' Barbossa spat.
'Just hold on…'
Barbossa cocked his gun.
'I know what the girl did with the other half.'
Jack and Barbossa turned to the stranger who sat in a dark corner as he drank deeply into his cup.
'And what was that?' Barbossa said as he pulled Jack to the rickety table in the dark corner.
Jack and Barbossa sat down and listened to the stranger, half hidden in the shadows.
'The girl, Solence, 'Jack and Barbossa nodded, 'she was hired to steal the charts from this miscreant,' the man pointed at Jack who was looking down into his mug while Barbossa motioned the man to go on, 'and if she delivered the chart in question, the bounty on her head would be taken off; she gave me half the map instead.'
'Who are you?' Jack whispered
'Me; why Jack, you and your colleagues thought that you destroyed me but I' am afraid that you are sadly mistaken.'
The man revealed himself, and sitting in front of them was the one and only Lord Beckett.
'Your supposed to be dead!' Barbossa bellowed
'That is correct, but aren't you two also supposed to be dead?' Beckett smiled and put his hand into his inside pocket.
He pulled out the other half of the map and smirked. Jack and Barbossa instantly tried to snatch the half but Beckett was too fast for them. He tucked the charts back into his pocket and smiled. Barbossa cocked his gun and put it underneath Beckett's chin.
'I swear I'll shoot if ya don't gimme the chart!' Barbossa whispered.
Beckett laughed and Barbossa pulled the trigger. Beckett fell to the ground but not a single drop of blood spilled from his wound.
'Ha,' Beckett said as he got to his feet, 'what do you two fine gentlemen know about the cursed Aztec gold of Cortez?'
Jack and Barbossa stared at the un-dead Lord.
'Before you destroyed my ship, I thought it would be good if I had a back-up plan just in case I faced a near-death experience so, I stole a piece of Aztec gold and ever since you destroyed my ship, I have been hunting you down.' Beckett said.
'What do you want for the return of the other half of the chart?' Jack asked.
'Well, 'Beckett said as he looked at his watch, 'in return, I want the lives of two of the most fearful pirates the seven seas have seen and I believe they are know as Mr. and Mrs. Turner?'
Jack's face went pale and Barbossa spat out the drink he was about to swallow. Beckett smiled and went on.
'Those are my standards; I would go get them myself, but of course they don't trust me they trust you however.'
Jack looked at Barbossa.
'We better get a move-on if we want to get that half back.' Jack said.
And with that, Jack and Barbossa left Lord Beckett and set sail for Port Royal.
If you like my story, R&R and stay tuned for chapter 2#!