
I just had to share with fanfiction what happens to our pirate friends.


'-And bound her in her bones, the seas be ours and by the power merrily row they'll row…' sang the slave boy as he shovelled coal into the fireplace.

'-Yo, Ho, all together hoist the colours high…' sang an oddly familiar voice.

The boy turned and a man with shoulder length hair walked in.

'Heave, Ho, thief and beggar never say we die…' sang the voice that came to Jason in his dreams.

In walked a beautiful woman with his big blue eyes.

'Jason, honey,' the woman said, 'it's time to go home.'

The now reunited family grouped together and Solence hugged the warm body of her son. They were all together at last and she was never going to let go of her baby again. Jason had never known who he was until this point in his life; he was a pirate and was proud of it.

The baby blue sky was full of happiness in Port Royal, Elizabeth had lived a so far happy life and she planned to keep living it to the extreme. She was picking flowers in the field and they were her favourite type, daisies.

'Mommy, brought you pretty flower.'

Elizabeth turned and saw none other then her special little one standing behind her holding a single daisy in his small hand.

'Ahh, Willy,' Elizabeth said as she picked up her two year old, 'it's beautiful; I love it.'

She ruffled his brown curls that resembled Wills so very much and she held his hand all the way home.

Will opened his locket and looked into Elizabeth's world. It was filled with joy and when ever Will would look at her and his son, he felt very part of him glow with pride. He was a father and he was so proud of his son. One day they would meet and it would be a beautiful when they were all together. Every night Elizabeth would tell him what happened during the day and small things about little Willy. She would tell him that he is growing to be more like him and he even knows how to handle a sword. Will couldn't help but smile when Elizabeth would let Willy look into the locket. Elizabeth moved Willy up to the locket and he smiled and waved.

'Hi daddy! Mommy and me miss you!' he said through the locket.

'I miss you too buddy!' Will said

Elizabeth held Willy up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She and Willy waved to Will and they bid him goodnight. Will was happy and nothing in the world was going to make him feel any different.

It was a noisy afternoon; the seagulls were extremely loud, the sea was making peculiar noises, and the crew was partying a little too loudly. Jack had enough; he was tired and hung over from yesterday's fiasco. He jumped out of bed and walked onto the deck of the pearl grumpily.

'Can you SHUT IT!' Jack shouted to the crew.

The crew fell silent and Barbossa walked up to Jack and handed him a bottle of rum.

Jack drank some and spat out onto the deck.

'What is that?' Jack asked.

'Sea water, Cap'n.' Mr. Gibbs said, 'Hector thought it would be funny.'

Jack looked over at Barbossa and snapped his fingers.

'Who do you think you are Jack?' Barbossa asked, 'Your no Queen of the Earth.'

Mr. Gibbs accompanied by Mr. Cotton, Threw Barbossa overboard. Jack walked to the edge and waved down to Hector.

'JACK SPARROW!' Barbossa yelled.

'It's Captain Jack Sparrow.' Jack said to himself.

That was the Epilogue; look out for my next story, I don't know what I will call it though.