Sorry for the long wait (again)

Sorry for the long wait (again)! T.T I just seem to be absorbed in reading other people's stories that I don't work on my own story! I can't help it! They're all soo good, and when I think about mine, it's so horrid! But I am working on it; little by little. I'm considering starting another story. The other story that was being worked on earlier wasn't published and won't because I got frustrated at the computer because it erased the file for the hundredth time. That also happened with this fic, but the only reason I haven't ripped my hair out of their roots is because of my back-up files. Anyway, sorry for the rambling, err…I forgot what I had to say. Oh, and I'm on spring break now so I might be able to update faster, but I might get stuck to reading other peoples stories so I might not. Ehehehe, sorry. I'm not sure if that was the thing I forgot. Oops! I'm rambling again! On with the story. Here's chapter 11! (finally)

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Illidan the Half Demon


Hibiki groaned as he licked his dry, chapped lips. He looked up at the sky, and then his head hit against the piece of wood with a loud thunk. He was getting sick to the color. He was surrounded by who-knows-how-many-miles for day up and down, and to the sides. He saw a tiny brown speck at the distance, but didn't even bat an eyelid at it. How many times were the blasted hallucinations going to taunt him, over and over again? He sighed as he leaned his head on a piece of wood that he and his brother salvaged as it floated by. What happened when he jumped off that cliff? His memory was groggy. With a yawn, he settled his head on the piece of wood and hooded his eyes.

Days or moments later, he was faintly aware of a loud shout, water splashing, and being picked up. He tried to tell them to get his brother too, but his arms felt like lead at his side and did nothing. Sensing his brother getting rescued too, he stopped fighting for consciousness and entered the soft, comforting void of sleep.


The first thing Genji was aware of when he was awake was that he no longer was floating, but settled firmly on a bed. Panic quickly came, but he compressed it and explored his surroundings with all of his senses except sight. He felt the coarseness from the bed and blanket under and on, heard low quiet voices, and smelled the tang of medicine. Realizing he was in no danger, since he identified the voices to be Fuhrer Mustang and General Hawkeye. He slowly got up from his bed, wincing from the suddenly light and pain and noticing the IV in his arm. His commanding officer was immediately at his side.

"Genji, how are you feeling? What happened? You and your brother were missing for a week." All Genji could manage was rasp out. "Oh, sorry." Riza handed him a glass of cold water. He slowly took sips. His throat felt raw and sore.

"I-I don't know." That was true. He couldn't remember. It was all a vague memory to him. "I'm sorry, sir. I'm thankful you had time to visit me with your busy schedule. How is my brother?" Genji hurriedly asked.

"Your brother is fine, just suffering from a few broken ribs, fractured ankle, and a broken arm. Oh, and by the way, how did your brother get his automail?" Genji immediately sensed danger.

"He lost it in a train accident three years ago." He said softly. The Fuhrer, taking the softness for uneasiness and sensitivity to revealing extremely personal information to people they didn't know very well, none the less the Fuhrer, their commanding officer! He patted his subordinate on the shoulder gently and said, "Just focus on healing."

"Where's my brother?"

"He's in the other room. He hasn't wakened yet, but the doctors are expecting him to do so any moment now." Roy's voice was so full of sincerity and confidence that Genji didn't pursue the subject further.

Roy closed the door and stood out of Genji's room.

"Sir, you didn't tell that little boy the truth about his brother." Riza said, not even looking to her side where Roy was. He sighed and ran a tired hand through his hair.

"How can I possibly tell him? He's just woken up in critical health condition. His body was lacking so many nutrients. If I tell him now, his reaction could prove disastrous to his health."


"Fuhrer sir, it appears that the younger one is just suffering from a lack of nutrients. However," the doctor's face was troubled. "the older one has a severe case of blood loss and seems to have a few broken ribs and a broken arm."

"That doesn't seem to bad." Riza commented.

"But the worst yet is that one of his wounds is dangerously infected. I'm not sure if he'll survive. Especially with a fever." Roy's eyebrow drew together.

"Are you absolutely sure? What are the chances of survival?" At that question, the doctor turned his back around, not facing them.

"Eighty-nine percent of death, and twenty-one chance of survival. Very high and low figures."

"Are you sure?"

"One-hundred percent."



Yep! That's chapter 11! Review? Please? Onegai? (please in Japanese)

-Dark Reborn