Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Hood.
Loving With Both Sides of My Heart
When I first met him, I'll admit that I was amazed. It's not everyday you meet someone with skills that match those of Robin Hood. I'll also admit to the fact I found him very good looking. All right, he was the most gorgeous man I had ever met.
When he tried to kill Robin, I was completely prepared to do everything in my power to try and kill him. But then when his story was told, the story of his brother and how he knew Robin, all I could feel was sympathy for him.
I liked how he handled Much's dislike for him. There aren't many people who can't do that. That was just one for that that made him amazing in my eyes. I suppose this is how Marian always felt about Robin.
Then when he left, I admit I cried. I really liked the man, he was one of those people who could get under your skin, learn all your secrets, but never once use them against you. At least he didn't do that to me.
But I knew he had to go back to the Holy Land. Well, he didn't have to, but he wanted to. I could tell just by looking at him that his soul still wanted to fight. So I watched him leave without putting up an resistance.
When we met him again in the Holy Land my joy was so much I was afraid I would burst. It was so wonderful to see him again.
And when the king accused us of trying to kill him, he stepped in and tried to defend us, but the king wouldn't hear him.
I hated being in the desert. It was hot, and dry, and sandy. But then he came to our rescue and again, I'll admit it, I kissed him. And he kissed me back. That sort of righted my world and made everything okay again.
I felt like my heart had just been impaled when the Sheriff killed him. But I was too busy trying to save everyone else that I didn't have time to cry.
When we returned to England, three short of outlaws and one short a friend, that was when I weeped. I grieved for him for an eternity until I felt as though he would want me to carry on with my life.
He's not crying, he's laughing on the wrong side of his face.
I never understood that, but when he said it, I really didn't care. Just to hear is voice was enough.
I'm not laughing on the wrong side of my face. I'm not crying anymore, I never did until he died.
But I did love. I loved with both sides of my heart. I loved him, with both sides.
I know I'll see him again someday, I just know it. The sooner the better in my opinion, but I know he wouldn't agree. I know it can't be too soon, my friends wouldn't be able to handle another death in the sort of family was have formed. So I'll just love him until we meet again. I'll love the man who saved my life more than once.
I'll love him with both sides of my heart.
An: Yep, the mysterious outlaw returns, you think I should ditch the Lady of Knighton Hall and write a story about the mysterious outlaw? I was thinking about it, it's possible. Anyway, please review.