Sadly i don't own these characters only the BBC do. Shame!
Djaq was a Saracen woman, her real name being Saffiya, and had had a bad past.
When she was a young girl her mother had tragically died and left her twin brother and father to take care of her. Djaq had been taught a lot by her father about medicine and was very talented in that area of life. It always came in use somewhere along the line and never failed her. She was very grateful that her father had actually let her learn and would never disobey him.
War had then come to her homeland and she was taken captive and forced to work as a slave. Her father and brother had been killed and Djaq knew she would have even less chance of surviving then they did. She decided there was only way and that was to cut her luscious, long, dark brown/black hair and take her brothers identity.
She still regretted this dissuasion sometimes and wished that maybe she could one day be Saffiya again. But there was no turning back now and she knew that because otherwise she would have never met Will Scarlett the love of her life.
She couldn't't think of anything or anyone else than the young carpenter, fighting with her against Prince John and the evil sheriff of Nottingham, when she joined Robin Hoods gang of outlaws. They were always sneaking glances at each other over the fire when they didn't think they were being watched. Staring into each others eyes till someone spoke loudly (normally Much being well, Much) and brought them back into the real world. Getting caught was the worst part, turning bright red when they were spotted.
Much started to get suspicious every time they went to look for 'honey' in the forest. Somehow they never returned with any sometimes going out a few times a day.
Finally they did admit their feelings for each other in front of the whole gang with the added feature of Much muttering to John in the background and also sharing a kiss just before they faced certain death. They couldn't't take it all back and carry on as normal now. Although fighting and even killing wasn't normal.
But they had survived and traveled to the holy land to save the king of England. Djaq had for once in her life told some one about her dreams of living in Bassam's house and training the birds all around them. So Will being Will and caring for Djaq decided to stay behind with her, but they both had returned a month later from missing the gang so much. She found that living in England with Will was the only thing she wanted. Then 3 months later they returned from the holy land and back being outlaws.
Djaq couldn't't believe the words coming from Will's mouth. The words she had waited so long to hear. She had heard them before obviously but not from him.
There they were in front of Robin, Much, John, Allan and Will was proposing to her.