The Song of Trees and Winds


Long ago, when life, the earth, and humans didn't exist, there was a world where angels, gods, and spiritual beings lived.

The time where love, peace, and harmony was a daily factor. The angels were beautiful, a clear symbol of a holy being. They never aged out of the specific age group they chose. Anger, sadness, heartache, and negative emotions? What is that? In the heavens, none of these existed.

But. . .

Deep down in the black pit of the galaxy was the underworld. The worst scum-hole, where the world of the demons existed. Ugly, cold-blooded demons with the worst type of personality. Little bastards they were.

Demons were evil creatures, just like they heavens, they never aged. What made them different was the exact opposite of the angels. Every negative thoughts, hatred, cruelty, and destructions were their daily factor, and they despised joy and happiness. The demented feelings that were thrust towards them, they welcomed with open arms.

Thus, when the world of the demons and angels clashed, the war came.

The war lasted for many years, and is still going on today.

Amidst the chaos, and rubble, what happens when one adventurous young angel named Uchiha Sasuke, and one kind-hearted demon named Uzumaki Naruto were born? Not even the leader of the heavens could know that these two were destined to later fall in love.


What happens when two opposite individuals find love in the mix of all this fighting?

Nothing good of course.

Chapter 1


My life as an angel wasn't exactly what I'd call spectacular. Definitely not the best, but still pretty good. No one would have thought I would be born an angel. Ever since I was little, I've always seen myself as something cruel and evil.

Like it was a part of me.

My mother told me otherwise.

I never knew my father, and when I asked about him, my mother always looked away, and left the question lingering.

She has, however, told me that he was courageous., brave, handsome, and that he loved us both, very much

A lot of the other, much more older angels disliked me, for reasons unknown to me. It used to bother me as a kid, but now? I could care less. I have friends my age, so it's fine. Really it is. But most importantly, maybe it's because of my current obsession.


I always wondered about them. Daydream about them even. What it would be like if I met one, when I'm not supposed to. In class for instance, my mind always seem to wander off in the general direction.

Honestly, other than that, my teacher is out to get me. The old had seriously needs to change her appearance to another ethic age group. Why she changed in the first place is beyond me. How can she teach children if she scares them off before they even set foot inside the classroom?

Well, back to my point. I don't believe demons are as evil as the stories they elders tell us. We are angels for goodness sake! Shouldn't we try to make peace instead of fighting? Whenever I offer my opinion though, they dismiss me, their face clearly stating, 'Kid, you don't know what your talking about.' Or 'Demons can't be reasoned with, we tried and failed. This is our only option.'

Yeah right, tried my halo!

Right now, I'm currently in class, listening to the old wench ramble endlessly about how evil demons are, old ancient demon history, and etc. etc. Well, I'm pretending to listen anyways.

I've tried resting my head in my hands on my desk, doodling, day dreaming, which I got caught, heck, even really paying attention, but nothing is working! I'm so bored. So I look over my shoulder and around the class for something entertaining to do. I settled my eyes on my best friend Sakura, who sat right next to me. It looks like she's going to fall asleep any minute now. So doing the only thing I could think of, I write her a note. Yeah yeah, I know writing notes is girly but when in my condition you get desprite.


You as bored as I am?

I folded the paper, before nudging her lightly with my elbow. Her eyes snap up to mine, and down at the paper. She grabs it quickly, looking around real fast, before unfolding it. She quirks an eyebrow at my message, before replying.

What do you think, dimwit?

I frown at her reply; Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the cloud this morning.

No need to be rude, I'm just as bored as you are.' She shoots me an apologetic look.

I'm sorry; you know how grumpy I am in History. It's always the same thing. I dislike it as much as you do.. Oh yeah, I forgot. No wonder.


what do you think of demons? I mean, did you ever wonder what one looks like or sounds like? I don't think these teachers are giving us the full deal on them.' I tosses it into her hand once more, before receiving an odd look. What? Was it something I wrote?

'Why are you so interested in demons, Sasuke? There horrible creatures! They need to be destroyed, you know that. I don' care what one looks like, sounds like, and I hope I never have the 'pleasure' of meeting one.'

Wow, that was harsh. I was about to reply when the note was cruelly snatched from my desk.l I look up, ready to shout objections, when I see our teacher giving me a disapproving look. Serious, she needs to change her appearance. Ancient goes as ancient gets.I notice that every student had their eyes on me. I honestly don't know why. It's not like this is something new.

I Sigh.

"To the Angel Administration Office?" I ask. Well, it was more of a statement. I already know they answer, considering I'm already up out of my seat, and headed towards the sliding door. She just nods her head and walked back up to the front of the class. I slightly slam the door on my way out. Jeez, what is with that lady? I swear, I'm the only one she's out to get. Walking is such a drag, why can't I just fly? I understand, no running in the hall, but flying? Tch, that's not on the rules. So what harm can be done? I had just recently learned how to fly. It is so cool!

I close my eyes swiftly, and concentrate. Before I knew it, my silver halo appears above my head, and my feet lift off the ground. I inwardly whooped with joy, floating higher in glee. Flying down the hall with top speed, the next thing I hear, threw me off course.

"Uchiha Sasuke! No flying in the hall!" The sudden yell startled me so much, my halo quickly disappears, and I fell down onto the ground with a 'thump' I let out yelp of pain, rubbing my bottom gently. Boy, did that hurt. I look up and was confronted with-

Oh great. Why am I not surprised.

"Sorry, Kakiyo-sensei." Confused? Well…

Does ancient teacher, ring a bell? Thought so.

It seems she was already suspecting me of it, so she opened the door to check up on me. That old hag.

I swear this lady is out to get me. She glared at me before pushing her oversized glasses up on her nose.

"Mr. Uchiha, can you please calmly walk down to the office and not disturb other classes that are, unlike you, trying to learn?" My inner 3-year-old stomped his foot and glared at her. Why you over-sized, pompous, old hag! On the outside though, I just stared at her blankly.

"Yes, Kakiyo-sensei" I answered uncaringly. I calmly lifted my self up from the ground and dusted the imaginary dust of my white garments.

The uniform that the male angels have to wear consists of a white shirt, and matching pants. Surprising? Not really.

Personally, my colors consist more of black, but if I was to tell anyone, they would think I was possessed or sent me to the Institute for the Fallen and Demented. That's what I call the school counselor.

The girls attire is completely different. Well almost. It was most likely a small white lace dress that stops a few inches above the knees.

Kakiyo-sensei humph-ed before turning around and walking back into the class room. Feeling childish, I stuck my tongue out at her behind her back. Stupid hag. I turned around, rubbed my back side a little more before walking down to the office, grumbling about teachers.

(End Sasuke)


The life of a demon is not one to admire. Horrid, ugly creatures are what we are. If I was told so, then that would be a compliment. Destruction and pain is what we feed off of .In the world of demons, something as simple as someone not liking your face, it could cause a rumble. Even chewing your food the wrong way, can cause a problem. Profanities and insults? That's probably what you would consider nice. And to us, it's compliments. If you say it to us, you'd get a 'fuck you' or a punch to the face, and all of that would be a sign of respect, you could say. But me? I've got it easy. After all, I'm the son of the demon lord, Kyuubi.

There's not one piece of shit in the underworld that doesn't know who I am. It's funny through. I've never pictured myself as the prince of evil. Ever since I was little, there's always been this nagging feeling that I was part good. The irony, huh? Or at least part of me was. But when I confronted the issue with my dad, he just said it was gas and I'll get over it.

I often wondered about my mother. I've tried to talk to dad about her but all he's told me is that she was very beautiful and loved me very much. Well if she fucking loved me so much then where the hell is she now? But even though I'm pissed off about that fact, I still believed what my dad said about her loving me. Even though I never really understood how that was possible, consider us demons couldn't feel love.

Ah, well, back to my point, basically my life's pretty sweet.

Right now; my best friends and I, Kiba and Lee, are lounging around in our official hangout, skipping class. Hell, if the point was to be bad in the underworld, there shouldn't even be classes to teach you about the angels and stuff. It's not like those old farts are going to suddenly teach us something different than the shit they'd always been feeding us.

Like how Good is bad.

Bad is good.

Angles are good.

So thus, Angles are bad, and should be rid of.

That's all there saying… just with big ass words. So there's no point in me being there listening to the same thing I've already heard a million times already.

Anyways back to my-I mean, our- hangout. We found it when were kids. It's some old abandoned building. But we fixed it up and it's pretty damn awesome. The biggest shit hole in the entire underworld. The three of us are just lazing around kicking back and relaxing on our couch and drinking beer. You'd never believe how we got the couch in. Some crazy lady threw it out her window. It's not in the best of conditions but hey, who am I to be picky when handed over a free couch.

Kiba chugged his beer and let out a loud burp, he looked at us challengingly, and an eye brow rose in questioning.

I smirked. It was so on.

I chugged three beers straight and hit my chest a couple of times. My cheeks puffed out before I let out a loud series of belches, closing my eyes arrogantly with a smirk on my face. Kiba laughed and fanned at the air while Lee grinned and coved his nose.

"Shit dude, that was gruesome" He laughed out. I stuck my tongue out at his and just said he was jealous. We both looked at Lee expectantly. He grinned and puffed out his chest.

"I accept your challenge!" he shouted. Jeez lee, we're right here, don't have to yell.

"Damn, fucking eyes brows, we're right here, you ain't got to yell!" Kiba accused, hands removing themselves from his ears. I punched him in his arm and glared at the stupid idiot. How dare he take my line. He gave a yelp of before returning my glare full force and punching me in the arm twice as hard, while asking what the hell he did.

"Shut up, I was going to say that!" I shouted childishly. He called me a baby before picking up another beer. I pouted. Stupid fleabag! I looked at Lee who was on the floor doing push ups. Hey, what happened to him burping? Ah, well.

Later on

It's been about an hour, and Lee left awhile ago, saying something about his father scolding him on being late and something youth but whatever. Kiba and I are still here. Surprisingly sober and just talking about stupid shit.

"Hey, Naruto…" I look over at Kiba, who had a thoughtful look on his face.


"What do you think of angels?" I stare at Kiba in shock. Well that was unexpected. Angels? Honestly, I don't know. I know I was taught to hate them with every fiber of my damned soul, but they've never done anything to me, so I really don't think about them that much. Hell I don't even know what one looks like!

"Honestly, Kiba, do you really expect me to know what those things look like? I do know there a bunch of goody-goody freaks, though."

"What do you think it would look like? What do you think they smell like?" What's up with Kiba and his sudden and curiosity? This can't be good.

"Kiba, I don't know, and I really don't care. Where are you going with this?" I eye him suspiciously and he grins at me sheepishly. My eyes widen.

Oh shit. I know that look.


"No." That was not going to happen.

"But Na-"


"Come o-"



"No! No! No! No! NO! There is no fuckin' way, I am going up there! So you can just get that little thought, out of you're mind, RIGHT NOW!"

(End Naruto)


"I can't believe I let you talk me into going to the angel world! If my dad finds out he'll fry me alive!" Naruto complained. Kiba had somehow convinced him to go up to the angel's world. It's actually really easy to get there. Well only if your the son of the ruler of the underworld. You see, Kyuubi is able to make contact with the angel world so that he knows when they are, or going to attack. So he had the hole built in and only he knew where it was located, and how to get in and out.

But for Naruto's 15th birthday, he had shared his secret with his son and this is why Naruto was basically shaking with fear that his father would wake up and find him in his private study. He also felt extremely guilty for betraying his fathers trust. For Kiba no less. To top it off, Kiba had the balls to sit there grinning like a maniac. Although, he had to admit, he was also curious of the other worldly beings.

"Come on, Naruto! Don't be such a baby. All we have to do is jump in and back. We're only going to take a quick peek. Now on the count of three…" Kiba grabbed Naruto's hand in a firm grip, making sure the little wimp didn't try to chicken out.

"Kiba I'm starting to regret this."


"Hey, buddy lets just forget the whole thing, ok?"


"God damn it, Kiba! When we get back, you are so fuckin' screwed!

"3!" As soon as the words left his mouth Kiba jumped through the hole, tugging a yell from Naruto behind him. Papers scattered across the office ground, as the hole sealed up and the room grew quiet.

To be continued

Review please

Well what do you guys think? Should I continue or is it crap? I would like to thank firekyoakira26921181 for beta-ing, editing, and detailing this for me. Well, I'm out!