Heh...I'm back..? ( gets boo-ed!)
"Am I-I s-still alive?" Was the one thought that ran through Sasuke's mind when all movement ceased. Prying his tightly clenched eyes open he took a quick look around noticing he was in the forest. He let out a relived sigh, grateful at how fortunate he was. Although, unnoticeable to him, his landing cushion wasn't faring out quite as well.
"What the hell-" His savior groaned out. He gasped in surprise, realizing he'd landed on a person, and partly because of the language that was used. Every angel knows its strictly forbidden to use profanity. Disregarding that little fact he looked up, ready to express his thanks and sorrows when he received an equally surprised gasp in return. Blue eyes stared at him in alarm, shock, and a bit of astonishment.
"Your…y-your… a-a….a-angel…" The blond stuttered out. Sasuke's startled eyes quickly morphed into confusion.
"What did he mean I'm an angel? Of course I'm an angel! Isn't he also? Did I seriously harm him when I landed on him?" He thought.
Suddenly worried he'd injured his handsome savior, he wove his arms around Narutos neck, pulling the boys head into his chest and running pale hands threw endless blond hair, searching for any signs of damage. Frowning when he found none, he pulled his head away, hands on both cheeks, and looked deeply into stunned blue eyes.
"Are you all right?" He asked slowly, unconsciously stroking scarred cheeks. When he received no response after a minute or so, just more wide- eyes staring, he grew frustrated and shook the head between his fingers.
"Did you hear me? Do you need me to take you to the heal- ahh!?" He was suddenly cut off when, with out warning, he was thrown off the blond by the scruff of his shirt and into a near by tree, the blow to his head instantly rendering him unconscious.
Watching the long haired brunet slump against the tree, the blonds forgotten friend grinned in satisfaction. He was looking for the right moment to sneak up on that angel before he figured out Naruto was a demon and things got ugly. Speaking of Naruto, he looked over at his blond friend and gave a huff of irritation when he realized he was still dazed, staring at the spot the boy was just in. Sighing, he walked up to his friend and crouched down in front of him.
"Naruto?" He called out once.
No response.
"Naruto." He tried again.
Still no response. With a groan of frustration he delivered a harsh smack to the back of the blonds head.
"Ow! What the fuck Kiba?!" Naruto yelled, rubbing the back of his head, glaring viscously at his brown haired friend. Kiba just simply stared at him, then patted him on the shoulder.
"Glad your finally back from where ever the hell your pee brain went while twinkle toes over there was feeling you up." Narutos glare hardened at the choice of words then softened up a bit, deciding to let it go this time. He took a brief look over at the unconscious angel then looked down, deep in thought.
"What the hell just happened? An angel suddenly just falls out the fucking sky right into my lab then starts stroking me and ..ugh…"He sighs. Roughly rubbing a hand threw his messy blond hair. " But then again," He glanced over again at the long haired boy. " I didn't know angels were so….so ….b-beautiful….. Why are we at war with such creatures… I sensed no danger coming from him at all, in fact….when he touched me ..it felt…good…..Ah, what the hell am I saying! I should of thrown him off me as soon as he landed! He's a angel Naruto, those disgusting creatures that caused what ever the hell happened to mom. Kiba ,of all people, had to save me.." He frowned. When his sensitive ears twitched, hearing a small groan of pain, he looked up and sure enough, those black eyes were fluttering open. Narrowing his own eyes, he stood up, suddenly enraged, and growled. Stalking over to the boy, with one clawed hand he lifted him up off the ground by the font of his shirt and slammed him into the tree. Snarling, he bared his fangs, when the brunet yelped in pain. His half lidded black eyes stared at the blond in confusion.
"W-Where have I seen this person b-before…? Why d-does h-he look so m-mad?" His half conscious mind supplied. Lifting a pale trembling hand he attempted to touch him but the boy jerked back in surprise. Realizing he was suppose to be scaring this boy, not the other way around, he snarled and thrust his face so close to the raven that he could feel his haggard breath.
"Listen here you cretin," he started off with a growl, "I- what are you doing?" He asked, startled when the long hair angel lifted his hand yet again and this time was successful in touching a tan scarred cheek.
"A-are you mad at me? Its seems like every one I-is a-always mad at me, the e-elders…teachers….even my…..m-mom…. I-I'm s-sorry so don't…d-don't …..hate me." The last part was whispered so quietly that if Narutos ears weren't so accurate he wouldn't of heard. The angels face was constricted with immense sadness, a deep frown on his pretty face.
"m's-sorry." With that he leaned forward a gave a soft kiss to a tan cheek then everything went dark.
As for Naruto, well, he was so stunned he instantly dropped the angel and backed up as far as his legs would take him until his back hit another tree, eyes wide, he lifted a tan hand to his cheek, and, he couldn't help it, blushed a nice soft crimson.
"Pfft.." His blond head snapped up quick in mortification, at the sound of a muffled laugh. He was greeted with the sight of Kiba holding a hand over his face in a pathetic attempt at controlling his laughter. At the look on his friends face Kiba could no longer control it and burst out into mad chuckles.
"Wah ha ha ha ha! He- he and you-y-you haha hahah! O-oh g-god I cant take it! Ha ha ha ha haha ha!" He clutched his stomach, bending over and laughing up a storm. Naruto face burned an unnatural shade of red, a large vein throbbed insistently in his forehead. Swallowing he calmly stalked over to his laughing friend, who just looked up at him, then kindly laughed even harder in his face, even a bit of saliva hitting him on his nose, making him jerk back just a bit. Vein throbbing even harder, he closed his eyes and simply whipped it off with the back of his hand. Opening his eyes, now burning a horrifying dark red, he clenched his fist, pulled it back, and delivered such a hard punch to Kibas jaw that it sent him flying across the forest and into a nearby bush.
With a satisfied smirk, and a quick shake of his throbbing hand, he walked over to the bush, bent over a bit and growled. "You tell anybody, anybody about this I'll string you up from a tree by your balls over the pits(1), chop off your dick, shove it up your ass, then make you eat it, oh, and then I'll throw you into the pits, is that understood?" When he received no response, he kicked the boy in the ribs one good time.
"Ughh…!" Was the pained groan. Naruto's smirk grew in size.
"Good now lets go before my dad gets back and he throws us both into the pits." Standing up strait he ran a hand threw his hair. With one last glace back at the long black hair angel, he brushed a hand across his cheek with a small scowl and disappeared in a big cloud of blackish red smoke.
Sasuke awoke with a jolt shooting up quickly before falling right back down with a groan of pain, suddenly dizzy. Clutching his head in pain, he looked around, confused.
"Wha..where..?" He attempted. Sasuke was not prepared to be suddenly jerked forward into a tight hug. He groaned in utter anguish, his head felt as though someone was repeatedly smacking him across the head with a blunt object.
"Sasuke Uchiha! You stupid, stupid child!" An angry woman's voice hissed at him, almost as if they were holding back tears. Pulling back a bit, he looked at the person in surprise.
"Mom!?" In response, his mother just simply pulled him back into a tight embrace as a sob racked heavily threw the woman's body.
"Do you have any idea how worried I've been! I was so afraid the elders had finally got to you! So afraid they'd taken you away just like….just like…" She broke off into another sob, her hands tightening there hold. Sasuke just stood there stiffly, his mother had never openly shown so much affection towards him. He awkwardly wrapped an arm around her shaking shoulders.
"Sasuke, your all I have left…"
"Goodness, mother, don't you think your overreacting just a bit? I've only been gone for a couple of hours. What could have possibly happened to make you think something happened to me?" He said with a sigh. His mother pulled back and whipped her face, looked at him as though he were an complete idiot.
"A couple of…. A couple of hours!? Sasuke, honey, you've been gone all night! Take a look around you, its dawn! Excuse me for being worried when my only offspring never returns home and I find him passed out in the middle of the forest!" She ranted, outraged. Sasuke stood there shocked, taking a look around and, sure enough, the sky was a light shade of blue…..blue…why did that color seems so familiar? Come to think of it what was he doing yesterday? He remembered getting sent to detention, then flying home, then….then…nothing…Groaning he clutched his head, his vision blurry. Frowning his mother pulled the boy head into her chest examined her sons head, running her hand threw his long black locks.
"Mother!" Sasuke protested.
"Oh Sasuke shut up, you always complain, you used to love my chest.."
"Mo-Ah!" Sasuke stated to protest again when he was cut off as she gave slightly harder tug to throbbing head. After a few more seconds of pocking and probing she released him with a sigh.
"Come on you can explain your self later right now I'm taking you to the healers, and none of that complaining about how Jiraiya-sama touches you Sasuke, he one of the most respected elder's in all of the heavens. Trust me he doesn't want you." With that her halo appeared and she flew off. Sasuke snorted.
"Yeah well mom I don't think you know your respected healer as well as you think you do. And here I thought he was just a pervert for women, turns out he goes for anything with a pretty face." And with that last thought he, despite how much his head ached, flew after her.
"What the Fuck were you thinking! Stupid, why are such a stupid fucking IDIOT !?" Naruto winched as he was jerked up harshly by his hair and came face to face with his furious father, eye a blaze a terrifying crimson. Naruto had to admit, his dad had to be the only one he was openly afraid of.
"Well, son, I'm waiting, please tell me, I'd really like to know because, ah, apparently you and your little pet bitch over there failed to realize, that, uh I don't know, THERES A FUCKING WAR GOING ON!! The hell are they teaching you in that school! Fuck, how hard is it to under stand. Angels. Are. The. Enemy. They .want. To. Kill. You." Kyuubi made a point of yanking Narutos hair a bit harder at every word. Naruto bit his lip in pain and attempted to explain himself.
"I just-ahhh!" He tried, breaking off in a cry of distress when his fathers hand gripped his hair even tighter and yanked his head back so far the his chin was facing the ceiling. Clenching his teeth he decided staying quiet was his best bet.
"Shut up, brat." He hissed, fangs bared. Fear flashed in blue eye as angry red ones stared back. Kyuubi caught the quick flash and smirked. At first, he was delighted he'd put fear into the boy's heart maybe then he'd understand the consequence of doing something so stupid as to invade the heavens, but then a flash back of Naruto's childhood danced before his eyes and let go of the boy's hair with a strong jerk and a irritated click of his teeth. He rubbed his temples in aggravation hoping it would calm him down. When his red eyes reverted back to there vibrant blue he sighed and sat down in his office chair with a loud 'thump.'
Looking into surprised identical blue eyes he sighed again leaning down and resting his forehead into the palm of his hand.
"Fuck, Naruto, I don't know where I went wrong with you. I trusted that you were old enough to handle knowing where the portal was and you…you go off and do something as stupid as this I'd expect this from a moron like the one behind you, but you, son, this is such a disappointment!…. I mean…Wha…what the hell were you thinking!…What the fuck was going threw your mind when you thought that it was okay to go into the god damned angel world!? You know, the annoying little pixies that like to fly around and claim the good of will and all that shit! The whole point of school!? The god damn fucking know it all farts that caused your mom…to….to…" He broke off into another sigh. This one defeated.
"Just…get out of my office I don't want to see you right now.." Naruto, deeming it ok to speak, wanted to firmly state his case.
"But dad I-" Red eyes snapped up angrily at him. And Naruto jerked back a bit.
"Did you not hear me boy?! I said get out! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Was the enraged roar, and with that Naruto did as he was told. Faintly noticing that Kiba was already gone. Ohhhh just wait until he finds that mutt, he was going to really fuck with his shit!
He smirked, it was all good, if the bitch wanted to run it was alright, the hunt is the best part in finding prey. He was a demon after all.
"Does it hurt when I touch you here?"
"How about here?"
"Mmm, and how about….here?"
"For the last time Jiraiya-san , NO! I injured my head that place is nowhere near my head." Sasuke yelled, finally fed up with being felt up. If he didn't feel like crap he would have stormed out of the an-clin(2) by now. Jiraiya put his hands up in a peace offering.
"Now, now I was just making sure you weren't, feeling any pain in any, ah, other places." He said, a huskily tint to his voice. Shuddering in disgust, he wondered if getting rid of this head ach was really worth it. With a sigh he realized, yes sadly, it was.
"Look Jiraiya-san, could you please just heal me so I can go?" Jiraiya frowned, seemingly unpleased with that answer.
"Are you sure your not-"
"YES, I'm absolutely, positively, with out a doubt, unquestionably, really, really sure, I'm not injured anywhereelse so please, if you would, my migraine?" He exasperated.
With a pout that reaaally didn't suit his face, Jiraiya, lifted his hands above Sasukes head, a faint blue glow flowing from them. Sasuke closed his eyes, feeling the pain ease away. When he was finally relieved from that insistent throbbing. He let out a loud and very relieved sigh. With a smile he jumped down from the examining table and turned towards Jiraiya, thanking him properly who, in return, smirked at him seductively.
"If you really want to thank me I know a great way to-"
"Not going to happen." With that he coolly walked out of the office but not before hearing the angry mans comments.
"Yeah well your not all that good looking anyway, brat!"
"If I'm not all that why the sexual harassment every time I step into your office? And why are you staring at my backside as I walk away? Pervert."
Sasuke smirked. He'd keep that one little comment to himself. After all, he was an angel.
I have nothing to say. I'm a cold, cold despicable person. And you can throw rocks at me all you want. I don't even deserve to say sorry… I'm just so lazy!
(1) The pits are a big crack in the underworld were all the demons that died go its real nasty, if a demon where to fall in he'd die instantly to anyone else but to that demon painfully slow like ripping fingers off one at a time, teeth exc.
(2) An-clin is just angel clinic. I know cheesy but I needed something!
Um… review please? ( gets rocks thrown at her)