Last time in High School Is Hard Enough In Your Own Country:
Vassey got sick of Vee always turning him down and decided to take things into his own hands. Not only does he try to rape her, but he tells her that her brother Guy is selling drugs.
Guy realizes just how much Vee's opinion matters and decides to work for the police.
Will and Djaq took their relationship to the next level, much to the delight and harassment of their friends.
The Drug Task Force was housed in an undisclosed office building. Everything that this unit did was shrouded in secrecy. They couldn't very well conduct their business at the station down town. It would ruin the cover on all of their agents and moles. That was a risk that none of them were willing to take.
She usually only came to the offices once a month or so, but her boss had called her in for a meet. Apparently something big was going on in the Vassey case and Ortiz wanted everyone in on it. Of course "everyone" was Ortiz, herself, and the techs. She had been so excited to hear that she was going to have technical support on this case. Images of James Bond and Mission Impossible had danced through her head. It was nothing so glamorous as a lipstick camera or diamond earring microphones. Her job had really just involved lurking about in the dark with a regular digital that you could have picked up at a local Best Buy, and her wardrobe included more stained jeans than ball gowns.
Oh well, she thought to herself, such is life. You had to tough it out to reach your dreams. She had always been a fighter. As the sister of three brothers, she hadn't had much of a choice. She trained in street fighting, aikido, and kick boxing. She had also graduated top of her class from the Police Academy, and at 20 she was the youngest under cover agent on the force.
She knocked on the office door and waited impatiently. She felt anxiety well within her. This was HER case, and there was some huge development. As soon as she heard the gruff, "enter," she stepped inside.
Shock seemed to be an understatement as she looked around the office. Sitting opposite of her superior officer was none other than Guy Guisborne. Her calculative mind began working through possibilities. The most important thing was to make sure she didn't blow her cover. "So my mom said you called," she rolled her eyes at the other woman as she plopped into a chair, "what is it you want now? Do I need to pee in another cup for you?" She turned to Guy, "is she your probation officer too?"
The detective only smiled at her subordinate. She probably should have warned her, but she loved these little tests. Turning to Guy she gestured at the newest person in the room, "this is Officer Holden."
"No," Guy chuckled, looking at the 5'4" teen, "That's Ceci. I think we have English together," he asked her.
"Crazy thing about drugs," the young officer's posture changed from annoyed teen to the straight back and authority of a trained professional. "Tends to kill a few brain cells."
"Stand down Holden," Ortiz's voice boomed. "I'd like you to meet your new partner."
Her jaw clenched, "he's a kid."
"You're pretending to be a kid," Guy bit back. She was gorgeous. Dark brown hair with red highlights framed pale skin, high cheek bones, and full lips. No way was she some cop. What cop had a nose ring?
Detective Ortiz took a deep breath and held it for a moment before pushing it and her frustration out of her body. In a deceptively sweet tone, "now you have both behaved as children. I do not recall giving either of you a choice in the matter. You," she pointed at the two people sitting across from her, "will be partners. You will work together. And we will bring Vassey down." She hoped she was telling the truth and wasn't just getting everyone's hopes up. "Holden I want you to fill him in on your operation."
Much chewed on his bottom lip as he sat outside of Robin's room. He was always running to his best mate for advice, and he wondered if it got on Robin's nerves. He brought his hand up and knocked on the door.
"Hold on," Robin's voice sounded anxious and breathy, and he could have sworn he heard giggling. He waited at the door until Robin finally called him in. "Much?" He sounded exasperated, "what are you doing here?"
Much plopped down in the computer chair and tossed his head back dramatically, "why can't I be more like you or Allan or even Will? I'm always such a worrier." He looked up at his friend. Robin's face seemed flush and his clothes looked disheveled, "have you been sweating? Never mind that, I need your help."
Robin smiled at Much, "what can I do for you?" He watched carefully as the other teen began pacing around the small room. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a scrap of pink fabric and quickly tucked it under his pillow.
"Vee kissed me," Much said as he collapsed back in the chair. "Well, really I think it was more of an attack, but that's not the point."
"Whoa, whoa, hold up!" Robin tried to hold back his smirk, "Vee attacked you?"
Much shrugged, "I was just asking her how she was. Making sure that Vassey has been leaving her alone and such. The next thing I know she is flinging me into lockers." Much ran his fingers through his hair, "what do I do? Does she like me? Should I ask her out? I can't ask her out," he said nervously. "She was almost raped. How can I be so selfish? I should give her time to heal. Robin why is there a pink flip flop in your room?"
"Real men wear pink," he shrugged. "As for your lady problem I think Vee is sending you a not so subtle hint that she is ready to move on. Ask her on a date. The worst that can happen is she'll say no," he said as he gently pushed his friend out of his room.
"Real men wear pink," Marian giggled as she crawled out from under his bed.
He shrugged and pulled out the short pink skirt from under his pillow and pulled it up over his hips, "I think it is a good look for me."
Marian couldn't help but laugh at the image before her, "will you give me back my skirt?"
"I don't think so," he shot her a cheeky grin giving her the once over. "I kind of like you the way you are."
She was standing in front of him in a spaghetti strap and a pair of boy shorts. "I feel like I'm a bit under dressed," she whispered into his ear before kissing his neck.
"I can help that," he tossed his head back, exposing more skin for her to kiss.
"Really," she wasn't sure what she expected but it certainly wasn't this. She nearly died laughing while Robin tried to sexily shimmy out of her skirt.
He feigned injury, "Marian I try to do something to spice up our relationship and you just laugh in my face."
"I'm sorry," she giggled.
"Too late," he pounced onto her and began tickling her sides while she squirmed and squealed. She grappled him, wrapping her arms and legs around him and flipping over. His hands moved again to her sides, but she grabbed his wrists and held them forcefully over his head. In all honesty, he probably could have broken free, but the whole situation was just too hot. Marian was straddling him in her panties, they were both red faced and panting, her hair was hanging down around her face and tickling his sensitive skin. It was a scene that he could only ever dream of, yet here she was, on top of him.
Marian felt the same tension build until it snapped. She felt the mood shift from light and playful to something that was so full of longing that it hurt. Her tongue darted out over her lips as she recalled the supple softness of his mouth. Time seemed to slow as she bent her head closer to his.
His hands gripped her thighs tightly and pushed her harder against his body. His fingers seemed to glide over her lean, smooth legs before his hands moved up to cup her ass. She moaned into his mouth and began to rock her hips against him as his hands gently moved up to her breasts. She amazed him. There was no other way to put it. She was feisty and funny and strong and unbelievably hot. He trailed kisses all along her exposed shoulder before biting down gently. She was driving him crazy with her hips, and he couldn't stop thinking about her panties. All that protected her modesty was a flimsy piece of cloth. While one hand was busy teasing a nipple through the cotton of her top the other made its way down to those incredibly sexy panties. He felt Marian tense at once and cursed himself for ruining the best damn moment of his life.
"I'm sorry," he banged his head down on his pillow, frustrated with himself.
She couldn't help but smile down at him. He really could be very sweet. Nothing like the boy that she thought she knew before traveling to the States. She had always thought he was a player and a jerk, but here he was feeling bad for making her uncomfortable. Most guys wouldn't have stopped just from feeling her tense. Hell, most guys wouldn't have even stopped had she said no. She leaned back down and placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. "It's okay," she beamed at him, "you just startled me. Maybe we should take this as a sign to slow down though."
"Really," his voice almost seemed like a whimper. "You're right."