Hi again Sky & Bloom haters! Gigi and me are back and we've brought some extremely funny stuff with us! Oh, right, there'll be some more beating Sky up done by Riven and possibly that dweeb Timmy that will poke him with a stick and will dance around in a green toga!
Go over to Blooms in the afternoon and break into her dorm room. Steal Kiko and write a terrible kidnapping note that looks like a deformed rabbit with X's for eyes and its tongue is hanging out. Then, draw a deformed picture on the same sheet of paper of Sky and Bloom smiling and holding hands and laughing at the dead bunny. Write at the bottom: "We will be together tonight and we will also enjoy a delicious pie made with carrots and possibly even small, annoying little cute fuzzy stupid blue BUNNIES that hog all the attention! Love Sky" Then watch as Bloom worries over her crazy boyfriend and dreads the thought of a dead companion. When she gets to his place, have her come in with a swat team and they take Sky who doesn't know what's going on at all.
Take Sky to Disney world and have him have a picture with Mickey mouse while Bloom watches. Go over to Bloom and take her aside. Tell her that Sky was trying to bang every Walt Disney princess because he was tired of her "Fake princess" style and he rather sleep with people in costumes rather then a red headed moron. Then lead the red angry firebomb we call bloom over to Sky and Mickey and since she's so stupid, she'll think that Mickey is a princess and she'll slap him in the face. Watch as Sky cowers and hides behind the cameraman and Bloom is escorted out of the park.
At night, get a bucket filled with hot, hot chilli and dump it on all the guys in the dorm. When they wake up and start to scream, dump the bucket on Sky's bed and hide in the closet until it is safe to come out.
Dress up as a fed-ex guy and bring a crate of "My Little Pony" stuff into Sky's room. When he try's to protest saying that there must have been a mistake, give him a fake note that you wrote yourself that say's: "Nothing is too good for my Pony Prince! Love, Bloomy Bear." Watch as the Red Fountain boys laugh and Sky rips off his clothes in anger and rampages in lavender trunks all over the school shouting: "ME ANGRY AT STUPID FAIRY! PINK PONIES SHIVER AT SIGHT OF SKY MONSTER! RAHHHHHH! DIE FED-EX DIE! RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Then when he isn't looking, dump green paint on him; Tape this with your video camera and put it on you-tube for everyone to see. Give a copy to Bloom and watch her hide under her bed where the so-called "Sky Monster" won't find her.
Raid Sky's closet and add a bunch of hypie clothing and pot in there and buy a police outfit and bring a police dog. Let the dog loose on the un-suspecting Sky and take him to your "imaginary Jail" and really just knock him out, stick and apple in his mouth and put him on a sliver platter. Leave a note beside him saying: "Don't do drugs! Or you'll end up like this pig on a platter, well, he's not a real pig unless you saw him pigging out of all those advil bottles."
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA Ha Ha HA HA HA, it is Gigi's time to shine. Also, Timmy is not a dweeb; Pb is sooooooooooooooo wrong about that.
Take all of the important stuff out of Sky's leva bike, and when he tries to get on it so he can leave, the bike (with Sky on it) tips over. Tell him that Riven did this, and when he goes to get Riven, the un-suspecting Sky will get bashed up.
Buy Sky a tickle me Elmo, but put a machete in its arms, and get Timmy to help you program it to say 'You tickle me and you DIE, HA HA HA HA.' In a minackle voice.
Take a pair of scissors and cut the back part out of (Sorry to all Stella Brandon fans) Brandon's blueish white suit. And leave a note saying, Sorry Brand; I borrowed the extra fabric to make a hat. Love always, your protectie. Watch as the shield barer chases the "protectie" around the school.
While Sky is sleeping, take Riven's punching bag, but add Sky into it. In the morning watch as Sky gets beaten up by Riven, who is still unknowing of Sky in his punching bag.
Get Sky drunk, and go to Helia's (I feel sick for writing this, but it is so funny, sorry Helia and Flora fans, in which I belong to) private room, steal the sketch book, and leave a trail of crumpled up pictures leading to Sky's room. When sky is asleep write a note and wait until morning. 'Where's my sketch book?' Helia leaves his room to find the trail of his artwork, leading to the elevator. There is a note on the elevator saying, 'if you want justice, push this number.' He goes and finds a trail from the elevator to Sky's room. He goes in and finds a note on the table. 'I wrote the rest of the note on my head pick me up and read it in the mirror. It say's, 'Dear Helia, yes it was I who wrecked your art work with spray paint and then crumpled it up, love me, Sky.' Watch as Helia screams rants such as 'I HATE TOXIC FUMES!' 'YOU BASTARD, YOU ARE SO STUPID!' 'WHERE'S THE ADVIL? YOUR GONNA NEED IT!' He then punches Sky into the next century.
So how did you like it, give us comments on which one you like most. Also PB helped me with some of the ideas, so give her a round of applause.