Ask A Character!
by princesspeach94
Author's Note: Okay sorry for not updating last week I was really busy. I do not own any Nintendo characters. Anyway here's the story. Enjoy!
Me: Okay everyone! Time for this week's…Ask A Character! Our special guest today is Yoshi!
Yoshi: Yoshi!
Me: Thanks to everyone who submitted their questions. So Yoshi, how do you feel right now?
Yoshi: Questions!
Me: Good answer. Anyway, our first one comes from Jess the Hedgehog. They wrote:
this is great! these are for yoshi Yoshi what the heck are you excatly anyway and do you have a girlfriend?
Yoshi: Incase you didn't know, I'm a dinosaur, although many people think I'm a dragon or something stupid. Our real name is the Yoshis though. So to make it easy for you, I'm called a Yoshi and I am really a dinosaur. Hope that clears it up.
Me: So Yoshi…do you have a girlfriend?
Yoshi: Well, Nintendo is kind of unclear about it, but yes, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Birdo, if you don't know. She kind of looks like a Yoshi except she is a magenta color and she has more of a snout than us Yoshis. And yes, she is a girl!
Daisy: Then why is she usually depicted as a villain?
Yoshi: As I said before, Nintendo is unclear about it. It is hard to say because she is in some sports games and I don't really think she was doing anything bad. I think Nintendo will make it clear with more games to come, but for now we just have to wait.
Me: Well while we're waiting, let's get to the next question. It comes from japaneserockergirl who asked:
YAY! Yoshi! 'K. How do you turn the enemies that you can eat into eggs? And if you could have your own hat, what would it be like?
Yoshi: It's my egg gland in my body. Whenever I swallow an enemy it automatically turns into an egg. So I can basically eat whatever I want, as long as it isn't too big.
Mario: Darn, I guess that counts Bowser out.
Bowser: I'll remember that while I'm kidnapping a Yoshi to eat you Mario!
Mario: Yeah right. Hey Yoshi, what about your hat?
Yoshi: Oh yeah. If I could have my own hat, it would be marbled with the colors green and white and have a Yoshi egg on the front, and maybe the letter Y…
Wario: Daring, aren't we?
Yoshi: Hey! It's not my fault I have better hat ideas than you!
Wario: Say that again!
Yoshi: Um-
Me: Okay Wario, we're not going to have another fight.
Wario: Why not?
Me: Because nobody cares.
Wario: Grrrr…
Me: Next question comes from DonPianta who asked:
Dear Yoshi,
You are SO my favorite character! In that, I have a few questions for you.
come your species is Yoshi, and your name is Yoshi? Doesn't that make the other Yoshis feel bad?
don't you have more awesome moves in the Super Smash Bros. series? You deserve them!
every Yoshi have a name that starts with 'Y' or has 'yosh' or 'oshi' in it?
was the best day of your life?
Marioverse person/anmal is your best friend?
is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
Yoshi: Well first of all, thanks for saying I'm your favorite charcter. You are currently my biggest fan. Anyway, my name is Yoshi because well, that's what's on my birth certificate. No, actually it's because there aren't really many Yoshi names made up yet, and I have a big family. My parents didn't know what to name me so they just came up with Yoshi. I guess it doesn't make the other Yoshis feel bad, although I never asked them, but they never seemed to mind it. As for the Smash Bros. Series…YES! I seriously deserve more awesome moves! Curse you Nintendo! In fact, this question has inspired me so much that when I get home I'm going to start making up new moves so I can show Nintendo who I really am!
Me: Good idea. It's not really fair that they give other characters better moves.
Yoshi: Yeah. It's not like I'm unimportant. Anyway to answer the next question, yes. Every Yoshi name has to have either "Y", "Yosh" and "oshi" in it because then they wouldn't be a Yoshi. It's just our way. That's why there aren't many Yoshi names out there.
Me: So Yoshi, what was the best day of your life?
Yoshi: That's easy. The day I met Mario and his crew! It was the first time I had a real adventure and it made me feel important. Actually, it kind of gave me a life. And that goes right into the next question. Mario is my best friend, but Luigi and the rest are cool too.
Me: And for the last one, what was the worst thing that ever happened to you?
Yoshi: Hm, let me think…oh yeah! When I was 5, I was playing outside in the Yoshi forest. My mom told me not to go near the edge of the island because I could fall into the water, which by the way was really deep. But, being the mischievous dino I was, I went over to the edge and started talking to my reflection in the water. Stupid, I know. Anyway, I bent over too far and fell in. I struggled to stay on the surface of the water, but I couldn't swim at that age. I started to drown. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. The doctor said I was lucky that my brothers saw me and rescued me. That was the last time I went in the water for a while.
Me: Wow, that sure was a lot of questions. Anyway, on with the next one. It comes from ShadowMario68 who said:
how are you able to hold people on your back? if i did that i would probably brake my back.
Yoshi: Two reasons. One, I am a dinosaur, which means I am really strong and able to hold someone on my back, and two, all Yoshi's carry things on our backs. If we are not holding anyone on our backs then that's where we usually store our eggs. We are just used to it.
Waluigi: Well you may be able to hold Mario, but can you hold Wario?
Yoshi: Sure, I'll demonstrate.
Wario: Cool!
(Wario jumps on top of Yoshi, and he holds him perfectly.)
Toad: Wow, you really can hold him, surprisingly.
(Then Wario leaves a, well…you know…on Yoshi.)
Peach: Ew gross!
Mario: Aw man Wario!
DK: The smell! It burns!
Yoshi: Um, on second thought-maybe demonstrating is a bad idea!
Wario: I don't know why you guys get all worked up about it! Everyone does it!
Peach: Well not in public…if your normal! That's it Wario! I'm going to teach you some manners!
Waluigi: Good luck. You have a hard enough time going into our house.
Peach: True.
Me: Okay, let's get off the subject. Our next question comes from LilBlueYoshi who asked:
Yoshi how long is your tounge becuase it seems to very between games ?
Yoshi: Good question. My tongue is about 3 feet long. It may not look like it in some games because I don't extend it as much.
Luigi: So where in your mouth do you store 3 feet of tongue and still be able to talk right?
Yoshi: Well you probably don't know this, but my tongue is a lot thinner than yours, even though it appears to be very thick. I have a lot of more storage room than you think, because of the way my mouth is shaped. But my tongue is still very strong, though.
Me: Thanks for clearing that up Yoshi. Your next question is from Zefri who asked:
I should have known Aeolion Mode might ask a queation involving Luigi and pain, but skipping my personal feelings...
Dear Yoshi
You are a man, right? and you lay eggs... HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?
Additional: If you kick a magikoopa in the face you'll overtake Waluigi and Daisy on my favorites list.
Yoshi: Yes, I am a man! Well as I said before, all Yoshis lay eggs no matter what the gender. Females lay a different kind of egg if they want to have a baby, but they can still lay original Yoshi eggs when they want to. Hope that clears it up! Oh, and is there a magikoopa out there who wants to get kicked in the face?
Bowser: Kammy wants to!
Kammy: What!?
Yoshi: But isn't she your royal advisor or something?
Bowser: Nah, doesn't matter, she's old.
Kammy: Wait, my King! What are you doi-OWWWWWWWW!
Yoshi: Man that felt good! Hey, wasn't Luigi supposed to do one too?
Bowser: Here, he can do Kamek!
Luigi: Okay!
Kamek: No! Wait! I'm begging y-OWWWWWWWWWW!
Yoshi: And to top it off…
(Yoshi eats them and turns them into eggs)
Kammy: Hey! Get us out of here!
Kamek: Oh shut up you old hag!
Kammy: What did you say?
Kamek: Um…help?
Kammy: That's what I thought you said.
Me: Okay, while Kammy and Kamek try to get out of the eggs, let's move on to the next question. It's from Luigifan1 who asked:
...Does Bowser ever try to eat you guys? And what do you think of this song? Who's gonna save the world? Betcha it's the famous warrior; [Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Bowser's took too many Yoshis One day Daisy was abducted! [Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah When Luigi found enough clues, It's time for Luigi [Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah We have an unstoppable dream team Through the raging storms they wander But it's a tight race against the clock
Who's gonna save the day?
Who's gonna stop the bad guys
Before they close our way?
Luigi's coming through!
With his Winter Sword he'll slay Bowser
Protecting me and you!
For usage in his stew.
It infuriates me of course
And Toads across the land too.
It didn't take a genius to know
That Bowser was behind this crime
And wouldn't let Daisy go!
He discovered with dismay
That Bowser was planning to slay his girlfriend!
He couldn't let it end this way!
To fight tried and true.
He's always asked 5 questions
But he's always known the who!
Luigi and his brother, of course
Toad and Yoshi have come along, too
Together we're tougher than an ancient Norse!
(That'd be a Viking)
Through the raging storms they run
And it's all at the expense
Of stopping Bowser's fun!
Whether they'll make it, who knows?
Wait! Why don't you help us
Before Daisy's life goes?
Yoshi: Wow great song idea. Very good rhyming. That is for the Super Luigi Bros., right? You should put it in the fic. Anyway, to answer your question, no. Bowser has never tried to eat me, or any other Yoshi as far as I know of.
Bowser: Cuz that would be kind of weird, eating a Yoshi. Although I do eat Yoshi eggs, just not with a Yoshi inside of them, because that would be really gross!
DK: I wouldn't eat Yoshi unless he was dressed up as a banana!
Yoshi: Don't bet on it.
Me: Okay, our next question comes from Twanny Bizzle. They asked:
That was a pretty funny chapter. Ok here's my question for that loveable dinosaur. Yoshi how come you can eat everything and never get sick? I MUST KNOW!
Yoshi: None of the Yoshis get sick. Eating stuff is just our nature, and we don't get sick from it. Infact, we do it everyday. Cleaning our room is a snap and there is no such thing as doing dishes with us. So you could actually say it's part of our life. Oh, and thanks for that part where you said I was lovable. I get that a lot.
Mario: I think it's cool that your chores is eating things.
Daisy: Yeah, it would make life a lot easier.
Bowser: So? I just burn everything when I have to do chores. Well actually, I get my troops to do them and then when they do it wrong I burn them, but that's another story…
Me: Okay, we are down to our last question of the day! It comes from PSManiac who asked:
Dear Yoshi,
You are a boy, correct? So if you are a boy, how come you can lay eggs? It makes no sense! I'm so confused that my head is about to explode! (Head exlodes) Nobody move! I dropped my brain.
Yoshi: Yes, as I said before 3 times, I am a boy. And if you have been reading along, I already answered this question. It is part of the Yoshi lifestyle. In fact, I'm getting hungry. I need to go eat something.
Wario: Why don't you go to that new snack bar they opened in the back?
Yoshi: You destroyed it, remember?
Wario: Well they have to build a new one!
Yoshi: Whatever. Pizza's on me if anyone wants to come.
Mario: Lets-a-go!
Me: Wait! Before you go we have to announce the next character!
(Everybody stops where they are and listens)
Me: Okay the next character of the week is…Daisy!
Daisy: Oh yeah!
Me: Please submit your many questions to Daisy for next week. See you next time on…Ask A Character!