What If Cross Found Kanda Instead of Old Friedoll?
Authoress Note: Hey! I'm sorry for those of you that wanted to know what happened to my first fanfiction, "When Curiosity Got the Better of Lavi", anyway, I'm starting another one, as in, a fanfiction with more varieties of choices of the outcomes to put in, plus the first one didn't go along the storyline that I had wanted to plan! So, sorry!
-Chapter One-
Have Her Saved by General Cross Marian
She was sitting on the front porch like any other kids her age on a nice day when the Cherry Blossoms bloomed lushly. The sound of the calm sea was relaxing to hear, though it can never soothe the screaming that she had remembered hearing before. There were only a few birds during this time of day now. It was calming and relaxing, and yet it can never soothe her worries and sorrow. To someone else, this could be a happy and wonderful memory toward themselves to remember.
But she was not someone else, she was not happy; her family and friends were all dead because of those wretched demons. She was the only one left because of her blood-covered katana. The crosses' on her forehead was embedded carefully into her smooth skin as some could tell or rather say.
Though she may not have noticed it sooner, her family had tried to protect her because they knew this would happen, rather than they had actually loved her. She felt betrayed when she remembered her mother's hurtful words: "I have never intended to give birth to a monster, but rather, intended to give birth to a daughter that I can truly call my own, and not entirely of God's creation." Those were the last words her mother had said to her, and all she could feel was nothing but pain and sorrow.
The akuma was sent to kill her because she was the crossing of both God's apostles, worried that she would become a huge burden, the Earl decided to kill her, the Noah of Burden and Hatred, just plainly a partner-like figure of/for Skin Boric, the Noah of Rage.
To her, she was a burden to everyone around her. Because of her, her family and friends were threatened and was killed to save her. Because of her, both apostles of God are worried and now she was just the main source of consequences for everyone around her.
She had seen the deaths of her friends and families one by one, the shouting, the hurrying, and all the rash moves of those she knew. Her midnight blue hair was covered in the blood that was created by God, and so was her trusty katana, which she called by the name of mugen, six illusions, or rather, infinity.
Her tears had stopped the night after her friends and families death, a.k.a., the night before. Once again, she was sitting on the porch alone with no one to hold her tightly from the harsh winds of Early Spring.
She was hungry, alone, and had the mark of a Noah. Her family knew this and feared of her being taken away. They were naïve and had mistaken the interpretation of their actions and thoughts without thinking of the consequences.
As she sat there, thinking about her 10th birthday which was just a few days ago, and how she had spent it with them, she didn't realize a huge shadow coming near her. The shadow became bigger and closer now, she looked up with her dirt covered face, and saw a man with long spiky red hair with a mask over his right side of his face.
"Who-who are you!?" She stuttered through her shaking voice as she readied into her fighting stance with mugen at hand pointing toward Cross Marian. "Are you one of those demons!?" Now there was a tint of hatred and fear in that sentence.
"A friend, not an akuma…" His voice trailed off as he stood before her. His hand reached in front of her, lending a hand for her to down. She gave him her hand and moved closer to the womanizer. As she came up closer, he saw that her kimono was a rag, the sakura petals were black with a day's old dirt, and the edges of her sleeves were ripped and tore off. She smelled of the mixed blood of demons and humans, a smell that General Marian Cross was clearly too familiar with.
Her face was smiling gratefully, and her dark eyes started to tear. Her eyes' were so blurred that she did not know where the general was leading her to.
"I am General Cross Marian, an Exorcist." His hoarse voice was caring, "What is your name?"
"Yu, Yu Kanda," The girl sobbed out. "WH-Where are we-we go-going and why a-a-are you t-taking me?" Clearly sobbing endlessly was not enough to get her to quit crying. Her tangled hair waved behind her as the General's grip tightened around her hands. "A-
And wh-what -is an Ex-Exorcist?" Her voice trembled.
"We're going to the hotel to get you all washed up and get you new clothes to wear instead of these ragged ones." Cross said with as much care as he could muster. "An Exorcist is someone who kills demons, such as yourself who have the talent to do so; I will explain with more details later when we get to the hotel where it is safe. When we get to the hotel, you will meet the idiot apprentice of mine called Allen Walker and a Bookman with his apprentice who likes to be called Lavi, as well."
With that said, Kanda let a sigh, showing that she was no longer afraid or angry, but rather unsure about following a strange foreign stranger. But it was clearly the best choice she had, rather than just rot there and die.
When they had gotten to the Kurome (Black colored eyes) Hotel, it was practically deserted. Mugen beamed in suspicion and in result, Kanda hushed mugen to calm it down. Her tears were dried by her ripped and blood-stained sleeves, and now her throat just felt soar.
"Why aren't there any people?" Kanda asked, clearly worried.
"It's the evening, everyone's either working, eating dinner, or just plainly at home." Cross said calmly, making the lie go by smoothly.
Clearly everyone was afraid of the mark that she bared, everyone was just plainly hiding, or either killed and buried. The mark of the clan of Noah was well known, for it was only the beginning of the Earl of Millennium's take-over of Japan (I'm just making up the time where the Earl took over Japan, clearly the Earl took over Japan centuries ago). But what they did not know was that she was clearly both dark, evil and truly pure, making her an apostle of both gods of this cruel world.
"Oh." Kanda replied, clearly feeling very stupid all of a sudden, she lived here all her life, and now, she couldn't even remember her neighborhood, or so she thought.
There was no manager at the hotel's counter to take orders, and so Cross just went straight to the room he had rented before, asking the manager if he could have the keys from before was clearly wise, planning ahead of time.
"But before you even meet the others, we have to get rid of that mark on your forehead. We must not let the others hold suspicions against you. Come", Cross pointed to a room. The key slid into the keyhole smoothly. The room itself was fancy with very detailed Sakura petal's wallpaper and some fancy and carefully made furniture and paintings.
"I will only make the crosses on your forehead go away for a while, but only temporarily, okay?"
Kanda could only nod at that. And with that action, Cross came up to her, placed his palm up onto her forehead and the other hand on the tops of her heart. His eyes closed and unfamiliar words began to appear around the two. The next second, there was a holy light and as a result, Kanda was left unconscious only in the hands of Cross Marian, the womanizer.
When Kanda had awoken, she had found herself in bed with a new kimono on, but the kimono was plainly blue and the edges for the sleeves were decorated with waves of a darker sea. The design was simply just Sakura petals that scattered the material of the kimono.
She looked around and saw that everything was the same as before, though it appeared to be morning.
"What!? WH-Where am I!?" Kanda exclaimed, being worried frequently was hardly ever in her character, or rather as a part of her usual emotions, but seeing as what had happened in earlier this week, she found herself as a sad and lonely being when her family and friends had all died, leaving only herself to be.
"Don't you remember? You were knocked out by the light when I was doing a spell to temporarily hide those crosses of yours'." Kanda turned to the door and saw Cross in a black turtleneck with matching black slacks. "And don't worry, I wasn't the one that got you cleaned up and changed your kimono, it was Maria."
"She's just a companion that you probably won't be meeting any time soon." Cross said, for a second there, Kanda was very sure that she had seen a smirk on the general's face, but the smirk probably wore off after a second or so. "Look in the mirror by your bed for yourself; you'll see that you no longer have that cross on your forehead."
With that one command, Kanda obeyed. She got out of the bed and went to the mirror that held her reflection. Her eyes widened and her expression turned into a semi-smile.
"But how…how did you do it!?" Kanda asked in awe and admiration, whoever filled in those deep embedded crosses were truly amazing.
"It's called being a sorcerer and using magic." Cross snorted, and with that, Kanda's expression turned into a pout.
"So, when are we going to meet the others?" Kanda asked with a truly puzzled look. When she saw Cross, the general had already made himself at home, sitting cross-legged on the couch in a lazy, but very comfortable style.
"Very soon, in fact, they're on the third floor while we're just on the fifth floor." Cross Marian's voice was becoming very familiar and smooth to Kanda's liking and familiarity. Kanda was still in front of the mirror busy checking her forehead for any hollow marks. "Don't worry, everything's going to be fine, anyway, you hungry? But before we even get breakfast, you have to meet the group I'm with first."
With that said, Kanda nodded and went down to the third floor to meet the others. But before Cross went down the stairs, Kanda got her hew slippers and hang on Marian's sleeves, trying to catch his full and undivided attention.
"What?" His voice was beginning to sound impatient.
Kanda gulped at the sudden event, and began with a pleading voice. "Wait! Please, do me a favor. C-Can you, keep a secret about my…my gender!?"
"Hm? Why?" Cross's voice was slow and steady now, almost poisonous, but with a friendly tone if that is possible for Cross, clearly, he was shocked.
"Be-because, I'm not good at traveling with people that knows my true gender… It's-it's just that things always, turn out wrong… And I'm scared… So please. Keep it a secret…" Kanda was beginning to be desperate, her memories of past events and memories of traveling with strangers were strong and fairly regretful. As a girl with 3 brothers and a younger sister, she was picked on easily and frequently; she did not want to go through the same things like that again. Her face faced the floor to show Cross that she was truly desperate.
"Hm… Very well, but be careful, that Lavi is a pervert." Cross warned as he approved of their little secret. Kanda cracked a semi-smile to show that she was fairly grateful for this unexpected favor.
"Thank you, General!"
When Kanda and Cross had finally reached the room, there were certainly weird and unexpected noises coming from the other side of the door. For one, there was yelling. For another, it almost sounded like someone was kicking a smaller someone who apparently sounded very young, almost like the same age as Kanda.
When Kanda looked up at General Cross, all she could see was a dark aura surrounding him as his grip on her hand tightened in anger and embarrassment. Suddenly, Cross slammed the door open, revealing a panda-like figure kicking a red haired boy and another boy that seems to be dropped dead on the floor unconscious because of his over nose bleeding. Kanda's face flushed as her imagination went clearly wild! All of a sudden she felt extremely shy and her face was covered in a frown.
The boy who was lying on the floor had gotten up, and looked as if ready to shout at his master. "Master! That's clearly an illegal crime!" His face was full of shock and now all Kanda could feel was the flush deepening on her cheeks and the dark aura surrounding the man beside her.
"What are you talking about, idiot apprentice!? I was just bringing in a new exorcist." With that said, Cross hit the white haired boy with the scar on his right eye on the head.
Authoress Note: Hey! o If you have any idea's to contribute, contribute now! Remember, now Yu-chan meets Lavi, Bookman, and Allen, so this is like the perfect time to contribute! o I will wait a week for your ideas for every chapter! Some ideas will be chose, but others won't… But there's still a possibility