What if Cross Found Kanda Instead of Old Teidoll?
Authoress Note: Sorry for the short chapters! TTmTT I'm really sorry! TTmTT Anyway, with all the homework and tight schedule with the studying (boo!), I'm really having a hard time, but then again, we have all the time in the world, and yet we don't! O.o Anyway, if I had a gazillion dollars, I would by manga, anime, manga-/anime-related things and D. Gray-Man and all those other animes'! But I don't, so just let my heart weep to its fullest as it rots slowly and painfully… TTmTT And sorry to Zenbon Zakura who reviewed and told me that the chapters was getting shorter and shorter…T.T Sour and fluff for the ladies and surprises for the gents'…. T.T
-Chapter 6-
The days passed by like months with bricks by the tail. Kanda was always locked up in a nicely furnished room, although the ceilings seem abnormal due to the fact that they glow in the night like real stars. In every step she took in her box of dissatisfaction, a smooth atmospheric current would be always felt touching and pushing toward her feet, al most as if she was by the shore and playing with her old friends. It brings back memories, but Kanda shouldn't cry over the lost times because of this curse. What was done was done.
The first formal day she had spent at the Earl's mansion, she was given service and moments of never ending boredom. Road had tried to dress her up, but when Kanda had refused, Road's grin twitched only once with an irked and dark aura. In result, Kanda got hurt and wounded badly in Roads' Dreamland. It was like crawling through hell with only one leg, although Kanda, herself have never been to hell.
On the first formal night, she had dinner, with the theme of Traditional Japanese (which was term of the country they were in), she lost appetite quickly. When she faked a tired yawn, she was given a formal and traditional Japanese bath which a loyal and obedient akuma prepared. Kanda cringed at the thought of having slave-like souls trapped in heat and pain, for Kanda herself, knew the feeling of being far, far away from the smell of freedom. When the maid was out the door as Kanda lay in her large velvet silk bed, she quickly got out of the luxurious comfort of 'her' bed and got her matching velvet slippers.
She snuck out by carving a large circle on one of the curtained windows with the help of mugen, and a pillow as her 'sleeping' substitute. Her silky pink kimono with fine golden lining with birds as the only decoration was getting ripped by the second as she hurried through the forest. Luckily, she was on the first floor, therefore she didn't have so much trouble getting out. It still not time to rest and relax, she was still in enemy territory. By the way they had treated her so badly, and the overheard conversations of deadly and dangerous plans getting planned most certainly and obviously told her that they were no friends of hers. For one, they took her from her first companions in days after a crucial cut in her thinking, a.k.a., the deaths of her family members and friends.
'I…must…get…out…of…territory…!' Kanda thought in an incomplete sentence. Her eyes were getting blocked by the sweat she was making with the entire early morning running. 'They're… waiting….! Yes! They… must…be…waiting!' Kanda thought encouragingly. Days like these, it was hard. But it was not a day; it had only been just a few more minutes. Her long tangled hair sped behind her and her maturing chest heaved in and out. Her mouth was dry and her lips were getting crisped. Now there was just another reason to put on her mental list of why she hated to run in such conditions when in dire need, but was her life that was depending on this. So, it was not her choice, but just plainly her choice to choose the day, not how she was going to escape.
The sun was beginning to rise a bit higher, it felt like an eternity until her stomach growled to stop and find food. But Kanda was too scared and alert that she shook her head firmly while running to deny the truth of her immense hunger issue.
Sweat drizzled down her neck and back as her breaths became pants that were getting deeper and deeper within each minute that she ran. Finally, when she could no longer see the mansion of the Earl of Millennium, she relaxed a bit and sat by a big tree whose leaves were only beginning to take color. Her legs were bruised by the tangled mess of the forest and the trips she had taken while running aimlessly, searching for companions whom she could trust. Her arms were scratched and bleeding from the thorns and branches that kept her from her destination. The kimono was as dirty as ever, and Kanda could've sworn she had seen a few worms or rather insects at the sleeve, which was not ripped. Her Dark hair stuck to her skin from the sweat and tension she had made within the last few hours with only 2-minute breaks.
Suddenly, someone, or something rustled through the bushes. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she held her breath, waiting for the big moment. Suddenly, the rustling stopped, and Kanda took this chance to run. But suddenly, a familiar voice called out to her.
"Kanda! We've been looking all over for you!" Lavi's voice cried out as he came struggling through the thick lush bushes that was in his way. His steps were hurrying and getting quicker by the second. Finally he had gotten to her, but her eye lids were getting heavier and she could not help but feel rather tired than relaxed and relieved. She struggled to smile through all she has been through. But it was no use; the cut in her heart didn't vanish, but rather only deepened. She felt like crying again for the third time that week. When Lavi had reached her, he hugged her tightly and whispered soothing and reassuring words into her ears. Kanda felt like collapsing, but with the strength of Lavi's arms, she was able to stand for only a few seconds until she fully collapsed.
"I'm glad that you were okay, such a sweet girl like you shouldn't go off wondering by herself." Lavi was facing Kanda and he smiled warmly. Kanda's eyes finally gave in and closed.
Suddenly, she realized something. One, Lavi never knew that Kanda is a girl; she even made Master Cross promise to never let out the secret even if she was in danger. Secondly, how could he have possibly found her!? The small island that was part of Japan was swarming with level three and four akumas. And finally, third, Kanda and Lavi had only been companions for only a few minutes, and nothing more. 'This must've been a pretender', Kanda though weakly, and a sickened feeling in her stomach came rushing. Kanda only groaned and tried her best to wake up from this disastrous event.
When she snapped her eyes open, she saw that it was daytime, meaning it was actually somewhere in, or rather near the noon. Soon enough, she realized that was not in the forest anymore, but rather tied to a chair by a decorative, and yet, very strong rope; and that she was back where she was before. Kanda only grunted at this, she was getting more than a bit impatient. 'Was freedom always this hard to gain!?' She pondered aimlessly at the thought.
Suddenly, there was a 'Click', and she turned her head toward the door at the back as best as she could. The window, apparently, was facing her, therefore, she was facing the window, and her back was toward the door. Her neck felt a sore pain, and she cringed at the feeling. It felt bruised and wounded buy sharp things, such as thorns and needles somewhat.
"Well, I never could understand why Master Millennium did save and spare your life. But in any way," Tyki's smooth and yet sharp voice called out behind Kanda. Kanda, being of aware of what was actually happening, said nothing and only turned her head toward the window to sit peacefully in the tense and yet, serene room. "You better watch it or you may die", Tyki whispered tensely with an unusually calm tone.
"Che. Like I care any more, my life is already a wreck, I've been lied to, tricked, my family and friends died because of me, and now…this!? I have nothing to live for any more…. I just want to die…" Kanda ended in a calm, quiet, and yet, careless voice which seemed to be overwhelmed by a sad mood.
Tyki was even beginning to feel bad for the Noah/Exorcist. 'Did the Earl kept her for his own amusement and entertainment!? The poor girl…' Tyki thought regretfully.
"Oh well, I'm just plainly not responsible for your actions, so I won't be helping you from here! This is the only thing that I advise you to listen to." Tyki said calmly as he straightened up and walked towards the door. But before he reached the doorknob, he whispered so quietly that Kanda could've sworn that she was the one deaf! "The maid will be coming, and… A sweet girl like you shouldn't stay dirty like this…." With a smirk of triumph and victory, Tyki walked out the room.
"So Ty-y-yki-i-i-i!" Road sang out in a teasing and singsong tone leaning by the stair case. "How was it? Did you go all gooey over the poor little Noah!? Hmm?" This only made Tyki fluster for a second, but he knew better. And he calmly kept his cool as the Noah of Pleasure.
"What ever are you talking about, Road?" Tyki said irritably.
"Oh nothing, just how you masqueraded as Darky's lover and saved her from the wrath of Uncle Earlly!" Road's singsong voice was gone, being replaced by a cool, confident voice that made Tyki hesitant for a moment or two, but the voice was still somewhat jubilant.
"Oh… That… Well, surely no one wants a dead Noah who's very new and unique indeed!" Tyki was hesitant, but went on with it as an excuse, at least, the best excuse he could think up of! "Someone has to show her the rules around Duke Earl and the other Noah's." Tyki was lying smoothly afterwards, but as the Noah of Dreams, Road was able to see past Tyki's façade, but decided to brush the matter off.
"Looks like you saved her this time, but mark my words, one day she's gonna have the trouble that she created and was able to avoid all this time, and she will very much crumble." Road said with a low voice, her face was darker then usual, but that still didn't change the fact that she wanted to annoy and tease Tyki. "But, are you going to tell her that redhead was actually you who tried to save her? I mean, she has to know one of these days or she's just keep thinking that she can rely on you, or at least that bunny boy!" This was the sensitive part of Road that he hated, although she never showed it to others other her 'family', it made great impacts toward the members of the clan. Every word she said, they would listen and suck it all in. And all that was left in result was footprints of blood and prints of sorrow and prints of sorrow it was.
Tyki's eve brows furrowed, but his face was quickly overwhelmed by a smirk. His voice was cool was cool and victorious, as if he had the upper hand. "She's figured it out, anyway. But one more thing, eat some vegetables and you might grow up an inch or two." Tyki had always had a habit of changing the subject at the last minute to have a clean getaway. But with that said, Tyki's footsteps quickly vanished to the other side of the hallway, leaving Road behind, at the door step of Kanda's room.
An evil smile appeared on her face once more as she hopped into her play room to get some new Italian and European fancy clothing to have her new 'doll' try on. This was going to be fun!
Authoress Note: There! I hope I made some readers happier! Remember, don't sue and drink milk. Smoking may be cool, but it always has a bad after affect. And so, from this, I want you to know that Tyki is a bad influence while Road is a horrible influence! So don't learn from them, learn from the master!