Pirates of the Caribbean

A Blue Blood Entry

Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean

Disney Does and I can't change that.

Hi! I'm back and I've brought with me some new characters! Hope u like them, if so, R&R! & If u have any suggestions for the next chapter, I'm welcome to any ideas!

Chapter 1#: Pirate Blooded

The cool ocean breeze was a worthy addition to the dark sky lit up by the glorious crescent moon. The stars were more dull then usual and the moonlit apparatuses danced on the deck of the "Etoile Filante". She watched as her brother danced to his hearts content with his dearly beloved. She had never seen her brother so happy ever in her life time; if this Nancy girl could lit his face a glow like this all the time, Edward was in for a long, happy life. She watched as her mother chatted with a friend and sipped some red wine from their tall wine glasses. She felt an un called for quake; some of the dancers fell, tables and chairs fell to the ground. There was a loud bang and she watched as people ran around the deck, screaming as a ship with peculiar crimson sails was attacking the ship. No government ships had coloured sails, only white. They were being attacked by…

'PIRATES!' screamed the first mate on the vessel.

Edward hurried over to her, followed by Nancy and lifted her into his arms.

'We have to hurry if we are going to get you out of here.' He said to her

Nancy ran over to a rowboat and jumped in. She beckoned to Edward and the small girl to run over. Edward dropped the girl into Nancy's care.

'Edward!' shouted the girl, 'Get in!'

'No,' Edward said as he shook his head, 'I'm going to find mum,' he then looked to Nancy, 'Keep her safe.' He said.

Nancy wiped the tears out of her eyes and lowered the rowboat.

'NO!' screeched the girl, 'Edward! DON'T GO! Come with us!'

'Bye Alex,' he said to her, 'do me a favour.'

'Anything.' The girl said

'Have a good life.' Edward said.

He started to walk away and the ship was hit by a cannon ball. Nancy lowered the boat into the water and the little girl sobbed softly. At one point, she tried to jump out of the boat but then she thought that it would be best if she stayed with the beyond tears Nancy who had just lost her husband. The ship sank into the depths of the salty Pacific; parts of the deck were still above the water and were littered with bodies, some still alive but dying at the moment and others had already moved on. Nancy and the girl cried but their attention was averted when they saw a green flash appear on the horizon. A ghostly ship appeared and the girl immediately knew who it belonged to. Pirates. She had had enough of pirates; they had demolished her family and she was stuck in a cold rowboat. The rowboat moved to the side of the ship and a line was casted. Nancy grabbed hold of the line and was followed by the girl. They climbed up until pale men that looked exhausted greeted them.

'Any survivors?' asked a voice

'Two, Cap'n.' replied one of the crewmembers.

The captain walked over and Nancy seized the girl's hand and squeezed it. The captain walked over to Nancy and looked into her eyes.

'Your name.' He said to her.

'My name is- is Nancy Bateman.' She said to him

The captain knelt down and looked into the girl's big blue eyes.

'And yours.' He said to her softly

'I am Alexandra Bateman; I am the twelve year old daughter off the famous navigator known as Henry Bateman who resides in Port Royal.'

The captain looked blown away by this statement and smiled.

'You know so much for a child, you shouldn't have to worry about the harsh things the world can have but at the age of twelve, you have already experienced one of the cruel things that the world can bring forth; the lost of family members.' He said, 'my men will take you to shore, Ms. Nancy Batemon however has a very short time to live, but if we act quickly, we might be able to help.'

Alexandra looked at the young lady with fear in her eyes. Nancy smiled a small smile and pulled up her skirt. One of her legs was injured heavily and was bleeding all over the floor. It was dark and crimson blood was pouring from the wound. Nancy fell to the ground from the loss of blood and her hand quivered slowly. Alexandra knelt to her side and grabbed her hand. Warm tears spilled from her eyes and she stroked Nancy's hand. Some of the crewmembers tried to help but were held back from the captain. He walked over and watched.

'Nancy,' Alexandra sobbed, 'don't leave me, you just can't.'

Nancy looked up and her face was very pale. She opened her mouth slowly and coughed up blood.

'Alexandra, I-I'm so very sorry; I'll give your love to your-to your mother and Edward. Bless you Alexandra, may God bless you.'

The captain knelt down and looked at Nancy.

'Do you fear death Nancy Bateman.'

Nancy's lips quivered and her body was still; her eyes started to close.

'NO!' screeched Alexandra; she ran to her side, 'NANCY! DON'T LEAVE ME!'

Nancy looked over at Alexandra; her eyes were almost shut. She grasped her hand and squeezed it.

'Try to be a good girl,' Nancy whispered, 'remember me and I will never really leave you.'

Nancy's eyes closed and her breathing ceased. She had moved on. Alexandra sobbed over the body of her friend and the pirates wearing hats removed them and placed them at their sides. She stood up and clenched her fists. She walked over to the captain and felt tears starting to build up. She looked up at him and his expression was of sorrow.

'I'm sorry for your loss.' He said

'I-,' Alexandra started, 'I want to go home.'

The ship disappeared into a green flash and they were at the docks of Port Royal. The sun was slowly rising. Alexandra entered a rowboat with a grimace.

'May you live your life to the fullest, Ms. Bateman.' The captain said to her

'My life will not be as full without my family, Captain.' She replied.

Everything started to disappear into a blur…

Alexandra Bateman awoke (seven years later), soaked with her own cold sweat and her long blonde wavy hair was extremely wet. She sat up and breathed heavily in her king size bed. She wiped her brow and jumped out of bed. There was a knock on the door.

'Alexandra? Is alright if I enter?'

'Oh,' Alexandra said as she straightened her housecoat, 'Yes father, I would be most joyful if you would grace me with your presence.'

A man with greying hair tied into a short ponytail walked in. His clothing was designer made and his boots were polished until they shone and made the sun feel ashamed of itself. His glasses were round and his smile was slightly crooked. Behind him was a maid with frizzy red hair and bags under her eyes, but Molly always did have bags.

'Good morning, Ms.' Molly said to her as she opened the curtains. The sunlight was extremely bright making it hard to see anything.

'Alexandra,' her father said, 'I need you to run to the shop.'

'I'll do it sir!' Molly exclaimed

'Molly,' said Mr. Bateman as he turned to her, 'you are excused.'

Molly left the room and Alexandra rubbed her blues eyes.

'If Molly wants to go, why deny her wish?' Alexandra asked her father.

'I don't like that boy in the shop wolf whistling when she passes.' Mr. Bateman said, 'and maybe while your down there, you can see what the dress shop has for sale, I want you looking your best for tomorrows garden party.'

Alexandra smiled and gestured to her father to turn around. She pulled on her mint green dress with gold trim and pink rosebuds embroidered into the skirt and placed her laced boots upon her feet. She brushed her hair and it turned back to it's regular wavy self. Her father turned around, clapped his hands together and smiled at her.

'You look just like your mother!' he said.

Alexandra waved and bolted out of the room.

She ran down the spiral stairs and out the large doors. She ran through the iron gates and down to the village bakery. It always made her smile when she got to go down to the bakery to get some bread because she always got to chat with her friend Jason. Her father wasn't very fond of Jason when he one time made a joke about his glasses. He never talked to Jason again and he always called him the: "Goat with no manners" when he got the chance (that was when Molly wasn't in the room). Molly had become infatuated with him and they were engaged.

Alexandra opened the shop doors and smiled as she saw Jason at the counter. He waved and she walked over to the counter.

'Why if it isn't my friend the blue blooded Alex.' He said to her as he seized her hand. He gave it a peck and he let go of it to blow the wavy black hair that was in his face.'

'Be careful, Mr. Dedinkco,' Alexandra teased, 'if I didn't know any better, I would have thought that you were cheating on your fiancé.'

Jason smiled and turned around to the bakers rack. He picked up a loaf of bread and handed it to Alexandra.

'It's freshly baked,' he said to her, 'and it's a good quality.'

Alexandra paid him and waved good-bye. Jason smiled and waved. Alexandra looked back as she walked to the door and waved. She bumped into a person coming through the door and there was a crash. Lying on top of her was a familiar face.

'Oh my gosh!' said the face, 'I'm so sorry Ms. Bateman, I-I didn't know where I was going.'

'William Turner!' Alexandra exclaimed as the young gentlemen helped her up, 'I-I haven't seen you in so long.'

'As have I Ms. Bateman.' Will replied.

'Hey Will!' shouted Jason, 'you're aloud to use her first name! Her near sighted dad isn't in sight!'

'Yes William,' Alexandra said, 'There's no harm in calling me Alexandra, or even Alex! That's what Jason and my friends call me.'

'I am afraid that you will always be Ms. Bateman to me.' Will said to her.

Alexandra picked up her loaf of bread and looked into Will's big brown eyes.

'Good-day, Mr. Turner.' She said to him as she walked out of the bakery.

Alexandra walked out of the bakery and down to the dress shop.

'Good-day, Alexandra.' Will said, but sadly for him Alexandra was gone.

Jason leapt over the counter (it wasn't very high) and walked over to William. He placed a hand on his shoulder and laughed.

'Will,' he said to him, 'everyone knows that you are head over heels for that girl, and you just proved my theory about five minutes ago when you fell all over that girl, literally!'

Will turned around and his face had gone red. His face was stony but then it broke into the regular face.

'Is it really that noticeable?' Will asked him.

'Will,' Jason said to him, 'the blind would be able to notice it, however, the near sighted git living with her hasn't see you drooling over her. Lucky for you because if they ever found out about-,'

'Shut your mouth Jason, before you say something you regret.' Will said

'What?' Jason inquired innocently, 'About you being a pirate?'

'Shut it, Jason!' Will said.

Jason broke into song…

'Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate's life for me…'

'Stop Jason before somebody hears you!' Will said as he ran up to his friend.

'And really bad eggs, drink up me'hearty's Yo Ho!'

'What's going on in here?'

Jason ran back to the counter and pulled out a fresh scone. He beckoned Will and they immediately broke into conversation.

'You see,' Jason said to him, 'no bad eggs are incorporated in the making of this scone. Just fresh pure eggs, the pirates however use bad eggs to make bad scones. But we are civilized people so, there you go.'

The owner clapped his hands and walked over to shake the young man's hand.

'You've done it again Jason!' he said as he slapped him on the back (it looked very painful), 'another great sales pitch! I think your in for an promotion!'

Jason smiled and handed Will the scone.

'Take that to your mum.' Said the owner, 'tell her compliments from the chef.'

'Yes, sir.' Will replied

He walked out of the bakery and down the road to his home that he shared with his mother. When he walked in, his mother was setting the table for lunch.

'So,' she said to him, 'did you see Alexandra?' she inquired innocently.

Will smiled and walked to the table. He handed her the scone.

'Compliments from the chef,' he said to her, 'and yes, I did see Alexandra and I made a complete fool of myself!'

His mother walked over to him and layed a hand on his shoulder.

'You are the spitting image of your father,' she said to him, 'but he too lacked the confidence of winning the heart of a girl; in the end, I got his.'

Will ignored the last line and smiled at his mother. He then started to laugh.

'What?' his mother asked, 'was it something I said?'

Will laughed a little more.

'When you said I was the spitting image of my father, you seemed to be right because whenever I walk into work at the blacksmith shop, he always asks me why I gave up on getting that Elizabeth girl.'

Elizabeth laughed and sat down and had a sip of tea.

'He's old, Willy,' she said to him, 'and you look so much like your father he can't tell the difference.'

'Yeah,' Will said, 'that and he is always hung-over when I walk in!'

For the rest of the day, Will Turner dreamed up ways of impressing Alexandra at their next meeting; he hoped that the next time they met they wouldn't be lying on top of each other.

That was the first chapter of my new story! I promise in the next chapter, there will be a visit from an old friend!