Hi again! Sorry it's taken me awhile to write this next chapter, but I've been studying really hard! Enjoy!
Chapter 5#: Not the first to searchThe sun was rising in Port Royal; the birds sang and Mr. Oliver Stanford, the Commodore of the seas, was getting ready to find his dearly beloved Ms. Alexandra Bateman. Her father had said he would help him win over Alexandra with some of her favourite things, once he brought her a bundle of bluebells, her favourite flowers and a bran new dress. She was of course joyous but she still only liked him as a friend; Oliver always thought she knew more about him then what she was telling but he always enjoyed being with her. He needed a wife so the rumours would de-crease about him…. well, being what he is.
He sat in his extremely comfortable chair holding a glass of brandy in one hand. He took a small sip and sighed. He buttoned his royal blue tailcoat and played with his curly white wig ponytail. He was bored, and who would blame him since he couldn't do anything except wait for the boats to be prepared for the voyage. There was a knock on his door and he sat up bolt right.
'Enter,' he said
In walked a rosy-cheeked man, his brow damp with sweat. Resting on his head was a similar toupee except it was slightly askew and he wore the same tailcoat as the commodore with golden buttons. He wore a black velvet three-cornered hat with golden trim and a pocket watch was dangling at his side. Samuel Brule was a very handsome admiral and was mostly found at the docks in Port Royal whistling at young ladies as the passed. He raised a hand in greeting and walked to the left of the room to a small table with a crystal bottle holding the last bit of brandy. He poured himself a glass and the commodore gestured for him to sit down. Samuel smiled and took a large gulp of his beverage.
'Have you been up here all day, Oliver?' he asked as he sat down across from the commodore.
'Yes,' Commodore Stanford replied dryly; he looked outside his window and back at Samuel, 'have you been howling at young women as they walk pass?'
Samuel grinned and shrugged.
'The point of life is to live it,' he replied, 'oh, I met two very interesting women today.'
'Really,' Oliver replied with a sly smile
Samuel took another sip from his glass.
'Yes, before we leave tonight we are going to the pub, are you interested in a team up?'
Oliver jumped to his feet and turned to the large window. The sun was setting and he looked at his watch. He turned around and walked towards the admiral.
'Why are you so sweaty?' he asked
Samuel grinned a large grin and took another sip of brandy. He shook his head and turned his gaze to the commodore.
'These were not just any girls,' he said, 'these ones wanted me to prove the my biceps weren't just born large.'
'So,' the commodore said.
'I had to pick them both up, one on each shoulder,' Samuel said with a smile, 'and I had to run up and down the street five times!'
The commodore laughed and pulled Samuel to his feet. Samuel looked down at his coat and sniffed it. He pulled his head away quickly and turned to Oliver.
'Do you have a extra uniform I could borrow?'
'Yes, I'll fetch it from my quarters,' Oliver replied
He slowly watched as Samuel un-dressed. He indeed had a strong looking torso, his biceps were muscular and Samuel was a nice tan colour. He pulled off his sweaty wig to reveal short sandy-blonde hair and he had dark chocolate eyes that were to die for. He pulled off his trousers and a pair of long strong legs appeared. Oliver felt drool welling up in his mouth but quickly swallowed.
Oliver came back to his senses and shook his head. Samuel looked at him with a surprised face and Oliver smiled.
'I'll get you a uniform, shall I?'
He walked out of the room just drooling; who wouldn't drool over such a hot guy? No wonder he got all the girls. Why would he like a scrawny guy when he could have full women? Oliver was of course not like other men, Alexandra was his friend but he just wasn't interested in her that way. He was going to find her to save his family name and when he married her, no one would ever question his masculinity ever again. He just hoped that Samuel didn't hear the rumours since he was his best friend; Oliver wasn't going to risk their friendship for anything no matter how handsome his face is or how gorgeous his torso is.
It was dark now on the Pearl; Alexandra had her arms outstretched and her eyes closed. She always enjoyed the ocean breeze; she smiled and small droplets of seawater hit her face. Her hair was slightly lifted and her nightgown swayed in the breeze. Even thought she hated pirates, she wasn't going to let the boat of perverts distract her from enjoying the breeze. In a matter of five minutes, Alexandra was soaked to the bone from the large tide that was blown at her and she was shivering.
She turned around and jumped she squealed as she stared at Captain Jack himself. She shrieked quietly and Jack grinned. He took off his coat and handed it to her. Alexandra hesitated it taking the smelly ragged coat, but accepted it in the end. For a raggedy coat, it was quite warm and cozy. She tucked her wet hair behind her ear and smiled at Jack.
'This doesn't change anything about me making your life miserable.' She said to him with a small smile.
Jack grinned at her and shrugged. He turned his head to her and smiled.
'I gave it a shot didn't I?' she said, 'I would imagine that a lass like yourself would be hungry right about know!'
Alexandra stared down at her empty stomach and it growled loudly. She looked back up at Jack with an apologetic face and he smiled.
'What you be wanting?' he asked her, 'Caviar? Lobster? Pork?'
Alexandra grinned and put her hands on her hips.
'Nothing that complicated, Mr. Sparrow,' she said to him with a mysterious smile, 'I'll just have the Krakens baby flipper with a side of holy water.'
Jack laughed and extended his arm. Alexandra waved it away and the pirate shrugged and walked in front of her. She kicked him down and closed her eyes to hear a thud. She walked to his side and Jack looked up.
'What was that for?' he asked as he rubbed his sore back end.
'Ladies first.' She said with a smile.
She extended her hand and pulled Jack up and they walked down to the galley. Alexandra never thought a pirate could be so nice but of course she was mistaken about Captain Jack Sparrow; maybe he did have a sense of nobility but it was just buried deep down, Alexandra was going to un-cover his nobility and maybe they were not so different after all. Alexandra didn't want to admit it to herself but she was starting to enjoy the presence of this out law. And that was all that mattered.
Will Turner (Jr.) was sitting on a large comfortable chair and sat across from his father. Jason sat to his left and Barbossa sat to his right beside Bethany. His grandfather sat beside his father. They ate their dinner in peace and his father told amusing stories of his adventures.
'And it looked like the end right?' he said to them, 'but then my father comes up holding a piece of rope and we tied it to the mast and we sailed through the storm; so we were running around for two whole hours, in a hurricane sopping wet and he had the piece of rope all that time!'
They all laughed and Barbossa chocked on a chicken bone. Will dried his eyes and Jason took another sip of his wine. Bethany smiled at Jason mysteriously and Jason's eyes went wide. Will watched as they kicked each other under the table. Barbossa chatted with his father and Bootstrap looked to Will.
'So,' he said to him, 'I hear that you have a girl in your life; is she pretty?'
Will smiled and looked down into his lap. Jason joined the conversation.
'Lets just say she makes the sun look dim.' He said to Bootstrap.
Bootstrap wheezed with laughter and wiped his eyes. He turned to his grandson.
'I like this friend of yours!' he exclaimed, 'this one knows how to make people laugh! I wouldn't be surprised if his mouth gets him in trouble back home, eh?'
Will smiled and nodded. He nudged Jason in the rib cage and they laughed. For some reason, Will felt closer to his father and grandfather even though this had been the second time of them being together. He felt more secure here on the sea, more confident like he could do anything. His father stood up and gestured for Will to follow. Bootstrap told so stories as Will and his father left the room and onto the deck. They walked and talked.
'How are you with a sword?' his father asked.
'I'm not bad,' Will said with a shrug, 'but I'm not good either.'
His father laughed and turned around. Will stopped and his father pulled out his sword.
'Let's have a go at it then,' his father said, 'if you practice, you are bound to get better.'
'Nah,' Will said with a small smile, 'you would kick my ass.'
'How do you know if you don't try.'
'Fine! I'll give it a go but don't be surprised if I lose.'
Will pulled out his sword and he and his father started. His father was quick and tried to hit Will's left shoulder; Will dodged it and ducked under Wills shoulder and pointed his blade at his fathers back. His dad breathed heavily and grabbed Will's arm and flipped him over. Will fell onto his back and his father smiled above him.
'Not quite, dad.'
Will senior looked puzzled and Will grabbed his dad's arm and flipped him over. He jumped up quickly and put the blade of his sword to his father's throat. His dad laughed and clapped his hands. Will smiled and let his father up.
'You have to believe in yourself more often,' his father said as he wiped the sweat from his brow, 'you just might surprise yourself; you are good at sword fighting William, you just have to believe you can.'
Behind them came clapping; Will and his father turned around and saw both crews clapping and nobody clapped louder then Jason and his grandfather. As he walked through the crowd, many people shouted out words of congratulations, others extended their hands. Will felt happy for once in his life and he was going to work hard to achieve his goal, to win over Alexandra. Later that night, he heard voices out on the deck and he walked to his door and opened slowly. He listened to the hushed conversation.
'I told you! If you want any of the water, you have to bring me Sparrow! That was our agreement, Barbossa!'
'Aye, that be true but how can I know you'll honour the agreement! I'll get ya Sparrow, but it won't be easy since he's young and I'm an old bag of bones! If I had the water before hand then I-,'
'We stick to the agreement!' barked Will Turner senior, 'If you want to be young again, I suggest that you hurry up with capturing Sparrow, he owes me payment!'
'It would be easier if I just go to the fountain myself!' said a flustered Barbossa.
'What?' Will senior asked slowly, 'do you want to be inn debt like Jack? I highly doubt that you would want to spend ten years on my ship! You stick the agreement Barbossa and you will be young again.'
Will was curious. Were the rumours true about the fountain? Was Jack really supposed to be younger and what did he owe his father? These thoughts raced through Will's mind as he tried to sleep and take in them all.
Well, That's all for now but I will have the next chapter up soon!