A devilish smile crawled across his pale, sunken face as his luminescent eyes scanned the ghostly faces glaring at him from around the dimly lit room. He knew what they were thinking: Why were they here? Who was it-he-who called them here together? They-all different ghosts with different talents and abilities-none of which corresponded with each other. Well, he mused, chuckling to himself darkly, that's what they think."All right." He announced, the tone in his voice raspy and sinister, "If I may have everyone's attention."
At once four pairs of eyes narrowed.
"It's about time," one of his 'audience members' spat, "we've been waiting for you to speak for far too long." The ghost crossed his metallic arms, which made a sharp clink as they touched, his bright green pupils glinting off the metal of his body armor.
"Yes, that's right!" Another, this one with a voice like nails on a chalk board and long white hair, added, "I think it is time you told us why you brought us all here!"
The one they were addressing lowered his brow, the smile he wore turning into a malicious smirk. "Very well." He replied. "I'll tell you." Walking closer to where the others were-flying, his usual choice in transportation, was currently an unavailable option-he raised one hand, curling it into a fist. "You're all, I assume, familiar with the ghost boy, correct?"
Almost as soon as the words escaped his lips, a sudden uproar broke out; each ghost furiously erupting in an outburst of angry comments and complaints involving the half-ghost child; enough so that he was able to get a better idea of how they all felt, and the extent of their anger and frustration. Good, he thought as he watched the scene before him, it seems I was correct in my choice.
BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG! A loud, booming sound suddenly rang out, causing those in the room to instantly silence. All heads turned, and a young, female ghost with blue hair that stood up like fire, stepped forward, a florescent electric guitar held tightly with one hand. There was a look of irritation on her pale-nearly white face- her green eyes blazing like fire. "Hey dipstick." She uttered, her tone hard and matter-of-fact, "You gonna get to the point or not?"
He nodded, ignoring the left over ringing in his ears. "Of course. Thank you for reminding me. Well now," he started again, "Let's try this once more-now that you've had the chance to express your feelings." He made as if to take a deep breath-then decided against it. "The reason I've called you together, is because I want to kill Danny Fenton."
Instead of the applause he was expecting, the ghosts he was facing gave almost no response at all, save for a groan coming from the one dressed in metal. "Like we haven't heard that before."
The metallic one sighed, "You do realize that I and a few others have been hired by various people before, right? And each time, some extravagant plan was launched to catch or destroy the ghost kid, and each time that plan failed? What makes you think anything you can come up with will be different? And more importantly, succeed?"
"That's right." Another ghost, this one also a female who hadn't spoken until now, put in, "Every time, that boy finds some way to thwart their-and our plans."
He actually laughed at this comment, throwing his head back and cackling. "I see. I see. But you can't honestly think I'm that much of an amateur."
"Considering we don't even know who you are, how can we make that judgment?"
"I suppose that's true. However, unlike you previous associates, I know exactly how to deal with the boy." He paused, licking his lips in pleasure. "We're going straight to the source-I want to eliminate Danny Fenton's human half."