I am so so so so sorry for not updating my laptop has been mucking up so i had to sort it out. Sorry! I hope you enjoy the chapter i Have no creativity at the moment. Hehe.
Beastar2! xx
Djaq was finally well enough to move around the camp with the help of Will. Djaq and Will were sat by the fire in each others arms reflecting on everything that had happened over the last few weeks.
Luke wandered on into the camp with piles of wood bundled into his arms. Djaq looked up at him and watched him chuck the wood down near the fire and sigh with relief.
"Glad that's finished, do you know how hard it is for one person to hold all that wood!"
"It won't be long till I am collecting firewood with you again."
"That's if Will will let you." Luke laughed.
"I am just going to ignore you." Will replied.
"Whatever." Luke sarcastically answered.
Djaq smiled as the two brothers argued harmlessly with each other.
Allan stirred in his bunk as he woke up turning over to face his friends.
"Hey." Will said looking at his friend as he made his way over.
"Hey." Allan yawned stretching his arms.
"So… what's going on between you and Jess then?" Djaq said smirking.
"You heard."
"Really Allan I can see right through you." Will said as Allan tried avoiding eye contact with everyone and anyone that knew him.
"Alright I kind of like her."
"Kind of."
"Abit more than kind of then."
"Allan..!?" Djaq said knowing she was going to get the truth finally.
"Fine more than that quite a bit more than that actually, quite alot." Allan finally admitted.
"At least I didn't wait God knows how long to admit it to someone like you and bloody Will Scarlet."
Luke smiled at the shocked faces of his brother and Djaq.
"So when are you going to tell her?" Luke said changing the subject quick.
"I don't know, I don't even know if she likes me back." Allan replied.
"Just tell her and if she doesn't feel the same way oh well she won't tease you."
"But you bloody will." Allan laughed.
"Fine I will go find her now."
Please review! xx