Chapter 2:

By the time that Sam, Dean, John, Bobby and Frank woke up a few hours had passed and looking around they became confused when they found themselves surrounded by Darkness.

Dean P.O.V

Ow my head have I been drinking?


I wasn't drinking.

What was I doing.

Oh right the Job.

In Lawrence.

OK focus Dean.

Open your eyes.


Ok I'll give myself another minute.

When Dean woke up, after his headache diminished, he found that he was back at Bobby's. "what the...didn't I just leave here." What the hell's going on?

Walking onto the porch he noticed one of Sam's books lying in a heap on the floor. Picking it up he knew immediately that something was wrong.

Since when did Sam drop a book and leave it in a heap on the floor.

All of his hunter instincts went out of the door at that moment.

"Sammy!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. What he wasn't expecting was Bobby to come barrelling out of the door and aiming at him with his shotgun.


John's P.O.V

Ouch. What the...?

Where are my boys?

John struggled to open his eyes and gain an equilibrium. After a few more minutes of focusing he found that he was back in Bobby's yard. "How in the hell did I get here?" thinking for a moment the only thing that he could think of was that the boys were playing a trick on him "Oh, if this is a prank I am gonna...I'm gonna...humph." He huffed when he figured that there was nothing that he could do to them as they were both adults now.


That one word acted like a shot in the dark. Immediately John found himself reacting to the fear in his eldests voice.

Barrelling around the corner he came face to face with something that he never wanted to see again.

His son at the end of a shotgun.


So what do you think.
Should I continue or should I hide my computer?
All criticism welcomed.