Disclaimer: Inuyasha does not belong to me.

A/N: Hello there! I was just playing around a bit and thought that this would be a nice little short fic to brighten the day up. Not to be taken real seriously, just for my own sick pleasure in being totally random! Enjoy!

The hanyou panted, struggling to keep himself upright and his sword in both of his hands. Blood dripped slowly from the side of his face from where his half brother's claws had caught him, but he paid the wound no mind. His ears could hear the frantic breaths of the young woman behind him and he knew that she had her bow strung and aimed at the youki.

Sango and Miroku had been left behind on the trail, as a vicious strike to the thigh had injured the other woman enough that she had been unable to stand on her own. But the hanyou knew that they would be fine and that they would meet up again after the battle was over.

Gold eyes narrowed when they met eyes of the same hue. Inuyasha growled deep in his throat and did his best to seem threatening to the composed man on the other side of the clearing. It pissed him off to no end that Sesshoumaru could fight him and still be able to look like he was performing the simplest task in the world. Suddenly, his attention shifted as he realized that the other man had begun speaking.

"You never know when to give up do you, hanyou?" The Youki practically spat the words at the half demon. "You drag out fights that you know you can't win and then refuse to acknowledge that you've lost. You have no pride when it comes to our shared family line, in which you parade around like a geisha in those clothes and soil our father's name with your idiocy." By now, Inuyasha was seeing red as his hackles raised and his ears lowered onto his head. "Do not fret, little brother, this Sesshoumaru will show you your place."

The hanyou's mouth opened and closed in outrage, his mind searching for something that would be suitable for a comeback. After a few seconds, his voice finally started to work again and the younger pushed all of the venom that he possessed into his words.

"Oh, yeah? Well, your momma!"

In the time that it took for him to realize what the hell had come out of his mouth, it was too late to try and fix the mistake. Across the clearing, one elegant silver brow raised in confusion as a slightly muffled laugh sounded from behind. Then the most elegant words to have ever come from the youki lord's mouth floated to the woman's ears, causing her poorly contained giggles to erupt into a full out laughing fit.


I'm sorry. It was just too good to pass up! XD