Disclaimer: I don't own Robin Hood. I do own my OC character and her POV on episodes. :-)

Just Another Outlaw-

Much is driving me crazy, but what's new about that? I suppose you don't know who I am, do you? It figures, most people don't. Mine is a story that was woven into the tapestry of Robin Hood. I'm just a little thread, not even a pattern like Marian or Much. But it doesn't matter, I can still tell you who I am.

You may have guess that I'm a woman and if you didn't, that's alright. I am by the way. I am the second female outlaw in the gang if you don't count Marian. Speaking of Marian, her and I are long time friends and we can pass as sisters depending on how I'm dressed.

My parents passed away when I was younger and I joined my brother's band of outlaws when I was 14. So I've always been on the run from the law, I don't really mind. Robin and I knew each other as well, we were good friends. When Marian was mad at him he could trust me to tell him how she was really feeling. That's the reason he always made it up to her in the most perfect way. She still hasn't caught onto our system. Much and I, however, are not friends. We only tolerated each other because his master was in love with my best friend and she with him. I will admit to the fact that when he left for the Holy Land I was happy. I wasn't happy when Robin left, we were good friends.

When Robin did return, I was one of the first people he saw. I was his source of information so I filled him in on how life had been going since he left.

I'm a fighter, a very good one at that. I can use a bow and wield a sword, but I prefer my knives. Swords were always too big for me and they're too hard to conceal.

Well, that's my basic history, nothing else is very important. I suppose you would like my name, but that will just make you want to look me up in a history book and question if I'm real.

I am real, but I'm not in a history book. Apparently I wasn't good enough to make it into history, but at least I made it into my friend's hearts. So I am real, don't ever question that. But as for my name, you'll never get it. It's something that would distract you from the story of Robin Hood, the real hero and his heroine. Like I said, I'm just a thread in the tapestry of a great legend.

You'll never get my name, unless of course you review. lol

A/N: That last line is not part of the actual story, I just figured I'd put it in there to encourage you guys to review. So review and you'll get her name. Maybe someday when I'm done with my book I'll write a story for her, an AU where Marian and Carter live. :-) Hmmmm. Anyways, review please.