-1OOOOOOOOKAY! I'm SO SO SO sorry I haven't written this in so long^^;

I've been busy with school, it's not even FUNNEH!XD

Alrighty here we go!


P.S. I'm thinking about making a sequel to this, soooooo….any ideas?XP

Chikaru and Kintaro stared in disbelief, at the sight in front of them. Two inches above them, was Itachi and Sasuke, impaled in the stomach by Orochimaru's deadly claws, blood dripping from their huge gashed wounds on to girls' horrified faces. Both of their eyes widened with fear, concern, worry, the list goes on, and not once did they blink their eyes.

Itachi and Sasuke's eyes were changed into that pure bloody crimson that matched their fallen blood. Both of them held the arms that harmed, or was about to harm, their lovers. Itachi's long black hair, what was in a pony tail, fell loose head onto his shoulders, framing his face messily. Sasuke's hair was matted and spiked even more. Their eyes narrowed fiercely at the intruder. You can practically feel the anger radiating off of their vamparic eyes. Even after all that, they still look absolutely gorgeous.

Kintaro sat paralyzed, but she forced her mouth to move.

"I-Itachi-kun? W-what are you doing? YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She said yelling at him. Itachi smiled weakly at her arrogance and tough nature. He coughed up blood on to Orochimaru's arm, which he held in his grasp that was still inside of him. His face become blank as he stared at Kintaro. Her ice blue eyes became more intense, more piercing, with shock and sadness. He wanted her to look deep within his eyes, just to let her know everything is going to be okay, and that she need not worry for him.

As for Chikaru, she just sat and stared at her beloved Sasuke, shaking, almost like she was having a seizer, but she was conscience and well aware of it.

"S-S-Sasuke? W-what the hell?" She said sniffling. Her tears poured even more down her face as Sasuke weakly turned his head around and softly stared at her golden eyes. A smile started to tug his lips. It was like he was in a trans again, he couldn't escape from those eyes that held so much emotion for him. If he could reach to her and caress her.

"Orochimaru, let go of them!" Kintaro yelled as her voice slowly built back it toughness. She dashed to where Itachi was. Orochimaru on the other hand, was smiling deviously and manically. Blood lust was consuming his eyes, as he slightly started to drool. He had a plan up his sleeve, again.

"Kintaro NO! Get back! Your strength has not recovered yet!" Itachi yelled desperately, his voice cracking in the process of yelling, trying in every ounce of his being that she would listen to him. He tried desperately to move but his body was at it's limit. Orochimaru knew where his and Sasuke's weakness was. Yes, Orochimaru's claws impaled the two and injured them, but that wasn't all the damage he's done. He hit the exact pressure point that caused their muscles to instantly go limp and weak.

Kintaro dug her fingernails into Orochimaru's arm that was hurting Itachi.

Her toned arms started to violently shake as she tried to pry it out of him. Her eyes started to water when she saw Itachi's eyes drooping lazily. He was losing a lot of blood.

Her eyes darted quickly back and forth to Itachi and his bleeding stomach.

"You're not gonna leave me. You're not!" She said roughly. Itachi looked her the whole time.

"K-Kintaro. Just let me die. Please. I don't want you to get hurt just back away.

Kintaro eyes widened as she glared at him.

" You friggin' butt crack I'm not effin' leaving you!" She yelled.

While she pulled he groaned slightly by the pain. All of a sudden, a flash zoomed past her and skidded to Sasuke's side. Words formed out of Sasuke's mouth.

"Chikaru, get back now! You're no match for him!" Kintaro saw Chikaru desperately try to yank that nasty arm out of him.

Chikaru looked at Sasuke with a scared look on her face but she did NOT let that stop her from achieving her goal of saving him.

Both Itachi and Sasuke where was a couple of seconds away from death. Both of the girls quickly noticed this.

"Orochimaru let them go! They're not involved in this! Please!" Chikaru said begging.

"We're the ones you want leave them alone!" Kintaro said getting mad at his selfish ways. He just stood there, smiling devilishly at the two. This ticked Kintaro off.

"Oh so you wanna laugh huh? I'll show you something you won't be smiling about you son of a-" She growled at the last part as she swiftly jumped into the air, her right fist balled up, and fell towards him. Orochimaru quickly snatched out his arms out of the two young vampires. Blood splattered on the cold dirty ground of the underground scenery. It was dark but you could smell the scent.

Chikaru caught Sasuke and held him in her arms. He was okay, but barely. She caressed his hair and looked at his onyx colored eyes, staring back at her. He didn't move an inch.

"Sasuke? Sasuke? Dude listen to me! Dude I swear if you die on me…" She said trailing off. She knew yelling was getting her anywhere, but she still had hope for him. She slowly traced his lips with her thumb.

Kintaro slammed her fist onto Orochimaru's pale, cold face. His head made a sickening crack as it turned and twisted the other direction, but his body was still standing tall.

'Crap. He's still alive.' Kintaro thought. Her blue eyes darted to Itachi's lifeless form on the ground, a few meters from Sasuke and Chikaru.

"Itachi!" She gasped as she ran to him. She skidded quickly next to him with her knees scraping the ground. Debris of dirt and rock splashed everywhere. She gently sat him up onto on her thighs. She looked at his face and saw his eyes where closed. She moved some hair out of his face.

"Itachi…why did you have to save me. I didn't want you get involved." She said slowly. She softly kissed his forehead and just stared at him.

Chikaru glanced up at Kintaro cradling Itachi.

"Kinta-chan…she's with him." She thought smiling a little.

"Oh, how touching. Makes me sick." The voice boomed into Chikaru's ears and made her jump. She quickly turned around and saw him.

"O-oh no. Kintaro! He's back!" She yelled.

Kintaro turned her head and saw Orochimaru hovering over her friend with his claws ready to attack.

"Chikaru jump back!" she yelled focusing water to here hands.

"What? I can't leave him!" She said eyes widening.

"I said JUMP BACK!" Kintaro said loosing her patience. Chikaru growled in anger and jumped into the air backwards. Kintaro concentrated water into her hands and focused them around Itachi and Sasuke's motionless bodies. She swiftly moved them away from Orochimaru to the very far end of the dungeon where he could reach them.

'Maybe they can gain some of their strength there.' she thought.

Kintaro breathed in some air and looked for her friend, who was on the other side, safe.

"Chika-chan! You alright girl?" She yelled.

Chikaru rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah I'm fine. You didn't have to friggin' yell at me though. I had ears dipstick." She said smiling.

"Oh whatever! I told you once, but you didn't effin' listen! That's what you get. Ha-ha-ha." She said moving her hips with the words.

She blinked her eyes, and saw a dark figure behind Chikaru. Her breathe got caught him her throat for a minute but she gained the strength and yelled.


"Huh?" she turned around a saw claws about to impale her. Her heart began to raise but she had to think of something. She automatically consumed her forearm with harden dirt and gravel and blocked herself. The sounds of nails scraping a chalk board was heard all over the place.

Chikaru slid back a little and punched both of her fists into the ground. She made the earth grab his feet from the bottom up. She hardened the dirt once more left him there. She jumped up, spun around and kicked him across the face…hard.

She roughly landed on the ground with her face tensed.

"Hey. Chikaru. You're alright girl?" Kintaro said catching her breath.

Chikaru nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. He could've taken my head. That's for warning me."

"No prob. If I would've waited even for about 2 seconds you could've died." She said putting a hand onto her shoulder, laughing a little.

Chikaru eyes widened. "Oh wow. Dang, can you imagine me without a head?" Kintaro recoiled.

"I-I don't think I want to…seriously. You watch to many horror movies."

"Hey, you're the one that buys them."

"Well their cheap hell." Kintaro said crossing her arms. After a moment of silence, they started laughing.

"Girl, why the heck are we talking about movies, when we should be helping our guys…and being the crap out of "Michael Jackson re-make"?" Chikaru said.

" You know, I'm not sure, just randomness I guess." Kintaro said putting a finger on her chin.

"At a time like this?"

"Girl you know how we are. Anyway we have to hurry. Itachi and Sasuke lost a lot of blood. We have to try and revive them as soon as possible." She said as they started to sprint towards them.

In a quick millisecond, Kintaro was yanked back, violently. She started to wince in pain. Very sharp fingernails dug their way into her scalp and blood trickled down her face. Her long, thigh length hair , which was in a high pony-tail, came loose, and was tangled and scrunched up in his grasp.

Chikaru skidded to a stop ad swiftly turned around, and started her way to her friend. Orochimaru took out a eye squinting sword to Kintaro's neck.

"I think you want to calm down on your anger Chikaru-chan, or you're little friend here will be decapitated before your own eyes." He pressed the sharp sword to the side of her neck at a perfect angle.

Chikaru instantly stopped and stood still, as if she even made one little tiny move, he would take Kintaro's life.

Kintaro moaned in pain as her head started to be consumed with discomfort. She blinked her eyes and saw Chikaru a few meters in front of her. It was kind of hard for her the breath, due to the fact that there was a friggin' sharp ass sword pressed against her neck.

"Orochimaru. I'm going to drop kick you if you don't let me and my hair go." Kintaro said deadly. He started to laugh.

"Do you not realize was position you're in right now little girl? I could kill you right now."

Kintaro shrugged. "As is I give. I'll kill myself before I let you take me life. You don't effin' scare me dirtbag." She said confidently, but deep down she was bluffing. She was scared out of her mind. She didn't want to die. She wanted to live, have fun with her best friend, and be free. Not to mention…be with Itachi.

" You're a tough one, but I can see through your charade. You yearn live. And you played it off so well." He slightly amazed. This ticked Kintaro off a little.

"Bite me old geezer." She spat out. Chikaru saw that Orochimaru was getting ready to demolish her.

Itachi and Sasuke gain only a tad bit of energy to sit up but not to fight. They saw the view in front of them. Chikaru shaking slightly of hear, and Kintaro in Orochimaru's grasp with a deady weapon that could kill her.

Itachi wanted so badly to save his love but he couldn't do a damn thing, as well as for Sasuke, he needed to see Chikaru. Her pain and suffering was tearing him apart. He couldn't stand to see his woman forced to see her closest friend decapitated.

"Orochimaru no! Please don't do it. I'm serious we'll do what ever you want us to do. Just don't hurt her." Chikaru said with tears running down her eyes. Her eyes was widen and desperate. Her mouth is partially opened.

Kintaro gasped a little. She'd be damned if a fag like Orochimaru was gonna take them anywhere for that matter. She glared at Chikaru confusingly.

"Are you crazy? Don't give into him girl! He's trying to manipulated you!" She said talking quickly.

"Kintaro do you not realize what situation your in? Don't be STUPID! He have no choice." Chikaru yelled back.

"We do have a choice! We don't have to fall to the enemy. In life or at the brink of death!" Kintaro said pleadingly.

"Kintaro! Listen to your friend. Orochimaru is too powerful! Just surrender please!" Itachi managed to choke out. If you stared closely, you could see tears forming around his eyes too.

"My brother is right! You have so many people who love and care about you Kintaro!" Sasuke yelled. He was afraid as well about the situation.

"What they heck is wrong with you guys. We can take him! Kintaro said determined.

" Don't be friggin' stubborn Kinta-chan! We're doing this because we don't wan to loose you! I can't have you dying on me." Chikaru yelled crying angrily.

Kintaro felt a stinging sensation around her eyes. She hated to see her friends cry for her like that, to be consumed in to much pain. But then again, she can't surrender to the enemy. She closed her eyes softly. She knew what she was going to do. She made her decision.

She looked up and took in the view. Everyone was staring at her with so much focus and passion of what she was going to do next.

"So have you made you're decision? Will you surrender to me or die?" Orochimaru said deeply. She started to smile.

"Kintaro…just give in…please." Itachi, Chikaru, and Sasuke thought pleadingly at the same time.

She breathed in a lungful of air.

"I choose to…" She said as she lowered her head. The three were tensed the whole time.

"Yes. You choose to?" He said teasingly, excited to hear her final answer.

Kintaro relaxed her whole body.

" I choose to….LIVE!" She yelled the last part violently. At that same moment, she whipped out one of her fans and fanned them open. The sharp points on the tip of the fan stuck out fiercely as she hand it in her hand. She moved it swiftly towards Orochimaru's hand clutching her head, but she didn't aim for his hand. At that moment…she sliced her hair off from his grasp. Everybody, even Orochimaru, stared in awe as her long flowing hair hit the ground softly.

She turned around and stared at Orochimaru face to face, almost touching noses. Her eyes were slits and glowing a bright piercing blue.

"It's time for your end….no games…."

I hope you like this chapter! I made it up to ALL the fans by making it longer this time. Read & Review! !XD