Queer As Folk
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Queer as folk.
Number one playboy is back and better that ever! Woo! This version is the one that more like queer as folk then my old crappy version. Tell me what you think ok guys!
Oh and please come to my profile and vote on which story you want to be updated first ok!
The club was hot tonight. They played all the best songs and the hottest guys were there. Sweaty bodies moved together to the beat humping and grinding to eat other like a pack of wild animals in heat. Go-go boys were in cages and the best drinks were on the house. Yes today was the best party night. Too bad I'm not one of those go-go boys in the cages or one the of the sweaty men humping some hot guy.
You want to no why? Because the thing you need to know is, it's all about sex. It's true. In fact, they say men think about sex every 28 seconds. Of course, that's straight men. Gay men it's every nine. You could be at the supermarket, or the Laundromat or buying a fabulous shirt when suddenly you find yourself checking out some hot guy. Hotter than the one you saw last weekend or went home with the night before, which explains why we're all at Babylon at one in the morning instead of at home, in bed, getting ready for school tomorrow. But who wants to be at home, in bed? Especially alone, when you can be here, knowing that at any moment, you might see him. The most beautiful man who ever lived. That is, until tomorrow night.
Now me for instants, I'm just taking a break from all that dancing I did. Standing by the bar and searching out my next victim. I mean what can you expect from a guy like me that's 6'1", 46 inch chest, 16 inch biceps, 28 inch waist. A veritable god.
I wish.
Now the real me is the semi-cute boy next door type. 17, 5'10", 130, 9 1/2 cut. All right, so I exaggerate. But, like, who's told the truth since they invented cyber-sex? The truth is I've been hanging at this bar all night. One of the best nights at Babylon and I've spent it here, standing by the bar, watching. God do you feel pathetic or is that just me?
"When did 70's night become 80's night?" That's my buddy Itachi, Itachi can be a little campy. Okay, a lot campy. But you gotta admit, these days it takes real guts to be a queen in a world full of commoners.
"I remember this song from high school. Talk about feeling ancient, yeah" And that's my other buddy Diedara. Diedara's this really smart guy, and he's got a really big heart, only nobody here is interested in the size of that organ. He's also this really hot blonde that looks no where near his age.
He's got this nasty habit of saying words like yeah, un ,and grunting at the end of a sentences. So most men think he's kind of weird. Oh ,And he offend gets mistaken for a girl. Which is why he gets shot down a lot and also because of his low self esteem. And there also this thing that, ah well, don't tell him I told you this, but um he kind of draws on his hands and talks to it. No, seriously. He told me once that it was because of his childhood or something like that and that Mr. Hand was his only friend. It was kind of creepy at first but hey, it's a part of Deidara I've come to love.
"Speak for yourself, honey. I was a mere child. Give me those divas of disco any day. Gloria Gaynor." Itachi said this and took a sip of his martini, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He's such a lair. I mean yeah Itachis older than me and is in college but come on now he's not that old.
"Donna Summer. yeah" This time it was Deidara. They both looked at me expectantly. And I rolled my eyes.
"And Miss Alicia Bridges." I say with a sigh. Itachi smiles satisfied.
"Alright thats the spirit! I love the night life, I like to boogie, on the disco floor, ahhHHHH-" Itachi sang, rather loudly and badly too I might add, but luckily he trailed off as some super hot guy walked by and we all looked at that ass. Goodness. I have got to find out what gym he goes to.
"Oh my god. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?" Itachi asked, his eyes still on that retreating ass.
"Venice. At sunset. Un" We both glare at Deidara, he just totally ruined it. And the jerk has the nerve to just sip his drink, completely ignoring us.
"Fine. You go down the Grand Canal, and I'll go down on him." Itachi stuck his tongue out at him and I couldn't help but snicker. He's such a fag.
Deidara snorts "The problem with perfection is it's inability to recognize anything less perfect than itself. Un" Itachi just smirks at him knowingly.
"In other words, you hit on him and he turned you down?"
"Yup" Itachi laughed and I chuckled.
"Why am I wasting my time staring at a bunch of over-pumped princesses with IQs smaller than their waist-" another sex on legs walked by and Deidara stared. I actually think he forgot what he was going to say in the first place.
"Jesus, would you look at him. yeah" he finally finished. I shook my head before taking a sip of my own beer. Like I said, it's all about sex. Except when you're having it. And then it's all about, 'Will he stay?', 'Will he go?', 'How am I doing?', 'What am I doing?' Unless, of course, you're Sasuke Uchiha. And then it's 'Who gives a fuck what you think? You're lucky to have me.' Oh that's right I haven't introduced Mr. Full of himself yet have I, well….
Sasukes a slut.
Don't give me that look. Yeah he's one of my best friends, but lets face facts here that's what he is. And he's not even a top. Can you believe that! An uke to the max and he's still the god of all sex gods. Oh god and he's such a bastard! No I bet you've heard that a lot right but this time I really mean it. He's the biggest asshole you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting! And you know what the worst pat of it all is?
I'm so totally, and completely in love with him.
Oh and look he's at it again.
(End Neji)
Out on the dance floor, amongst the hot sweaty body's was this oh so famous Sasuke Uchiha. Grinding up against some cute looking red head.
Sasuke slammed his body roughly up against his dance partner and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He moved his and the red heads hips to the beat, slowly, sexually. He gave a deep sensual moan in the red headed mans ear when he realize the guy was hard and had accidentally rubbed up against him. He leaned up and let his breath ghost upon the mans ear, before he bit the outer side and whispered, breathlessly, slowly.
"Gods I want you so bad, do you want me? I'm hard. Do you see what you do to me? I'm hard for you." He lifted the red heads hand, still moving both there hips to the beat, and placed it over his crotch, roughly, he gave a small whimper that vibrated threw out the mans body in the most delightful ways. "I want you to want me." He licked the outer shell of the mans ear.
"Fuck me."
Not even 2 seconds after that last chocked, breathless whimper. The man was kissing him passionately. His tongue forcefully prying Sasukes lips apart and mapping out Sasukes mouth like a professional.
Sasuke griped his shoulders a little tighter. Fuck, he was a good kisser.
When they pulled apart, breathing heavily, Sasuke managed a small smirk, he lead his dance partner off floor eargerly by the waist of his pants and into the back room.
'Someone's ganna get laid, and I think that's persons me. Sometimes I even amaze myself with how good my tastes are'
Back at the bar the three friends watched Sasuke go into the back all equally gave a over exaggerated sigh.
"I'll get Sasuke" Neji said, Already heading for the back rooms.
Neji navigated his way threw the crowed, getting humped about two or three times, felt up and shoved roughly until he finally made it to the back room. Lifting the curtain, he wrinkled his nose at the smell of musk and sex that filled the area. Every where he looked it was either some guy getting fucked to some guy getting blowed, to rimming and hell even orgy's. There was only so much a Seventeen year old boy can handle.
When he finally spotted Sasuke, he had to control his growing jealousy from seeing him being face-nuzzled by some redheaded guy.
The red head kissed his way down Sasukes neck, sometimes coming back up to kiss his lips again before getting down on his knees, the sound of Sasukes pants being unzipped was heard.
Neji glared at the guy for second before making his way over to the two. Sasuke smiled at him dazedly.
"Hey Ne-Ne-chan-… Ah!" he slurred, braking off into a moan of pleasure, mid sentence. Eyes shutting in pure biss. The red head had just licked the head of Sasuke's arousal. He swirled his tongue around the tip, occasionally lapping at the slit and collecting the drops of pre cum that oozed out of it.
He lifted Sasuke leg up over his shoulder to get better access before flattening his tongue and opening his mouth wider, sliding down on his cock slowly, teasingly.
"We need to go. We want to eat." Neji's irritated voice, floated threw out his ears and he opens his dazed, lust filled eyes to stare at his best friend.
"I-I'm just gonna give him my number" He breathed out huskily.
Neji rolled his eye in aggravation. "What'd you do? Write it on your dick how long is this going to take?"
Sasuke briefly glared at Neji, he was interrupting one of the best blow jobs he'd had in ages. Sasuke looked down and watched his partners red hair move back and forth. He reluctantly removed him from his hardened shaft and watch how his pre cum was still attached to the retreating lips before the tongue that belonged to those lips licked it away and smiled up at Sasuke.
"Ten minutes" Sasuke finally answers, eye still locked with his current cock sucker. He looked up at Neji and pushed the red head back towards his crotch.
"Tops" He assures.
Neji sighs and turns to leave.
The alley way outside the club was crowded with night life. Some people trying to get in and some just tying to score. Deidara and Itachi stood at the street corner, waiting for Neji and Sasuke, watching every one and rubbing there gloved hand together to keep warm. Puffs of smoke coming from out there noses and mouth do to the cold weather. Deidara glanced around impatiently.
"Hey look here comes Neji. But, my little brothers not with him sadly." Itachi said, pointing in the direction of there gray eyed friend. Deidara fallowed his pointing finger with his eyes and also spotted Neji. But was disappointed when he found out Itachis later statement was true.
When Neji finally joined them at the street corner he gave an apologetic smile.
"How long are we going to wait this time? I've got important exams in the morning, Humph" Deidara (he's in college with Itachi) asked in an irritated voice.
"He said he'd be right out" Neji explained.
"Yeah we've all heard that before" Itachi said, sarcastically. He sighed. "Well he better hurry up because he has to get home. There's only so many hours that are parents are going to buy with him 'studying' in my dorm room."
Deidara snorts "This is some great system he's got. He gets to party all night and you drive him home. Telling his and your parents that your studying at Itachis. Un"
Neji shoots him a quick glare. "Its no big deal ok." Neji says in a voice that leaves no room for discussion. Diedara ignored the tone of his voice completely.
"Oh really? Were out here freezing are asses off while he's in there getting his dick sucked and you say its no big deal? Yeah."
"Look, just drop it ok!?" Neji exclaims, getting aggravated. Did Deidara think he didn't already know that!?
Itachi rolls his eyes at the two. So immature. His eyes roam around the ally way and spots something in particular. He looks at Neji who was still arguing with Deidara then back over Nejis right shoulder and smirked.
"Oi, oi, don't look now, but, uh so-me body's wa-tching" He sing-songed. Neji looks behind himself curiously and see's some brown haired guy leaning against the wall, grinning at him. He turned back around with a deep scowl on his face.
"Oh, yeah him. He's been cruising me all night. And its freaking me out." Itachi hums thoughtfully.
"Mmm, I don't know, I mean check out that bubble butt. And that basket? Enough in there for the big bad wolf."
"Would you quit staring?! He's been stalking me!? Its creepy. I'm not interested alright. I mean he's like twice my age. And there's more to a guy than his cock size. " Itachi holds his hands up in defeat. Neji looks back at the guy for a second.
"Or his perfectly shaped ass" He adds in an after thought. Itachi laughs. Deidara snorts.
Just then Sasuke stumbes into view and hooks an arm around Nejis shoulder walking towards the Car. A satisfied smile on his handsome face. Itachi places and hand on his brothers head.
"Well now don't we look thoroughly shagged." he stated teasing look. Sasuke batted his hand away, a playful smile on his face.
"Yeah, you should try it some time" Itachi shoots him a small glare as Sasuke turned his attention to Neji.
"Well that was quick" Neji stated.
Deidara scoffs. "Well what do you expect, when you've had as much practice as he.."
"I got bored." Sasuke interrupted sharply.
Itachi snorted. "I know. Getting your cock sucked can be such a drag."
The four of them laughed together. Finally showing off just how close of friends they are.
But then, in the middle of a snort Sasuke looked up and his eye caught deep blue. His breath hitched and he stopped in mid step, his three friends glancing at him curiously.
But Sasukes eyes where glued onto the tall figure across the street. A blonde, blue eyed, well muscled, male stood there. Leaning against a lamp post, a cigarette firmly between his lip and hands in his pockets to keep warm.
They both stared at each other with so much intensity that it was almost as if they were the only ones on the street.
And it was in that moment there. When Sasuke met that blonde haired brat, was when are lives and are way of life was changed for ever.
(End Neji)
Hoi, Hoi Number One Playboy is back and better that ever! This is the better version that's really more like Queer As Folk but different. Now tell me should I continue you? Or is it crap? Tell me. Oh and should Sasuke be a uke or seme? I cant decide I just made him uke but I'll change it with you consent so tell me. Sasuke uke or Sasuke seme.
Review please!