Hullo again! I came up with this 2nd FanFic after Will's Rumminations late at night so it is not very good and I probably don't deserve any credit for this. This weird little oneshot uses dialogue from a recent Carling advert. I do not own Robin Hood OR Carling but review this diabolical piece of semi-plagiarism and tell me what you think. Hurrah for the Will/Djaq I sneaked in there!
The usually buoyant and jovial camp was as cold as the freezing forest beyond the canopy of leaves above the Gang's heads. Djaq was leaning into Will for comfort and warmth against the unfamiliar English Winter whilst he did the same. Little John bristled like an angry ox under a heap of blankets and furs that made him look like an animal of some kind. Much was huddled up in his dark kitchen corner, blowing into his frigid hands and frost was tangled in his beard. Robin and Allan kept close to the flickering campfire that threatened to die at any moment.
The grim silence was broken by an unusually cheerful Allan. "Are we going to go out then?" he asked hopefully. "Don't push it mate" growled John in response.
"Come on!" urged Allan "It'll be fun!"
"You want us to go out there, in the freezing wastes? You must be mad!" muttered Much
"But it's my Birthday!" replied Allan in a slightly hurt voice. Will looked up from his place with Djaq "It is his Birthday" he interjected. "It IS his Birthday!" he said more loudly. "Well then why didn't you say so?" asked John "'Course we're going out!" he said in an exasperated voice.
"Is it smart?" asked Robin
"Smart casual I think" said Allan, joy infesting his voice and a wry sparkle of delight in his electric-blue eyes.
"Lets give Allan the best Birthday he'll ever remember!" exclaimed Much which was met by heart roars of consent from the Outlaws.
Djaq leaned out of the Camps entrance and pressed her face into the furious blizzard outside. "ITS BRIGHTENING UP!" she bellowed to the rest of the Gang within.
The next few hours saw the Outlaws happily frolicking about in the forest, their silhouettes just visible through the sheets of falling snow and ice, their cries of laughter and delight just audible over the screaming wind.
You know who your mates are
Well, that was an adventure. I hope you weren't offended by my blatant semi-plagiarism. I know I don't deserve any credit for the storyline, I merely replaced Antarctica with the Robin Hood universe and the Explorers with the Outlaws.
Love from The Spirit