Chapter 12: Angels and Demons
The escape from the hospital had gone surprisingly well. The truck (if you can even call it that) still had the keys in the ignition. I guess the owner figured no one in his or her right mind would want to steal it. I guess he's right too; we weren't exactly what you'd call sane, and if that wasn't lucky enough it only took a couple of tries to get it going. I was even given the honor of driving the piece of crap, seeing how dad was in no shape to drive. We were also lucky enough to have peeled out of there before the cops showed up. But that had been nearly an hour ago and it seemed our luck had finally run dry, as if the universe had decided to fix the temporary anomaly. The weather had gone from bad to worse; rain, hail, and hurricane force winds hit violently against the old truck, causing me to swerve wildly on the road. Our quick and successful escape had suddenly turned into a fight for survival, even dad looked scared, and that hardly ever happens. The weather report on the radio claimed tornadoes were sprouting up everywhere. My hands were gripped tightly on the wheel as I swerved out of the way of failing tree branches. I couldn't imagine what Sam was going through. He had run out in all of this sick as a dog without a coat and a demon hunting him down for God only knows what. He could be dead for all we know, I thought, regretting it instantly as panic yet again washed over me. Please God protect him. I prayed silently staring ahead out the window, tears blinding me as lightning lit up the sky, hoping against all hope that there really was a God that was listening to my prayers, who somehow would deem me worthy of attention. But there was no God, and if there was, what kind of God would have let my mom die? I glanced at dad hoping against all hope he'd have some idea where Sam might be and tell me everything would be okay. Instead he looked about ten years older, tired, and sick. He was staring ahead out of the window with a vacant expression, no doubt thinking the same thing I was. There was no way Sam could survive this.
"You okay dad?" I demanded as he began to groan softly. "Dad?"
"Wha….oh yeah I am fine just keep your eyes on the road." He mumbled pointing ahead at a fallen tree branch.
"Dean I said I was fine now drop it and pay attention to the road. It wont help your brother if we die in a car crash." He snapped, turning in my direction.
"Okay." I mumbled feeling ashamed. Dad was right I had to pay attention Sam needed me. The sound of hail the size of baseballs hitting the truck brought me back to reality. As I stared ahead. It was now next to impossible to see anything except when the occasional lightning lit up the sky.
"Dean! Watch out!" he screamed as a lightning bolt hit a tree, causing it to fall into the road.
"Shit!" I hissed, swerving out of the way just in time. "That was to close." I laughed nervously.
"Dean! Look out!"
I jumped at the sound of my dad's scared voice echoing through the truck, an overwhelming feeling of dread hit me as lightning lite up the sky, a loud explosion thundering through the air. I screamed as the front window shattered, raining down shards of sharp glass onto us. I watched in horror as the truck lifted up and began to roll over again and again, slamming me into the roof of the truck and back into my seat. Blood blinded me as I was thrown forward into the steering wheel, a sharp pain hitting me as darkness began to overwhelm me. Please God...Nooo! I blacked out.
I knew when I spotted the tunnel of the small tornado it was already to late, and that all we could do now was brace for impact. But even that opportunity had passed as we took a direct hit from a flying tree. Pain shot through me as we flipped over and over again, my stitches stretched to their limits. Oh God! I begged as I hit the roof yet again, blood mixing in with tears as it ran down my face. Dean?! I gasped as yet another wave of pain hit me this time sending darkness along with it. Nooooo! My mind screamed as I forced my eyes trying to catch a glimpse of Dean. I forced myself to look and fear began to plague me. I have already lost one son. I will not lose another, I thought as I managed one final look, just as the truck lurched forward. I watched in slow motion as Dean was flung forward and into the steering wheel his head slamming into it, his limp body slumping forward.
"Nooooooo!" I screamed, as the truck began to spin in circles as if it were merely a toy. No please not Dean take me instead, I begged as darkness yet again tried to force me unconscious. Mary please watch over our son, I thought as the darkness took me over.
It was quiet now even the wind and rain seemed to have silenced as I took my first breath of consciousness, pain raging in my badly beaten body. Where...What...I thought as the nights events began to form in my mind in an all too vivid fashion. Where was Dean? I gasped as the image of him hitting the steering wheel flashed in my mind. Oh god no! I turned quickly towards him ignoring the pain in my ribs and side. No! No! No! There he was, hanging lifelessly in his seat, blood dripping off his face.
"Dean!" I whispered as I quickly unbuckled my own seat belt and fell to the roof of the truck. I gasped as intense pain shot through me leaving me weak and disoriented. Oh Please God not now my son needs me, I thought as I began to crawl towards him. The pain was now nothing but a numbing reminder of the day before. The rain had started up again pounding on the truck. I quickly unbuckled him, careful not to jostle him to much. He fell forward, slumping into me his head resting on my shoulder.
"Oh Dean no!" I begged as I lay him down on the roof of the truck brushing away all the broken glass. "Dean! Please no wake up! I need you kid-o," I begged as he brushed away his bangs from his eyes. How many times did he beg for a haircut? How many times have I ignored my own sons? I sobbed loudly as I lifted him up in my arms. "Please Dean don't leave me." He looked awful, his face was cut up, his nose bloody and broken, but worse of all was the gash on his forehead. But he was breathing and his pulse was strong. I looked around for something to stop the bleeding with but found nothing, everything was either to wet or dirty to use.. I peeled off my shirt and pressed it to his forehead, the blood already beginning to seep through.
"Dean, wake up buddy!"
He was suffering from shock and with the rain pouring in at a quickening pace it was only a matter of time before he got worse. I began to look around the cabin of the truck for something to cover him up in. Everything was thrown and tossed about making it difficult to move and find anything of use. I pushed aside a toolbox revealing an old blanket. It was dirty and slightly wet, but it would have to do. Okay Dean, let's figure out a way out of this mess, I thought, pulling him up into my lap and covering him up with the blanket. The temperature seemed to have dropped significantly making the situation ten times worse. Oh god Dean, now what!The wind whistled through out the cabin, sending yet another wave of rain through the broken window and into the truck. I needed to find a phone, but looking around it seemed ridiculous to even think I would find one in this mess. Dean was shivering now and moaning, which was a good sign that he would regain consciousness.
"It's okay Dean you're alright, every-thing's going to be okay." I whispered, kissing him on his head,
praying I was telling the truth.
The roads were slick and full of hidden dangers as I drove the beaten up Chevy like a mad man, through the storm. Damn, what was with those Winchesters! Bobby thought angrily as he swerved to avoid a falling tree. What the hell was Johnny thinking leaving them like that?
He replayed the phone call in his head for the thousandth time, when Dean told him about the police and Sam disappearing. He had never heard Dean cry, ever. The boy was obviously in serious trouble, and Sam missing, had he heard that right? Where was John? and to make matters worse Dean had gone off mad as hell after him. He knew time was short so the second the phone went dead he had gone into action immediately calling pastor Jim and Caleb for help. They were just as panicked as he was. Caleb had even run out on a hunt to come to the Winchesters aid. He had saved Pastor Jim for last, knowing full well the man would eat him alive. For a holy man he sure could swear. He flipped out when he realized he was only a few counties away. Why didn't he leave the boys with him? He demanded, threatening to load John full of buckshot when he found him. Caleb was no better, he was amazed as Jim when he heard Sam was sick as well as missing. Why didn't he ask for help? Bobby knew full well why he didn't. He was too damn stubborn, that's why.
The sky had suddenly grown darker and Bobby new what that meant a tornado. He stopped the car just in time watching the small tunnel disappearing onto another dirt road. That was close, he sighed as he began to driving down the now littered cover street. He had only gone a few feet when he saw a truck laying on it's top, broken glass littering the street. His mouth dropped when there waving desperately for help was the one and only, mud covered, John Winchester. He screeched to a stop, just barely missing him in time.
"Johnny, what the hell are you doing in the middle of the road!" Bobby demanded as he jumped out of the car.
"Please help...Dean!" He pleaded, shaking violently as he pointed towards the truck.
Oh my god! Bobby thought running towards the damaged truck. "Dean, Oh god, Dean, No!" There laying on the roof of the truck was Dean in a pool of his own blood.
"What have I done?" John pleaded helping Bobby into the truck.
"Shut up and help me get him the hell out of here!"
John shut up hearing the anger in his friend's voice and quickly grabbed his sons legs, and began carefully dragging him out.
"Jeez, what the hell happened?"
"I don't even know where to begin." John answered in a barely audible whisper, as he stared down at his hands which were now covered in Dean's blood.
Bobby couldn't believe how pale Dean looked, his face was as white as a ghost. It was hard to imagine he was even the same kid. and John was just as bad. They carried him out and as soon as Bobby could he reached down and throw Dean onto his shoulder in a fireman's hold. John looked really bad too, he realized as he headed towards his car. He was soaking wet a bandage wrapped around his head, wrist, and chest, his white t-shirt shirt revealing the large ugly bandage.
"God! John, what the hell did you get yourself into!" He gasped watching John stagger after him. But he couldn't worry about that now, Dean needed help and the only way he was going to get is when they found the others. Pastor Jim and Caleb both knew how to deal with this kind of head injury, as did he. He placed Dean carefully into the back seat, and ran to the truck grabbing a bright red duffel bag mark first aid. As he did John grabbed a blanket and moved quickly towards his son covering him up and pulling off his wet clothes.
"I am so sorry kid-o." He begged as he pealed of the last of the remainingclothes, wrapping him fully in the dry blanket. John knew damn well that Dean would hate it when he woke up, but they couldn't take the risk of him catching pneumonia on top of everything else.
"Here see what you can do till we can reach the others." Booby demanded shoving the large duffel bag into John's arms, who was now also sitting in the back seat clutching desperately to Dean.
"Okay Bobby! Thanks for this."
"Don't you thank me it was Dean who got me out here." Bobby angrily spat as he slammed the car door shut and climbed back into the car. "And don't you think for a moment..." He stopped short not wanting Dean to hear him finish. "Just help him!" He Demanded throwing the car in reverse and sending it down the destroyed street yet again.
There were voices, faint, angry, voices, echoing all around me. I couldn't make them out, but I didn't care all I wanted to do was sleep. Maybe then my head wouldn't hurt so much. But I knew that was wrong if you go to sleep you might not wake up and there was something I had to do. What was it? I thought as I tried desperately to open my eyes. They felt like they weighed a ton, as nothing I did would make them open. The voices were louder now and much more angrier. This time I could make them out it was dad and no, it can't be, Bobby. Where did he come from? I wondered. And why are they arguing?
"Dad..." I gasped as the realization hit me. Sam! Where the hell was Sam? I tried desperately to get up but it was pointless. I looked around and was surprised to find myself in the back of Bobby's car. So I wasn't crazy Bobby was here. I tried again and got up slowly still stiff and sore. My head was killing me. I reached up and found it wrapped up in a thick bandage. Well that's not good, I thought, as I began to grow woozy. The voices snapping me out of it.
"...You damn idjit..." The voice screamed.
"They're my boys I damn well do what I want with them!" Dad screamed right on back.
"Not if you keep this up you wont." The voice, Bobby's voice screamed.
"What's that supposed to mean!"
"You know damn well what it means." Another voice answered just as angry.
What the hell was going on? Was that Caleb? I thought he was in Massachusetts hunting down a windego. And why are they yelling at dad? I got up sliding slowly out of the car. What were they wasting time fighting for when Sammy was missing? I had to stop them. But where the hell were my clothes?
"I can't believe this!" Well neither could I. Where the fuck are my clothes?
"Well believe it buddy! You must have been out of your mind leaving those boys like that. Hunting a demon alone! What were you thinking?" Caleb yelled looking as if he was about to knock out my dad.
I had to stop this after all who else would help find Sam. "stop." I said faintly, but they didn't listen instead they kept it up. I gather up the blanket I was in and wrapped it around me, seeing how I couldn't find my clothes anywhere. Here goes nothing, I thought sadly.
"Look I know I am not the best father in the world, but I love my kids." Dad screamed getting in Caleb's and Bobby's face.
"That's an understatement!" Bobby yelled spit flying in all directions. If they weren't going to fight before they were now. I got up slowly gripping tightly onto by blanket. This ends now!
"STOP IT!" I screamed leaning onto the car. "What are you all doing wasting time when Sammy is out there."
"Dean!" they all said shocked.
"Don't you Dean me. Am I the only one here who gives a damn about Sam!"
"Dean calm down every..." Bobby began.
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down. Sam's missing." What was wrong with them? Didn't they understand? Sam was missing, being hunted my a demon who wanted him badly enough to risk everything. And Sam was sick, bad enough that if dad didn't show up soon I would have gone to the ER without him. My body began to shake in fury and in pain so much that I was afraid I would fall.
"Dean please..." Dad begged walking towards me his voice full of concern.
"Don't you dare! I kept calling and calling you, but you never answered. You don't care about anyone but yourself." I was crying now, as I collapsed to the ground to weak and tired to stand up any longer.
"Dean, I am so sorry." He pleaded as Bobby ran and picked me up giving me a tight bear hug.
"No!" I begged, giving up a very little fight. "No!"
"Every thing's going to be okay." Bobby insisted forcing me back inside the car. I gave up letting him push me inside, my head killing me.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled laying back down on the seats.
"You have nothing to be sorry about Dean you did nothing wrong." Dad answered as Bobby fixed the blanket.
"You're damn right he doesn't," Caleb and Bobby yelled.
"I know it's my fault Sam's missing and Dean's hurt," He admitted sadly. "But that doesn't change anything Sam still out there somewhere."
"And we're going to find him!" Caleb answered sincerely.
I sighed, at last it seemed the fighting had ended and everyone was finally on the same page. "Great! And we can start by finding me some clothes. I don't need to go fighting some demon nude do I." I said in my charming voice. "Because that right there is perverted."
Bobby laughed and shock his head. "Sure Dean you can borrow some of Caleb's things."
"Good now that that's settled can we please go look for Sammy."
"Yeah and I know just the person to ask." John said solemnly.
"Who?" We all chimed.
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