I have decided to write a modern day robin hood story as the outlaws as teenagers in a normal secondary school. But what will they get up to? Please read and review. x
Marian's morning.
The noise of her Fathers footsteps walking down the stairs woke her. She looked at her clock as it flickered the time beside her.
She was going to be late.
She hurried out of bed and piled on clothes that she was sure no one in their right minds would ever even look twice at if it wasn't school uniform. She piled her books in to her bag and tied her hair up. At least that was clean. She ran down the stairs to be greeted by her Father. After grabbing her toast she legged it to wards the bus stop.
"Hey! Marian over here." Guy shouted waving. But she ignored his comment and sat down underneath a tree. Guy Gisborne was a complete and utter fool in Marian's world and it annoyed her that he had a crush on her.
"Why couldn't he just leave me alone for once?" She thought to herself as he made his way over to her.
"Did you hear me?" He asked a smile on his pale face. It was so obvious he wore Guy liner just no dared to ask him.
"Yes I heard you." She replied trying to avoid eye contact.
"Well come and join us." He said placing a hand out so she could pull herself up.
"No thanks I think I can see Eve coming." She said hurriedly making her way over to a very happy looking Eve.
Djaq's morning.
He alarm beeped a third time that morning as she finally stood up and made her bed before, slipping into a pair of black school trousers and her white school top. She was one of very few girls that wore trousers. Marian wore skirts, Eve wore skirts, Jess wore skirts and guess what Alice wore Skirts. But she didn't care she had always hung around with the lads when girlie chats got to much for her to handle.
Djaq tore a brush through her hair as she finished her drink and waved goodbye to her Auntie.
She walked towards her bus stop and sitting on the bench plastered with graffiti turned her thoughts to the spring holiday. It had rained most of the time and no one had bothered to meet up. But the weather was meant to be looking up soon and hopefully so would her love life.
She longed for Will to ask her out. She was so sure he liked her to. The way he blushed when their hand brushed against each other when they were walking to class together. But there was a dance coming up soon so she might stand a chance of getting a date this time.
The bus finally pulled up and she stepped on bored to be greeted by paper airplane flying at her. She dodged just before it hit her forehead and turned to see who had thrown it.
She could've guessed.
"Allan A Dale I am going to throw you of this bus if yo don't stop that now." The driver threatened making Allan retreat back into his seat next to Will.
Djaq stuck her tongue out at him as she took her seat in front of them.
"I will get you one day." He said.
"How many times have you said that before?" Djaq laughed.
"You will never get me A Dale never!"