"Have you seen this?" Jess asked the gang as she placed her lunch next to Allan's and shoved the piece of crumpled up paper in front of them.

"The talent contest." Will replied.

"Exactly." Jess said giving Allan a quick kiss on the cheek before slumping back into her chair.

"And?" Allan asked.

"Now we've got Robin back we can enter again and win this time." She answered rather glad at herself for finding the poster.

"This means more torture from Guy and Vassey then." Marian said as she shovelled pasta into her mouth.

"We can take it if it means winning." Djaq butted in.

"Yea she's right." Jess said noticing Vassey and Guy were walking towards their table.

"What do they want now?" Will asked getting himself ready for an argument.

"Oh look it's the lonely losers." Vassey said slamming his tray down on the table.

"And they found the talent competition." He laughed.

"Whatever! We will win." Robin said making Vassey's laugh stop instantly.

"What makes you so sure Hood?" Guy asked a smirk covering his face.

"You lost last year."

"But you lost the year before." Marian said backing her boyfriend up.

"Whatever!" Guy said stalking back to his original table Vassey close behind, lobbing something at a year seven on the way.

"Look at them all smug." Much said turning his face away from them.

"Anyway no time to dwell over them we need to get sorted." Jess said.

"Yea we have to pick a song and then learn it in only a few weeks." Allan said slipping his arm around Jess."

"Robin and Will on the guitars, Much on the keyboard and me, Marian, Djaq and Eve; When she gets here, singing.

"Sounds good to me." Eve said coming up behind her.

"About time to." Much said hugging her.

"Meet at my place tonight around 6 and we can pick a song then."

"Cool!" They all replied.