Bismallah my lovelies! (No offence intended) Here is multichap oneshot that is about a sad, frustrated and angry Will who has doings at a waterfall in Sherwood Forest and later on goes on a "Honey Trip" with Djaq to the same waterfall at night with an entirely different set of emotions on his mind. Think of this as a sort of follow up to my earlier piece "Will's Rumminations". I hope I get this right as it is my first multi-chap and I have to live up to your high standards! (Gulp!). Uploading stuff seems a bit complicated too. Review please and tell me what you think!
Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own Robin Hood or the characters but if I did then I would alter the Hoodiverse in ways imaginable only on this website!
Hoodiverse the Robin Hood universe and the events within it.
Waterfall: Chapter One
They will never find me there, thought Will Scarlett as he loped soundlessly through the undergrowth. The young carpenter knew a place where he could be at ease when all other measures failed, when a word of comfort from the rest of the gang or a project he was working on failed. When the stone-hard walls he had built around his heart cracked and even collapsed in some places under the onslaught of his inner nightmares and demons, when even Djaq's soft touch failed to bring solace.
The roar of falling water was close yet unseen and the undergrowth at Will's feet were dripping wet from the mist. A rich, earthy smell hit Will's nostrils as he trekked further and further into the forest. By now, the trees were so dense that it was considerably cooler and darker than the forest at the Camp. Sliding through the wet ferns, Will stepped onto the banks of a swift, wet river. Further upstream about thirty paces to his left was a cascade of falling water that spilled down the face of a small cliff about twenty paces high. The waterfall roared and raged as it trailed tiny droplets mist onto the young outlaws face.
Will smiled mirthlessly as he waded into the plunge pool of the waterfall. The cold punched its way into his being and knocked the air out of his lungs as he gasped in pain. Still he walked until he was waist high and directly under the relentless falling water and let it consume him and wash away his demons and start anew.
He wasn't sure how long he stood there, time had become irrelevant. The only constant here was the churning raw power of the waterfall. He was no longer Will Scarlett, that man was gone for now. He had become elemental. A living talisman of the waterfalls wrath. He had become detached from his frail, weak Human body and had become a part of the flow. Some of him, the part that was the Carpenter, the Outlaw . . . the Lover clinged on to him like a hardy plant that takes root on the cliff face of the waterfall whilst other parts were washed away to the sea where they would not trouble him again.
Maybe the power in this place will make everything all right mused Will as he relived all the pain in his life. He watched his Mother's skeletal frame in the Grave was washed away in a cascade of cold, white water. His Father's dying sigh as a dagger protruded from his back was pounded away by the raw fury of the waterfall as it bolstered his hearts defences.
After what had seemed like hours, Will waded out of the pool and quietly ran back to the Camp with his fears in pursuit. His sodden clothes clung to his thin frame and water squelched in his boots. By now it was late afternoon and the early Moon stared down upon the world like an all seeing eye. I know! I know! it seemed to say. Shivering to the marrow in his bones, Will slipped back into the camp.