Here it is! The second chapter of Waterfall! Thanks to everyone for your reviews and support! So far, Will has been using the power of a Waterfall to try and metaphorically rid himself of his bad past and feelings but without success. Now he returns to the Waterfall with Djaq and an entirely different reason to be going there (a "Honey-Trip to be precise). Some Much orientated Humour as well as some Much/Eve!
As always, please review and tell me what you think!
I don't own Robin Hood (Curses!)
Waterfall: Chapter Two
A warm cheery blaze crackled and hissed in the middle of the camp as the outlaws settled down for the night. Robin, Djaq and Little John sat on a log whilst Much was busying himself with some of his Cyprian kebabs that had been made from a chicken that he had stolen from one of the Sherriff's food stores. "Honestly! One of you should really help me with these!" he moaned as he struggled to hold all of the kebabs at once before dropping them on the floor. "Bugger!" screamed Much as he fruitlessly tried to save the outlaw's dinner from a dusty oblivion on the filthy wooden floor of the Camp whilst the rest of the Gang laughed at his misfortune.
Using this distraction, a sodden Will tried to sneak back into the Camp while no one was looking but his tall frame betrayed him as one of his long legs knocked over a carelessly placed stool sending it crashing to the floor. "Nice of you to join us Will" commented Robin as he dusted off his kebab. "What happened to you?" questioned Djaq as she noticed his sodden clothes and the water dripping from his body. "Nothing" muttered Will as he grabbed a towel and began to dry himself off, trying to ignore the look of aching sympathy in Djaq's eyes.
Will had to admit it, Much could work wonders with food when he was granted the proper ingredients. For once, the Gang could enjoy food that other people ate instead of squirrel or small creatures of the forest. Much was very flustered about all the appreciation he was receiving for his culinary efforts from the rest of the Gang. Robin was telling a story of some affair that he had with some village wench just after he had returned from the Crusades and the subsequent duel with her angry father.
A small piece of meat bounced off Will's thigh from across the fire and it was Djaq who had thrown it. Silently she cocked her head towards the Camp's exit and then mouthed the word "Honey", a mischievous grin spreading across her face. For the first time that day, Will allowed himself to smile.
The two young outlaws immediately set down their kebabs and dashed for the exit only to be seen by Much. "Where do you think you're going?!" he asked incredulously. When he saw the looks on their faces he groaned in disbelief "Not another "Honey-trip"! That's the fourth one this week, you never come back with any and why would you "go looking for Honey" at night?!" Will and Djaq stared at Much then at each other then back to much. "It's a euphemism" admitted Djaq before she and Will tore off into the forest leaving Much flabbergasted and Little John and Robin roaring with laughter.
"You ought to go "collecting Honey" with Eve sometime" suggested Robin. Much flinched and punched Robin on the arm. "I told her that I would see her when there is justice again" he said with a glassy look in his eyes as he remembered his brief but passionate relationship with his lovely servant girl at Bonchurch Estate. Maybe I should have more sympathy with those love struck idiots, thought Much as he returned to his kebab.
Will's heart raced as he sprinted through the forest, his hand clasped in Djaq's. For once, he wasn't running for his life or pursuing a troublesome traveller who refused to give up his money for the poor chest. Sherwood Forest was a beautiful sight on a cloudless night. The ancient, grim oak trees looked like welcoming arms whilst the ferns and grass that covered the forest floor in a green carpet shimmered in the starlight but Will only had eyes for the woman running by his side.
After a timeless eternity of non-stop running, they came to a halt and collapsed to the floor to catch their breath. Will felt apprehension and puzzlement when he saw the very familiar landmark he had been at just hours before. The Waterfall somehow seemed entirely different, like a gem observed at one facet then another. It still looked powerful, there was no doubt about that yet it seemed stilled and at rest. The plunge pool was now a smooth black mirror instead of a churning white oblivion.
A splash from the plunge pool brought Will back to the present. He could make out Djaq's silhouette waist high in the plunge pool. He could also see a pile of clothing neatly piled at the waters edge. Shit! He thought as he averted his eyes. Once had been quite enough and he didn't want to warrant the attention of Djaq's wrath again (last time, she had sent a stinging blow on his face with a branch).
"Well are you going to come and join me or are you going back to the Camp?" asked Djaq. "But you're. . ." he trailed off before he could finish. "It'll be fine" reassured Djaq "It will be dark and you have seen me like this before remember?" As if of his own accord, Will swiftly slipped out of his clothes and waded into the pool. "Fuck! It's freezing!" he gasped as he went up to his neck in water which was as cold as stone. A sudden warmth rested on his shoulder and from there it spread right down to his marrow, chasing away the cold.
Will was absolutely mortified. He was so close to Djaq that he could make out each of her beautiful features, features that had become embossed in his memory by months of furtive glances when he thought she wasn't looking. Will's heart forgot to beat as Djaq's eyes stared deep into Will's. He fought to say something. Anything but he was never good with words, especially around Djaq so he pressed his forehead on hers and lost himself in her eyes.
For a brief, mind-numbing, incredible moment, their spirits melded to become a single entity. All the pain, grief and rage boiled away leaving them exhilarated. Down to the bottom of his heart, Will knew that he had found his soul-mate in Djaq. Words were beyond them now. Their feelings ran far deeper than that. Leaning close, they closed the gap and met in a tender, passionate and meaningful kiss. They could see it in the others eyes. That spark that simply registers as "I love you".
YAY FOR THE SQUEE! That wasn't a very good way to end I know but hey! I'm bad at endings. Next piece of FanFic: The Lady Clark Challenge!
The Spirit